Guild raid rewards.

EA why can't anyone actually respond and fix this. I am not spending another dime until it is. In my last 4 T7 heroic raids I have placed 3rd 3rd 1st and 1st. I have not gotten a single piece. Not one piece of the main 3 guild only items - caller, scanner or design

I am happy for those that get these items but it is literally sucking the fun out of this game.

I have spent a lot but am done spending and will be quitting soon if something isn't changed. So now I will be letting my teams just die in order to get lower spots to get better rewards.

@ea_jessie. I am hoping someone from EA can chime in a response to at least help me understand......


  • Catomking
    56 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    @EA_Jesse is there anyone that can respond and help explain instead of just avoiding this? This seriously is sucking every ounce of fun out of this game. These 4 raids have taken a week. In a week I have acquired 8000 coins. Not enough even for 25 pieces of necessary gear.

    Yet everyone lower has been able to advance 3-4 toons by acquiring 40 pieces each raid and I haven't gotten 1 piece much less a whole gear.
  • slickdealer
    1802 posts Member
    There are 4 types of raid gear not 3.

    Did you get furnace salvagex4? If so, great. Tons of toons need furnaces.
  • Options
    Yes the furnace is only one I get but that is available to farm slowly and in shipments. And I have 2 in reserve as well as only 1 toon left that needs it. I have purchased about 15 in shipments at least

    So to me it isn't in the same car since again not raid only gear
  • 1AmYourFath3r
    3103 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    You spend money so you think you're entitled to these things? Go away. You are what's wrong with this community.

    They're all available to farm slowly. I've farmed several pieces of raid gear, and have only done tier v and vi
  • shampoo
    442 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    all the times I've gotten full gear it's been when I placed low lol, like 12-20. Sweet sweet victory
  • slickdealer
    1802 posts Member
    Catomking wrote: »
    Yes the furnace is only one I get but that is available to farm slowly and in shipments. And I have 2 in reserve as well as only 1 toon left that needs it. I have purchased about 15 in shipments at least

    So to me it isn't in the same car since again not raid only gear

    You bought $300 in furnaces knowing that they will also drop in raids.

    This is your fault. You knew this was a possibility.

    You aren't entitled to special RNG.
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    Back to his point. Higher rankings in T7 raids usually don't get the full gear. Which is the issue. Those that rank 1-3 usually are whales. So I see why some would be frustrated to see the ones rank lower who, from what I've seen, have a higher chance of receiving a full gear piece. Maybe they think Han shards are worth more? Get more Han shards or other rewards lower the chance of full gear possibilities? I have no clue. So it balances out? Just my thinking.
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    Wrong I don't think the fact I spend money entitles me to anything nor am I considered a whale. I'm just stating that the reward system is flawed. And that I got better rewards when I placed between 6-22.

    And @1AmYourFath3r no they aren't available to farm outside of guild rewards. So I don't even mind the farming slowly but again placing 1 1 3 and 3 didn't net a single piece. Not talking full gear but even a piece of scanner caller or design tech. And majority of others placing high don't either. The rewards seem better for 6-22.

    @Swinglow1321 I guess the Hans shard thing but I'd trade the 1-2 extra Hans shards for getting 20-40 pieces of raid gear.
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    @1AmYourFath3r actually you are what is wrong with this community and actually this world. You are attacking me for no reason. You don't know me and attack instead of using facts. And the facts ruin a good argument. What I am stating is true-the reward system is flawed. They should just increase the guild coins and let people fully choose or make it raid only gear and not the other. So argue that point.

    I have no problem with RNG so I'll beat the RNG and place myself purposefully in the top 5-18 which pretty much always gets the right pieces so that will solve issue but take fun out of raid and trying to see how well 1 can place.

    And I'm not a gamer I play this game only so am learning about the gaming world and trust me I wish I hadn't spent what I have but I enjoy Star Wars and have fun playing and showing my son. But I also agree that the expectations and logic around difficulty to collect rewards is ridiculous especially for F2p as it takes forever to advance and creates an even larger separation.
  • Options
    Catomking wrote: »
    @1AmYourFath3r actually you are what is wrong with this community and actually this world. You are attacking me for no reason. You don't know me and attack instead of using facts. And the facts ruin a good argument. What I am stating is true-the reward system is flawed. They should just increase the guild coins and let people fully choose or make it raid only gear and not the other. So argue that point.

    I have no problem with RNG so I'll beat the RNG and place myself purposefully in the top 5-18 which pretty much always gets the right pieces so that will solve issue but take fun out of raid and trying to see how well 1 can place.

    And I'm not a gamer I play this game only so am learning about the gaming world and trust me I wish I hadn't spent what I have but I enjoy Star Wars and have fun playing and showing my son. But I also agree that the expectations and logic around difficulty to collect rewards is ridiculous especially for F2p as it takes forever to advance and creates an even larger separation.

    Your sense of entitlement. Don't assume just because you pay money, you deserve all the things. You mention you spend a lot, and you will stop spending because you don't get what you want. This isn't how this game works, nor should it work that way.

    That is my issue.
  • Options
    guild raid awards are just bad in general whether you are a whale or not.
  • Cor
    124 posts Member
    Blame RNG. I do not think drop rate for first spots is lower. I share the frustration - almost always #1 and have not seen a full drop yet. On the other hand guild mate, often in top 3, had a series of getting five od six full drops in a row.

    You must have upset RNG gods, like presumably I did, but I expect it must change sooner or later.
  • LeoRavus
    1165 posts Member
    Top 1-3 get 40-50 pieces of raid gear salvage. If you've only gotten furnace salvage (which you can't farm by the way) then that's an issue. The randomness of the raid gear drops is the worst part of this. Doing Heroics would solve everyone's gear problems if we could actually choose which gear we need.
  • Options
    Cor wrote: »
    Blame RNG. I do not think drop rate for first spots is lower. I share the frustration - almost always #1 and have not seen a full drop yet. On the other hand guild mate, often in top 3, had a series of getting five od six full drops in a row.

    You must have upset RNG gods, like presumably I did, but I expect it must change sooner or later.

    Getting #1 is 40 of 50 salvage. It is basically a full drop every raid.

    Getting 40 salvage every other day you will be done with gear in no time then complain about lack of things to do.
  • slampdx
    478 posts Member
    Yeah at first i was stoked about my rewards but after looking at other peoples rewards and considering the time commitment to gear up all my toons I'm going ftp.
  • Options
    @Cor you are right I must have **** off the RNG gods.

    @slampdx I'm with you. I'm literally going to do my P1 and secure myself a top 15 spot out of the the top 3. Then even if I don't get I won't be as frustrated. It just takes fun out when you aren't trying to see how well you can do. And I love this game just want it to be fun.
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