IG-100 Magnaguard tips and tricks, with video

439 posts Member
edited July 2016
I've been quite vocal about how valuable a droid team member 100 is, so I'm putting this up for later reference if I need it.

The first important point to note is that he's not the best at anything he does but he's good at everything he does. There are stronger AoE toons, better counter hitters and sturdier taunting tanks. But in a droid team it's hard to find anything that fits as well across all fields. For most of the below, assume he's under an Omega HK lead.

He'll hit for fairly regular crits around the 5-6K mark with his basic and 4-5K with his AoE. Each of those will bump his TM up by 50%.
His AoE gets bumped by 35% (+5% vs Jedi) if it misses. This equates to requiring either 2 crits or 3 misses to ensure he goes again.

An important step occurs here because if he gets that second attack then he technically hasn't been attacked since his last turn and his speed+ will trigger. Note that his basic can cause damage- on an opponent even if it misses.

Once in the mid game of the fight I've found that enemy AoEs will trigger his counter more than direct attacks (although that's possibly just my own perception). But when his counter hits and lands him another crit, he's back up another 50%TM. This high activity level keeps him relevant and throwing out lots of attacks however, he is often ignored for the most part at this stage of the fight.

Once in the end game, his AoE becomes less effective as there's less targets to reap TM from. It's at this point he starts to become a target and his counters really come into their own.

GG can force a taunt on him. This should be amazing as he gets to churn up the enemy with counter hits. The downside is that he will only hold this taunt for 1 turn so if he gets two crits from the first two counters, GG has lost his protection.

There are other small intricacies that having him present can produce: As another droid, he enhance's IG86's output and increase GG's hit points.

As I think of more benefits (and some down points, other than being stunned), I'll them here but for now take a look at how this fight went. It's against a rare Akbar lead but all the usual suspects are there. I didn't expect to win this one but I haven't faced this build much before today so I thought I'd record it for posterity. Enjoy...

Just because more people say it, doesn't make it more right.
Post edited by SifuSteve on


  • Boxmint
    127 posts Member
    Love the discussion. Droids in my eyes are one of the most fun synergies in game and are a different sort of team than the boring (and frustrating) meta. Keep the praise of droids coming sifu
  • SifuSteve
    439 posts Member
    At least I fixed the video now. I got into droids for no other reason than I liked the fluff. The only reason I started farming GG was because I wanted to have a team that solely consisted of all 5 droids. Of course, since starting that venture we've had B2 turn up and JE become completey indispensable. Still, the only other level of synergy of in the game resides with Jedi and they're just so mainstream. (",)
    Just because more people say it, doesn't make it more right.
  • UlicQ
    198 posts Member

    Thanks for the suggestions yesterday. I swapped ig100 in for 86 this morning, and have only lost one match on defense all day@SifuSteve

    (Plus now I can use my next furnace on HK instead of 86 to have all my droids g9)
  • 2scars
    37 posts Member
    Video unavailable in Germany. Content from SME involved. Meh
  • Zombie961
    1819 posts Member
    Quick question, I'm a F2P droid and was wondering if I should go for GG? I currently run HK lead, 86, 88, JE, and GS (I do have a Magna guard but he's only 3 star and not a high priority)
  • Amalthea
    691 posts Member
    Zombie961 wrote: »
    Quick question, I'm a F2P droid and was wondering if I should go for GG? I currently run HK lead, 86, 88, JE, and GS (I do have a Magna guard but he's only 3 star and not a high priority)

    IMO no. RG or 100 in place of GS though.
  • opu120
    211 posts Member
    Zombie961 wrote: »
    Quick question, I'm a F2P droid and was wondering if I should go for GG? I currently run HK lead, 86, 88, JE, and GS (I do have a Magna guard but he's only 3 star and not a high priority)

    GG takes forever to star up, but when I compare my 5* GG with my 7* 88, both gear 10, GG has more HP, hits harder, and IMO his utility is greater.

    The stats are swgoh.gg are accurate: GG has the hardest hitting basic in the game (not counting crit boost or offense up or other boosts like being 86's assist), and the 4th hardest hitting AoE in the game after Darth Maul (who isn't playable anyway), snowtrooper (who is only playable on an empire team) and, as of this week, the new JKA. And by the way his basic can't be countered or evaded, and his laugh gives the entire other team health down and -30% TM, and is quite potent at gear 10.

