Droid team advice?

26 posts Member
I'm currently level 60 and I'm running a droid arena team (just started last month, so not too long ago). My lineup is: 5* HK (L), 6* IG-88, 7* IG-86, 6* GS, and 4* Poggle (all gear 7, all level 60). My team does pretty well (usually rank between 6-20, in arena), but I'm curious if it would be better to switch to Poggle lead. HK's lead is nice for the 30% turn meter gain on a crit, but it only benefits the droids. Poggle can give a solid 22.5% offense bonus to droids, and the GS. Any advice would be appreciated.


  • Zombie961
    1819 posts Member
    With that lineup I'd go for poggle, but I also run droids but I dropped GS and moved HK to lead once I got Jawa engineer who's great with droids
  • Tromedlov13
    1559 posts Member
    Zombie961 wrote: »
    With that lineup I'd go for poggle, but I also run droids but I dropped GS and moved HK to lead once I got Jawa engineer who's great with droids

    This ...... Started with Pog lead GS, 88, 86 and RG

    Now run HK, 88, 86, JE and RG

    Future will be - HK lead with JE and some combination of B2, 88, 86, 100 and/or RG
    "I find your lack of faith disturbing" - Darth Vader
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    Should Sun Fac go with droids?
  • MalEliza
    132 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    Started with Pog lead GS, 88, 86 and RG

    Now run HK, 88, 86, JE and RG

    Future will be - HK lead with JE and some combination of B2, 88, 86, 100 and/or RG
    Also Grievous could be an option (if you can afford him). You start with Poggle, 86, 88, GS + taunter. Once you have JE (4* is fine) you replace poggle and GS with HK and JE. HK's lead ability gives 50% turnmeter on level 8 which is pretty crazy when combined with JE's crit up.

    @SnokeTrooper: Sun Fac sure is nice if you can get him. On offence he might even be better than RG for the Poggle lead team (Han can be better, too). He is very slow however. On defence at least, RG's auto taunt is best.
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    So many replies and not even one mention of IG-100 (there's a great thread singing his praises from a few days ago). I've run droids for the last 6 months and IG-100 has become indispensable. With HK lead, he ends up being one of the fastest on the team owing to the TM gains he gets from his AoE and counters. He may not be the best at anything he does but he's -good- at -everything- he does. I've been sat in the top 50 for months and if I want to splash out on a refresh, I can usually get into the top 20. Recently I've had dramas with Dooku/Lumi leads and the beast that is Rey though. B2 should see to that (55 shards and counting).

    But back to your lineup... I've got Poggle and JE quite closely levelled up so I can split my maxed out droids between two teams for Raids. In my experience, HK's lead is too good to pass up. The glass cannons 86 and 88 only get a couple of shots, if you're lucky, before they drop. You have to maximise those shots or you won't get your money's worth out of them. IG86 in particular is a delete button for enemy toons and is a great way to avoid triggering RG's taunt. Poggle's lead, although strong, doesn't give you enough bang for your buck before the IGs fall. I've consistently had better results with HK over Poggle. JE guarantees a revive but only as long as a droid dies before him and even then, they're so fragile they get put back down again.

    IMHO, if you're using droids then you really have to go all in and use 4-5 of them to really see the benefit. I used to run the main 4 + Lumi as a combat healer. I swapped her out for JE but he was too squishy. Then GG came along and I've had a constant smile kn my face ever since.

    ... but seriously, look up that thread on IG100. He could be the droid you're looking for. ;-)
    Just because more people say it, doesn't make it more right.
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    Thanks SifuSteve, I never heard any praise for Magnaguard before but I'll make sure to check it out.
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    MalEliza wrote: »
    Started with Pog lead GS, 88, 86 and RG

    Now run HK, 88, 86, JE and RG

    Future will be - HK lead with JE and some combination of B2, 88, 86, 100 and/or RG
    Also Grievous could be an option (if you can afford him). You start with Poggle, 86, 88, GS + taunter. Once you have JE (4* is fine) you replace poggle and GS with HK and JE. HK's lead ability gives 50% turnmeter on level 8 which is pretty crazy when combined with JE's crit up.

    @SnokeTrooper: Sun Fac sure is nice if you can get him. On offence he might even be better than RG for the Poggle lead team (Han can be better, too). He is very slow however. On defence at least, RG's auto taunt is best.

