XP Exchange

When I reached level 70 (before cap was raised to 80) it was very frustrating to watch all the XP I was earning each day just go off into nothingness. Of course I was receiving the crystals, credits, etc., but the XP were just gone! To eliminate this from happening again to any one who has reached/will reach level 80, I would like to suggest that an "XP Exchange" be created. In the XP Exchange, excess XP could be traded in for credits, shards, crystals, etc. No one would have to watch their hard earned XP go into nothingness, rather use it for something valuable. This exchange would only be open to players who have achieved level 80, just as the Shard Shop (another good idea) is only open to players who have built up a 7 star character. How about it designers?


  • Greg1920
    1777 posts Member
    You are trading your Xp for one omega mat
  • BradBread
    113 posts Member
    Well considering you stop earning do at 80 you shouldn't have to worry about it going to waste.

    Next time level more slowly. ;)
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    I like the idea. Only if it forces you to exchange your excessive XP though. It would be a disaster though if you're suggesting that you could potentially save all of that XP and apply it to your character when the level cap raises.
  • braluk
    19 posts Member
    I think it would just empower the whales even more so, when the level cap raise they will benefit the most. Having XP go to waste in a way is a way to kind of keep them in check as the rest of the world catches up
  • Onetime7979
    1012 posts Member
    No way.
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    @ TyGonJinn27: I had thought about that too! In NO WAY do I think that anyone should be able to hoard XP! My thinking is making the "XP Exchange" work like the Shard Shop. Except instead of waiting until someone logs into the "Exchange" to cash in XP, there would be an automatic/forced "trade" built into the daily rewards/activities. I.E.: "Exchange" currency instead of XP. Example: for completing all daily activities, we are rewarded 125 XP. Instead of the 125 XP, we would receive an amount of "XP Exchange" currency (could even tribute episode vii, and call it "portions" lol!). No risk for anyone to jump ahead if everyone gets the same currency!
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    @ Greg 1290: I may be reaching for the stars, but I believe we should be able to swap XP for "Exchange" currency, AND STILL receive Omega abil mat!
  • Varlie
    1286 posts Member
    Greg1920 wrote: »
    You are trading your Xp for one omega mat

    If there were other, regular ways to earn this (beyond the spontaneous omega event they may or may not decide to offer us) then I would agree. But as this is the ONLY way to earn Omega's then you aren't trading one for the other.
  • Greg1920
    1777 posts Member
    Varlie wrote: »
    Greg1920 wrote: »
    You are trading your Xp for one omega mat

    If there were other, regular ways to earn this (beyond the spontaneous omega event they may or may not decide to offer us) then I would agree. But as this is the ONLY way to earn Omega's then you aren't trading one for the other.

    That doesn't make any sense.

    They specificly said that the Omega mat was given to give a reward for daily completion since XP didn't matter once you hit cap.
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    If it's possible, give 1k limit xp a day and use it on xp exchange shop
    Unless dev gonna put 500crystal for refresh.....now you know sound so whaley right?
    the cake is a lie
  • 1AmYourFath3r
    3103 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    Omega. And 4 extra crystals.
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    Not buying that
    the cake is a lie
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    Ok. A couple of you had mentioned the notion that you no longer earn XP once you reach the level cap. This didn't sound right to me, because I thought I had gotten XP after reaching level 70 before the cap was raised to 80. So I waited and checked to be sure. There are XP ABSOLUTELY STILL REWARDED after level cap! I have a screen shot taken approximately 7:00 AM EST on June 6, 2016 that proves this. I don't know how to post it here, but have the evidence none the less!
  • leef
    13458 posts Member
    i dont see the problem with that XP going to waste. There is a reason why there is a lvl cap, giving extra stuff for the extra XP earned would negate that.
    Save water, drink champagne!
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    leef wrote: »
    i dont see the problem with that XP going to waste. There is a reason why there is a lvl cap, giving extra stuff for the extra XP earned would negate that.

    No, it would not.
    It would turn a wasted and irrelevant reward into a meaningful one.

    We are trying to get everyone more creds.
    Why in the world would you try to block this action?
  • leef
    13458 posts Member
    Timitock wrote: »
    leef wrote: »
    i dont see the problem with that XP going to waste. There is a reason why there is a lvl cap, giving extra stuff for the extra XP earned would negate that.

    No, it would not.
    It would turn a wasted and irrelevant reward into a meaningful one.

    We are trying to get everyone more creds.
    Why in the world would you try to block this action?

    if you want everyone to get more creds, giving them to people who are lvl 80 isnt the way to go.
    Save water, drink champagne!
  • Azgadil
    226 posts Member
    Could turn it into credits. That would be nice.
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