Doesn't Dakas revives work in raid?

12 posts Member
edited May 2016

Since we started raiding almost a month ago I've never ever had a toon revived by Daka. Not by her passive skill (10% chance) or her active skill (35% chance).

I use her on phase 1 (t5 and t6) and with all retreats I've had hundreds of toons that have died and hundreds that I've tried to revive... Not ever has a toon been revived by Daka.

Doesn't her skills work in raids? Is it greatly diminished? Can someone comfirm a succesful attempt of reviving with Daka?


  • Boo
    4134 posts Member
    Same story with me - NEVER has Daka revived any of my fallen toons in raids.

    The problem is that every advantage: revive, foresight, stealth - none of it works properly in the raids and gives no credit to these many abilities we players have worked hard to build for our teams.

    Its poor game designing in my opinion and a spit in the face for all our hard work and money poured into this game.
  • chuckwing
    679 posts Member
    She will, but for whatever reason the odds are GREATLY decreased. She won't revive chars killed with deathmark or chars that were eaten, but still... the odds aren't correct on raids. I have seen Daka passively revive chars 3 times in a row multiple times in arena, so it goes both ways something. I'm not buying that I just have horrible luck and that 1-1000 odds of the 3x passive revives strike me that often cuz of it.
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