    Excellent point on grievous .. I'm working on him and should have him some time in 2017. Seeing the current gear currency crunch I've stopped spending currency in GW and arena shops for new toons (mostly) and just getting shards for trading in for GG.
    "I find your lack of faith disturbing" - Darth Vader
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    Just easily took #1 for first time
    Hk(L), 88, 86, JE, b2
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    How do you like your B2?
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    I did the same for GG: As soon as I had Lumi and IG86 maxed out I spent 800 GW currency to get 10 shards. Then I'd have my 3 shots on every hard mode with the same two characters. Then once he was maxed, spent arena currency on 88... and even now EVERY cantina battle is spent getting either surplus 86 or 100 shards. It took me about 6 weeks. I've got a few other 7* toons now so I'm getting 5 GG shards every two days. I'm 15/65 for his 5th star. It's a slog but he's worth it. Just be sure to have 3M creds, several thousand training droids and at least 50 purple ability mats (and about 15 Omega) once you've unlocked him... ("_)
    Just because more people say it, doesn't make it more right.
  • opu120
    211 posts Member
    SifuSteve wrote: »
    I did the same for GG: As soon as I had Lumi and IG86 maxed out I spent 800 GW currency to get 10 shards. Then I'd have my 3 shots on every hard mode with the same two characters. Then once he was maxed, spent arena currency on 88... and even now EVERY cantina battle is spent getting either surplus 86 or 100 shards. It took me about 6 weeks. I've got a few other 7* toons now so I'm getting 5 GG shards every two days. I'm 15/65 for his 5th star. It's a slog but he's worth it. Just be sure to have 3M creds, several thousand training droids and at least 50 purple ability mats (and about 15 Omega) once you've unlocked him... ("_)

    I'm doing the same as @SifuSteve, very excited to have GG at 5*, 25/85 toward 6*. Takes forever but very satisfying. Low HP at 5* but put a furnace in him to get to gear IX and he hits like a truck. An ever-stronger-hitting version of 88 IMO. I'm currently running HK(L), 86, GG, JE, Jawa, subbing in RG for GG for defense since he's (a) squishy and (b) his 5* puts a target on my back.

    I just splurged and got B2 last night...trying to figure out how to integrate him into my team...maybe instead of Jawa so he can take advantage of HK's lead?

    But hard to part with Jawa's awesome omegaed AoE...

    Then I'd have HK(L), B2, GG, 86, JE on offense, HK(L), B2, RG, 86, JE on defense, and Jawa and 88 on the bench.

    What would you do?
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    How do you like your B2?

    Love him but still trying to justify the money spent
  • opu120
    211 posts Member
    How do you like your B2?

    Love him but still trying to justify the money spent

    This. Exactly.
  • SifuSteve
    439 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    He won't just take advantage of HK's lead, he'll give GG much-needed Hit Points and increase 86's critical chance even further. It's a no brainer for me... Jawa's gotta go. If you're not comfortable running an all-droid lineup, then keep JE in there. Personally I've found him to be underwhelming with an HK lead: His crit buff isn't really necessary with HK's leader skill, anything I stick his bombs to is usually dead before they go off and if he somehow manages to out live a droid and revive him, that droid is folded like a big check about two seconds later.

    On defense, although I've seen the value of RG, I'd rather have 88 in the lineup because when he lands his AoE, he can usually get another shot. It would all depend on how much of a spong B2 turns out to be but droids weren't built to last - every build I've tried that has some sort of stamina fails slowly. I've had my most success by trying to end the fight in 4 turns. You'll know it yourself, with droids you know if you're going to win within the first 30 seconds...
    Just because more people say it, doesn't make it more right.
  • opu120
    211 posts Member
    SifuSteve wrote: »
    He won't just take advantage of HK's lead, he'll give GG much-needed Hit Points and increase 86's critical chance even further. It's a no brainer for me... Jawa's gotta go. If you're not comfortable running an all-droid lineup, then keep JE in there. Personally I've found him to be underwhelming with an HK lead: His crit buff isn't really necessary with HK's leader skill, anything I stick his bombs to is usually dead before they go off and if he somehow manages to out live a droid and revive him, that droid is folded like a big check about two seconds later.

