Upgrading JC to G6 is a joke...

20 Mk 4 Chiewab etc etc?

Haven't really had too many problems upgrading gear for most toons, just a few items that didn't seem to drop regularly and I needed 5 of here and there.

I'd left JC alone at 3* Lv49 G5 because he wasn't part of my arena squad, but needing him now for some light side missions.

Just sank 240 energy into trying to get 20 Mk 4 Chiewab etc etc... and I got 4.

Why is JC's gear so much harder than everyone else's?


  • Yuri
    173 posts Member
    You haven't seen anything yet, you'll need hundreds of those to get your characters to gear 7.
    I need 50 purple materials for one piece of gear to get Phasma to gear 8.
    Get used to it.
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    I only need 63 more purple laptops to get all of my heroes to gear 8. YAY!
    My name is cosmicturtle333, aka CT-333, aka Threes.
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    This isn't that bad at all considering how much gear you need later on. Once you start getting characters to gear 7 and gear 8 it will cost you 20 - 50 purples for one upgrade alone. So if you are put off by 20 of one thing for an upgrade you are in for a big surprise :)
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    I don't think JC gear is any harder than normal. To get the final piece to upgrade to gear 9 you need 50 pieces of a yet to be unlocked item.

    My JC is L60, 5*, gear 8. 4196 power. JC is a good lumi backup and can fit into a primary side as a second healer so keep trying!
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    My JC is first to Gear 8, so he isn't very hard. Many of my other tools can't get to 7 due to drop rates on purple mats.
    Ally Code: 253-747-318
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    Well that does all sound very scary :pensive:

    But it's more the fact that JC seems to take more than other toons. I've got Sid, Daka, 5s, and Dooku all G6 and one item each off G7 I can't equip due to level requirements. None of them have required anything more than 5, and all have seemed easier than this.

    Guess I'm in for a treat when I start getting to G7 & 8.
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    After you get that, you can take him to gear 8 easily. It's a trade off
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    Cheers for the info guys :)

    Speaking of which (should probably make a different thread for this), has anyone encountered different drop rates for gear at different missions? Wondering if it might be good to get a group of people on here to gather some data and make a table. I've found a couple of missions that seem to give better drop rates for certain items, not sure if it's just my imagination though.
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    Jc is the easiest charcter in the game to gear, you will relise this once you start to upgrade toons to gear 7 and 8
    Literally he is THE EAsiEST in the whole game.
    For example Ayala secura requires 120 purple gear to get to gear 7
    Aniken requires 100
    And that's just purple that not even including the blue gear
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    I only need 63 more purple laptops to get all of my heroes to gear 8. YAY!
    Me too , lol
    This world is not of those who have money , nor of those who have power !
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    My JC is at lvl 7 purple gear its not really that hard you just need a lot of patience ;).
    Qui-Gon progress in cantina currently 4* gear lvl 7.
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    Yuri wrote: »
    You haven't seen anything yet, you'll need hundreds of those to get your characters to gear 7.
    I need 50 purple materials for one piece of gear to get Phasma to gear 8.
    Get used to it.

    EA at its finest.
    Can you feel the force tugging on your credit card?
    The force is strong here

  • Options
    Nzchimeran wrote: »
    Yuri wrote: »
    You haven't seen anything yet, you'll need hundreds of those to get your characters to gear 7.
    I need 50 purple materials for one piece of gear to get Phasma to gear 8.
    Get used to it.

    EA at its finest.
    Can you feel the force tugging on your credit card?
    The force is strong here

    Man, you're such a bore, and not a clever one, too. No one is tugging on your credit card except your own impatience. You're coming into literally each tread blaming all the world for your character flaws. Grow up already and stop spamming how bad EA puts your in chains and tortures you for money. You're convincing no one but yourself.
  • Options
    bleeaauuh wrote: »
    Jc is the easiest charcter in the game to gear, you will relise this once you start to upgrade toons to gear 7 and 8
    Literally he is THE EAsiEST in the whole game.

    As Havok said, seems like it's a trade off.
    After you get that, you can take him to gear 8 easily. It's a trade off

    I've found JC pretty much the hardest to get from V to VI so far (out of Dooku, Daka, 5s, and Sid), but obviously from what people have said, he gets easier compared to the others from here.

    Phasma is the only one I've arguably found harder, because I haven't been able to get to the light side level required to unlock a piece of her gear yet. But that's due to my team being mostly dark side more than anything else.
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