So how do you beat Rey w/ Dodge+Taunt?



  • MBL_66
    2465 posts Member
    Maskarii wrote: »
    No Tank in your Squad damm good bye

    Who's squad has no tank?
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    Yudoka wrote: »
    The problem isn't so much Rey or Daka or taunts, it's the current dodge mechanics. With very high damage output and very little wiggle room, an all or nothing attack thanks to dodge just breaks matches. If the game had a mechanic where damage output was relative to health (think real life fatigue), then having your target dodge rather then die would not be such a big deal. But having Rey or the taunts dodge while themselves within death range just makes the matches very unbalanced. And I don't have any actual data but Dooku/Ben teams seem to dodge way above the dodge bonus that is granted. Missing multiple attacks over and over makes it nearly impossible to put together any effective strategy.

    False, the problem is Rey
  • cosmicturtle333
    5004 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    Dodge is the new coin flip. If RNG doesn't go your way then you pay for a refresh and battle again until it does.

    As far as CG is concerned Arena is perfectly balanced and dodge is a good thing.

    People seem to be forgetting that the game is meant to frustrate us. To make us feel bad so we spend more crystals to win.

    Dodge is the perfect way to do that. Couple that with a high DPS hero who is protected by taunt as well and you've got a very good money making, crystal sucking arena.

    So, how do you beat Rey? Keep trying (spending crystals) until you win.
    My name is cosmicturtle333, aka CT-333, aka Threes.
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    Sometimes you have to accept that those who P2W are going to be better than you unless to pay up. you have hit the wall and until you level up your characters you will remain there.
  • Gavstar
    214 posts Member
    If your underpowered. Then there is only 2 ways to manage Rey.
    1. Get a dodge lead,
    2. Get either TM or stun team.

    Else as others have mentioned. Gear n level until it's easier. I was in your position awhile ago.
    Gear9 your toons. Increase in protection makes it easier to survive Rey's first blow.
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    Myself I stun Rey and kill the tank asap. If she is Max gear she is going to get one attack off first though. Just pray rng is with you
  • NicWester
    8928 posts Member
    A.k.a. How do you beat every Arena top10 team?

    I spent 5 battles fighting the same team. Lost all 5 battles.

    Dooku (L) Rey, RG OR Han, Daka. All G10, lv80. The reason I keep fighting the same team despite losing is because it's the only opponent that isn't Dooku+Rey+Han AND RG.

    I have G9 QGJ. I need him to break taunt. But with full protection QGJ cannot survive one hit from Rey. If Rey so much touches him I'm as good as having lost.

    Even if QGJ survives, taunt is set up. And QGJ's dispels can miss up to 50% of the time thx to dodge lead.

    Even if I break the taunt and kill Rey, Daka's revival works on her almost every time. I have Daka too. I don't use her because I can count the times she revives with both hands.

    Some of you are sure to say "stop whining and git guud". Well here I am trying to get good. Tell me how do you fight a team like that? I'm all ears.

    Qui-Gon Jin is the wrong answer to that specific combination.

    Get Old Daka, level up your Royal Guard. Use the Guard and Daka to stun-lock Rey and Daka, focus fire on the Royal Guard and kill it first.

    Figure it this way--you're using the wrong tools for the job at hand. Qui-Gon Jin is a really, really good screwdriver, but you're facing nails, not screws. So instead of saying "Nerf nails," get yourself a hammer!
    Ceterum censeo Patientia esse meliat.
  • pac0naut
    3236 posts Member
    I have no idea. I finally found a team on my server I can't beat. Old Ben lead, Rey, RG, St Han and Leia. I went 0 for the kitchen sink against this team.... No idea how to beat it.
    Meanwhile, down on the farm....
  • NicWester
    8928 posts Member
    pac0naut wrote: »
    I have no idea. I finally found a team on my server I can't beat. Old Ben lead, Rey, RG, St Han and Leia. I went 0 for the kitchen sink against this team.... No idea how to beat it.
    Yeah, that's a pretty painful team... Suicide squads focusing on burning through Han and the Royal Guard's protections are the first step. Beat the hell out of the Royal Guard as much as you can; when Han taunts go after him. If you can do enough damage to Han, that should trigger the Guard's taunt, so you can finish him off.

    Hopefully your bench is deep, because they're going to get dropppppped!
    Ceterum censeo Patientia esse meliat.
  • pac0naut
    3236 posts Member
    I'm talking arena, not GW.
    Meanwhile, down on the farm....
  • Jedi2407
    782 posts Member
    Dodge is no different RNG than Phasma's assist attacks or Sid's crit chance up. If you don't want RNG in your game then you should stick with tic tac toe.
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    Use Phasma or Old Ben. Old Ben's special lands fairly consistently on Rey, which destroys her damage output. Phasma can AoE away Foresight and then Advantage can make it much easier to kill her from green so that RG doesn't taunt.
  • NicWester
    8928 posts Member
    pac0naut wrote: »
    I'm talking arena, not GW.
    Oh. In that case, pick a different target and hope for the best :P
    Ceterum censeo Patientia esse meliat.
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    pac0naut wrote: »
    I have no idea. I finally found a team on my server I can't beat. Old Ben lead, Rey, RG, St Han and Leia. I went 0 for the kitchen sink against this team.... No idea how to beat it.