    On defense, although I've seen the value of RG, I'd rather have 88 in the lineup because when he lands his AoE, he can usually get another shot. It would all depend on how much of a spong B2 turns out to be but droids weren't built to last - every build I've tried that has some sort of stamina fails slowly. I've had my most success by trying to end the fight in 4 turns. You'll know it yourself, with droids you know if you're going to win within the first 30 seconds...

    Very interesting, thanks for the advice. Definitely all about the fist 30 seconds with a droid team.

    Agree that JE's crit buff isn't really necessary with HK lead, and I usually waste his bombs at fives along the way so he's less annoying at the end (not contributing to my focus fire of opponent's DPS dealer up front). And totally get that all-droid improves 86's crit chance and GG's HP.

    My concern about going all-droid without JE is if I'm up against gear 9/10 Dooku/Rey/QGJ/GS (which pretty much describes the top 20 on my server), won't they all go before anyone on my squad takes a turn? Without JE's TM boost, a droid team like HK(L)/88/86/GG/B6 is super slow. By the time I get my first turn (88 or 86 at 121/119 speed), GG is dead, 86/88 are in the yellow, and the match is decided.

    I agree that JE doesn't have much value other than his first turn, but that could make all the difference: my huge opening barrage vs. theirs. How do you approach a matchup with, say, a Dooku/QGJ/Rey squad when you're running an all-droid squad?
  • LastJedi
    3047 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    Je rezzes and heals, too. And he is super speedy.

    With a taunter, rez can be very useful. Poe or han will give an additional tm boost. Rg is good too. Je is pretty great against speedy teams.

    I have found it useful to bench je and go with two tanks against an equal je droid team. Forgo the coin toss and weather the storm. Then focus fire them down. But for the most part je rocks.

    With je, u go first. And i find it best to focus fire enemy tanks. And hope hk and 88 aoe will block their rey and or detaunters/stunners. If i can block qgj and rey, by the time my rg or han taunts, it is usually a win.

    I have 5 star ig100, but he doesnt bring enough to the table, yet. Maybe when he is 7 star? Topndroid team on my server uses ig100, and it is hellaciously good, so i dont count out magnaguard.
  • Dizzle
    80 posts Member
    Just easily took #1 for first time
    Hk(L), 88, 86, JE, b2

    But can you maintain it, that's the real challenge with Droid teams.
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    Dizzle wrote: »
    Just easily took #1 for first time
    Hk(L), 88, 86, JE, b2

    But can you maintain it, that's the real challenge with Droid teams.

    Not really so I gotta take and hold within last 10min
    But on offense I ate #1, I had all 5 in green at end
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    Am i missing something here? I tought JE is good becouse with 4 droid to support his passive he is allways first to take turn. So at first turn he uses crit up\turn meter buff and lines all your droids to go after him. With HK lead you end up bursting 4-6 turns before enemy team gets to react. The crit buff is just a nifty bonus, but TM buff is the real deal you are using him over poggle. Dont have ig-100 ready so i havent tested my self yet.
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    Some good feedback on this thread. In answer to the question, how do I deal with speedy teams? The honest answer is I take a lot of abuse from them. It tends to go something like: IG86 or 88 get a faceful and possibly fold before they even shoot. GG gets hurt and either HK or IG100 taunt. Then it's return fire. I'll hold off any AoE until GG laughs then unload with everything, targeting their healer first and using GG's basic against counter hitters.

    To be fair, I prefer a fluffy all-droid team but there's some good sales pitches here for JE. I might need to max him out and give him a second chance but I'm loathed to let GG go.
    Just because more people say it, doesn't make it more right.
  • Juckf11
    38 posts Member
    I played against GG driods with my droid and target him first. So far I won these games with 4 men standing! After seeing GG fall I didnt bother to collect him because I think hes poor in the current Droid side.
  • SifuSteve
    439 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    I have him at 4*, lvl79, gear VIII with all his abilities purple max and Omega on his basic (possibly another on his AoE). Even tooled up this much, he is definitely the weakest in the squad. But he's useful for his Sinister Laugh, uncounterable/unevadable basic attack and taunt trigger. I don't think he'll really be viable without at least one more star...
    Just because more people say it, doesn't make it more right.
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