Worst GW node ever

1817 posts Member
edited July 2016
Last node, all 80 7*:
Anakin G11
RG G10
Rey G10
Lando G11

I was using Auto before I got to them, which I usually do, so I didn't have my A team. That wouldn't have helped though, I don't have near the raid gear this guy had.

I feel violated.


  • djlott
    469 posts Member
    I know the feeling. I faced a G10/11 double taunt STHan, GS, Rey, RG QGJ team on node 11 the other day. Took me three squads to get thru it. Then node 12 was a full Jedi G10 team with yoda and permanent foresight. I have no idea how I completed GW that day. No auto maybe. Brutal for sure.
  • Jedi_Yoda
    928 posts Member
    Last node, all 80 7*:
    Anakin G11
    RG G10
    Rey G10
    QGJ G11
    Lando G11

    I was using Auto, which I usually do, so I didn't have my A team. That wouldn't have helped though, I don't have near the raid gear this guy had.

    I feel violated.

    I see your point but how do you see the gear level, because we don't have visibility to see that for opponents.
  • Gank_Killer
    1817 posts Member
    Yeah you can see the purple rings around the icons when you select the node. Just have to know how each ring formation looks for the gear levels.
  • Toukai
    1822 posts Member
    Sorry to hear, but that isn't nearly as paintrain as Anakin, Aalya, Rex, 5s, Echo.

    The sheer HP + bonus damage + synergies make that team just a nightmare to behold.

    Also, Old Ben, Leia, RG, 5s, Daka is beyond aggrivation (which I also got today.)
  • Speaker4thedead
    444 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Jedi_Yoda wrote: »
    Last node, all 80 7*:
    Anakin G11
    RG G10
    Rey G10
    QGJ G11
    Lando G11

    I was using Auto, which I usually do, so I didn't have my A team. That wouldn't have helped though, I don't have near the raid gear this guy had.

    I feel violated.

    I see your point but how do you see the gear level, because we don't have visibility to see that for opponents.

    Yes you do. Look at the lines that go around them. Each level is a different color. Level 7 (thus the protection bar) starts at purple, just a purple ring around their pictures. Then level 8 looks the same as 7, but it has one additional line, then gear 9, gear 9 is still purple with a complete 2nd ring (it completes the extra line that was added at gear 8. Gear 10 is purple with a 2nd ring, and a smaller line (that's starting a 3rd ring.) Gear 11 is purple with almost a full 3rd ring. It just doesn't cover their heads.
    Last node, all 80 7*:
    Anakin G11
    RG G10
    Rey G10
    QGJ G11
    Lando G11

    I was using Auto before I got to them, which I usually do, so I didn't have my A team. That wouldn't have helped though, I don't have near the raid gear this guy had.

    I feel violated.

    I have had some extremely strange GW the last few days. So they supposedly reworked GW, to make it easier, and not take as much time. Personally I think that's garbage, but I've been waltzing through GW for months (what a difference a Barris can make.) Then they did the rework the GW and it got ultra easy. So much so, I COULD auto it if I wanted, but I don't because I actually enjoy playing the game (imagine that.) Anyway, prior to the rework, the 4th and 5thpp node from the end, was ALWAYS my 2 most difficult nodes. However, directly after the rework, the last 2 nodes were always pretty significantly more difficult than prior to the rework itself. The last truly difficult battle on the last node, was a completely maxed (star,level,and abilities completely omegaed) droid team with an hk47lead, IG88, IG86, B2, and JE (B2 and JE being totally maxed was.... Um... Difficult to beat. But i did.) Then day before yesterday, I'm talking totally maxed characters hit me on node 3! I though omg what have I done? If I am getting totally maxed toons node 3, by the endz there will be no way I can make it through this GW. (I've won over 100 in a row NOT COUNTING the one day a week I have to skip GW for the guild activity,) to save up so I can do 3 complete run throughs on Tuesdays.
    Anyway, I got past that node, node 4 was a 6* Vader fully maxed, 7* RG, 7* Rey, 7*GS and 7*QGJ. All fully geared, leveled, and omega abilities!!! In tier 4!!!

