Is Darth Maul Worth It?

I have Darth Maul, and I'm wondering if it's worth it to train him up. Is he any good?

- Brian


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    No. Just no. Haha it's a shame he's one of the slowest characters in the game.
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    My Darth Maul is at g9 7* just a furnace away from g10. He hits extremely hard against Jedi's and can get multiple turns with Phasma + his finishing blow.. But sadly his speed and health/protection is awful. I think mine has like 92 speed and 18k health/prot.... I use him for GW for fun, that's about it.
  • Durrun
    1019 posts Member
    I wanna tell you a number... 9k... That's how much hp maul has... Most good dps in meta hit for more than that without crits.. I use him in attacker challenge and that's bout it
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    i have a maxed maul. he is a beast. you have to boost and protect him. maul is the only character you got to get killing. rg is a must for protection, maul maxed out has 18k hp including protection. phasma is a must to boost tm, also you need assisted attackers. qgj or gs work well. i like old ben leader, phasma, qgj, maul, rg
  • Dizzle
    80 posts Member
    I have him on g10, very dissappointed. You have to have a beast team and basically you are protecting maul the whole time. Always feels like I'm carrying him in arena high end. His biggest drawback is he is so slow. You have to have a fast team to make up for that
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    Cheers for asking the question OP. I too have had him slowly building up to 6* through drops and can't seem to find a place for him. For such a good looking toon, he seems massively undeveloped - much like the character in the film, ironically. I have him sat in Raid squad C where I just hope he gets eaten first. A shame really. Even the strategies mentioned by dark_ninja (the only positive poster here) don't fill me with much hope as I don't run most of those toons.

    I'll keep him topped up though. I get the feeling when they do the reverse of the current Battle event (and we face of against the Rebellion), he'll get an update to make him more viable.
    Just because more people say it, doesn't make it more right.
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    I have him maxed, he has not seen the light of day yet. It's hard to protect him on offence, impossible to do it on defense. He needs survivability if anything....
  • WellMet
    98 posts Member
    Good for GW nothing else as of now.
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    Thanks so much for the replies. I had a feeling that was the case.
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    Thanks for this. I won't be wasting my already limited resources on him. Shameful EA, shameful.
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    Maul has potential, since his attacks are so good, and his unique helps him go big, but is too fragile to work outside of DS/Cantina, and occasionally early rounds of GW. He would be viable if he had about 40 more speed, 50% more hp/protection, or (my personal favorite) +20% base evade.

    Context: my 7/80 maul has 2/3 omegas, and max gear.
  • Tak
    352 posts Member
    Maul has potential, since his attacks are so good, and his unique helps him go big, but is too fragile to work outside of DS/Cantina, and occasionally early rounds of GW. He would be viable if he had about 40 more speed, 50% more hp/protection, or (my personal favorite) +20% base evade.

    Context: my 7/80 maul has 2/3 omegas, and max gear.

    That's an absolute massive buff for a guy who can crit 20k on a Jedi lol
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