    An AOE team could beat it
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    If Daka is foiling you, fight the team with two taunts instead.
    Kill Han first, dispel RG, focus Rey, kill RG, kill Rey.

    Also, if your Dispel is so critical, and QGJ is too squishy, perhaps Mace is a better option? He is much tankier, though his Potency is much lower.
  • pac0naut
    3236 posts Member
    pac0naut wrote: »
    I have no idea. I finally found a team on my server I can't beat. Old Ben lead, Rey, RG, St Han and Leia. I went 0 for the kitchen sink against this team.... No idea how to beat it.

    An AOE team could beat it

    Yeah, except I don't have a ton of good AOE toons. Phasma is the only good one I have right now.
    Meanwhile, down on the farm....
  • Aniema
    602 posts Member
    Alexone wrote: »
    WhiskeyPug wrote: »
    The OP Is simply saying that Rey + two taunt teams (rg and st Han) are undefeatable without a Rey of their own, highlighting why Rey needs a nerf. There is no counter to this team without running the same team yourself and that is why a nerf is coming. This is the same thing that happened to fives a few weeks ago so how is it any different now

    Have you considered the might be a noob? *Mind blown*

    He is one Alex. I read some of his past posts. Found a few sweet little lies.

  • MBL_66
    2465 posts Member
    WhiskeyPug wrote: »
    The OP Is simply saying that Rey + two taunt teams (rg and st Han) are undefeatable without a Rey of their own, highlighting why Rey needs a nerf. There is no counter to this team without running the same team yourself and that is why a nerf is coming. This is the same thing that happened to fives a few weeks ago so how is it any different now

    Wow I can't believe I missed this post earlier, it is most definitely not undefeatable as fight them ask the time and have never used Rey in arena myself. Also Fives was never nerfed, he was always bugged and fixed to match his ability's description.
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    Everything else being equal, you're not going to beat top 10 in arena (discounting RNG), unless you have gear 9 and a team with better synergy (this will be very hard and you'll rely on RNG).

    I have not done any heroic raids and I am #1 in arena about 50% of the time (snipers take me out last 10 minutes each so it comes down to timing and luck). I use Old Ben (lead for evasion meta), Rey (g10, max AA), Princess Leai (g10, max AA), GS (gear 9, max AA) and RG (g9).

    Only raids I have done are Tier 5 raids which we usually complete every other day. I usually place top 3 in the guild for raids each day. I also buy furnaces in shipments every time I see one for sale. I have also been playing for a while so if you have only been around for a few months then you just need to put in more time (and maybe money ><). I didn't read if your f2p but if you are then trying to compete against whales is a upstream battle.

    Bottom line is you can place top in arena you just need to focus on building a strong team and not spread out your time and resources on multiple teams or characters. Build your A team first (with max synergy) then focus on the rest. Also, if you do not follow the current meta then you can't really complain.

    If you can't beat 'em, join 'em.
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    It's worth noting that I have run up against some very nasty droid and clone teams that I had to rely on RNG to beat (usually in GW) so it's possible not to follow the same path that 90% of the rest of the players do. However, still you're not going to place high unless you have similar gear and AA levels.
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    Ugh, Old Ben lead is even worse. You just got have luck and some decent dps. I use a Droid team, and if I'm lucky, I can do enough damage not to trigger RG's taunt aND finish Rey off. It's really all about RNG when it comes to evasion.
  • Weezy34
    117 posts Member
    First, you could always get droids and JE, they are unstoppable, not sure where you are at with this farm, but that's a start.

    Personally, I love Han against Dooku, he basically lets your whole team continue to go while Dooku counters Han, he'll usually die but you take out the always annoying Dooku. RG is also always useful against teams like this.

    I run Ben L QGJ Rey Han and phasma and see the teams you speak of often, I can bet them most of the time, but this world is owned by the RNG, sometimes you win, sometimes you lose.
  • Yadda_123
    187 posts Member
    Krokovich wrote: »
    You need Daka, Rey, Han and RG of your own.

    And that is everything that is wrong with this cookie cutter crutch of a squad. Let's all play the same team and see how boring it can get.
  • Hovahdo
    553 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Here you go: Anakin can take down Rey. My Jedi team finishes top 5 daily and generally has no issues with Dodge or Rey.
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    Wear rey down to just above 50% then take her out only with a DPS. Cant trigger taunt

    That goes without saying. But at G10 what characters can I even use to be able to take out 50% of her lifebar with one attack?

    Please note I've gotten to rank 11 so I've cut down my share of lesser Reys to get to this point. I'm well aware of the take her out with assist trick. It just stopped working due to the sheer gap in power level between my G9 and their G10 :(

    FOTP can with a good hit.
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