    But after that it got easier and easier at the very end, the last node, on the same run that I was slammed node 3 and 4 at the beginning, the last 2 nodes at the end were leveled in their 60s, with white gear level. That's gear 1. I dropped them all with 1 stroke of the anakin AOE
    Post edited by Speaker4thedead on
  • awbattles
    103 posts Member
    Today, I hit level 76. My 6th node was level 80's :(. Had to sacrifice one of my two squads to pass it, and then got destroyed by the last node (which should have been a breeze if I'd even a half-crap second squad to fall back on). No completion for me today.
  • evanbio
    1505 posts Member
    I had a real crappy final node today. Dooku L (G9), Lumi (G9), QGJ (G9), Rey (G11), and GS (G10), all Lvl80. I literally used every toon I had, and still only got 3 of theirs. I'm lvl 79, and maybe have 1 G9 toon. The gear made a huge difference.

    It's been a while since that has happened though. I was feeling good about my squad. Looks like I have some work to do.
  • Gank_Killer
    1817 posts Member
    did a 2nd final node today, last team full of raid gear again. I thought they said they were looking at making it easier or something, not guaranteeing a whale team at the end of it.
  • Options
    Brutal final node today. Best def team I've faced. All lvl 80, gear 10 or 11 and fully omega'ed.

    OB (L)
    ...and bloody Sun Fac ( this guy's beyond annoying )

    Took my 3 best teams to take them down

  • Options
    Today I had my toughest one(s.) It started at the 3rd overall node. Level 80, 7* ALL gear 10 and 11 (I have 1 at gear 11 and 1 at gear 10, 2 at gear 9, and like 20 at gear 8) and these guys were all max. HK-47lead, IG88, RG, B2, and JE. This was by far, hands down the most difficult node I had ever faced, and it was the 3rd node. After I beat it I came to the 4th node. Max Anakin lead, max JE, max RG, max Rey, and good lord a max GG. This was easily 5 times harder than the previous node. I was thinking great. I've won GW over 100 days in a row. And I thought yesterday was difficult. Because I was able to get their Rey down with little effort (almost makes me question leaving her in overnight...) Well when that happend, their max Anakin hit my gear 8 Anakin for well over 10k. Then, that is when the problems started to happen because i had to decide between taking out JE (to slow down GG) and taking out Anakin because he can really hurt you now. Long story short(er,) GG was the last person I killed. Man alive his AOE at gear 10 can... Well drop a lot of people. Thank goodness Rey had foresight. Having RG and GG made this match less difficult than it COULD of been. Because once you get GG down to 50%, he forces someone else to taunt, to keep the attacks away from him. RG also procs, which made killing Anakin a bit easier because RG couldn't pull me away from him. I run an Anakin lead also, but only gear 8, QGJ gear 11, GS gear 10 Rey gear 9 and RG gear 9. Every member (except Rey. There she stood with almost a full protection bar still. Man, gotta love that foresight,) was down in the red when I finally got GG down. Luckily, none of the rest were as difficult as those two. Those 2 were my most difficult nodes (ever since day 1 hard release) in back to back nodes! The 3rd and 4th node of the day today...

    Then I got to the end. The last node had 4, 5, and 6 star characters, none above level 62, and NONE ABOVE GEAR LEVEL 1 (THATS ONE). There was a white ring around the toons. That's gear 1. First move up was Anakin. I did his aoe, none was a critical hit, and everyone dropped in that 1 move. None had protection. I haven't had a battle that easy since maybe the very 1st GW node, ever. Seems to be a bug. The 2 hardest nodes I've ever fought in back to back nodes starting at node 3 and then 4. And in the same day, a node that belongs, at the very start of someone doing their very first GW ever, is the final battle of the day. I just don't get it.
  • Options
    Haha my last node is down to Vader and Kylo (took out other 3 and now have extremely unleveled toons trying anything to kill the last 2). Level 80 and 7 star (Vader only 5) toons and mix of G9 and G10 and I am level 72 and mostly G8. I had most of my A team left at that point and put them in and things weren't going well so I was going to retreat and they strung together enough attacks to wipe my four remaining toons out without me even getting a turn to be able to retreat! Yikes! My next 3 squads (underleveled) managed to take out 3.
  • Options
    The other day I faced Dooku (L) Rey, Qui Gon, Fives, and RG all gear 10 and they took out my A team. Next team was Old Ben, Fives, FOST, Sun Fac, and Teebo all gear 10. First GW I didn't finish in a couple of weeks..
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