    Here's a longer analysis I wrote a couple weeks ago comparing GG and 88: https://forums.galaxy-of-heroes.starwars.ea.com/discussion/comment/471447/#Comment_471447
  • SifuSteve
    439 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    @Zombie961 You've already got a solid lineup. I was FTP for the first four months I played. But I have to be honest, as a FTP player, Grievous is not worth the grind. He is undoubtedly one of the best toons available for droid squads but to get him to the level I have (50/100 for 7*) has taken nearly 4 months of grinding.

    This grinding meant spending about 300 crystals a day refreshing energy to complete all the hard mode battles that would get me shard shop currency and spending every Arena, GW and Cantina payment on toons I'd already maxed.

    If Guilds hadn't have come along, I could justify it. But I now find myself with a serious deficit compared to my piers. I was already at 5* on GG when they were introduced so I resolved to stay the course. I'm not in a particularly active guild so I still hold my own but I could have been a top contributor to a top guild if I hadn't chased GG.

    It's your call. I saved 50+ purple mats and 10 Omega mats + 3M creds and a whole bunch of training droids to get GG involved as soon as I unlocked him. But the truth is that you will have to endure that grind many times over to make him a top tier toon.

    My honest advice would be to max out 100. You'll see the benefit in a very short time by comparison to GG. By the time you have, B2 will be farmable and R2D2 will be available which will change the droid squad dynamics considerably. It is fair to say that GG is a rich man's 88 and you already have that base covered.

    Good luck. If you're on my server, I expect to see you soon. (",)

    EDIT: Apologies. By the time I'd spewed all that out, two posters had already given solid advice. That'll teach me for frothing.
    Post edited by SifuSteve on
    Just because more people say it, doesn't make it more right.
  • UlicQ
    198 posts Member
    Zombie961 wrote: »
    Quick question, I'm a F2P droid and was wondering if I should go for GG? I currently run HK lead, 86, 88, JE, and GS (I do have a Magna guard but he's only 3 star and not a high priority)

    With HK lead, JE and 86 you'll get much more benefited from ig100 than GS. That should be your first move. I'd only go after GG if you have all the GW toons you want.
  • Ugluk
    274 posts Member
    Worth noting that against Rex leads, 86 should be in your team ahead of 100 (or GG for that matter, unless you're content to just use GG's basic). Feeding a Rex led team TM by hitting with light crit AoEs is asking for trouble, you want hard hitting attacks, and any softer attacks need to be useful in other ways to compensate. B2 qualifies as useful due to the dispel and buff block on his AoE. There's also the proviso that you don't want to go against a heavy counter team.

    Against other teams though the tag team AoE really shines, and a 47 88 100 JE B2 (or GG) team can end opponents before they even get a chance to move.
  • opu120
    211 posts Member
    SifuSteve wrote: »
    @Zombie961 You've already got a solid lineup. I was FTP for the first four months I played. But I have to be honest, as a FTP player, Grievous is not worth the grind. He is undoubtedly one of the best toons available for droid squads but to get him to the level I have (50/100 for 7*) has taken nearly 4 months of grinding.

    This grinding meant spending about 300 crystals a day refreshing energy to complete all the hard mode battles that would get me shard shop currency and spending every Arena, GW and Cantina payment on toons I'd already maxed.

    If Guilds hadn't have come along, I could justify it. But I now find myself with a serious deficit compared to my piers. I was already at 5* on GG when they were introduced so I resolved to stay the course. I'm not in a particularly active guild so I still hold my own but I could have been a top contributor to a top guild if I hadn't chased GG.

    It's your call. I saved 50+ purple mats and 10 Omega mats + 3M creds and a whole bunch of training droids to get GG involved as soon as I unlocked him. But the truth is that you will have to endure that grind many times over to make him a top tier toon.

    My honest advice would be to max out 100. You'll see the benefit in a very short time by comparison to GG. By the time you have, B2 will be farmable and R2D2 will be available which will change the droid squad dynamics considerably. It is fair to say that GG is a rich man's 88 and you already have that base covered.

    Good luck. If you're on my server, I expect to see you soon. (",)

    EDIT: Apologies. By the time I'd spewed all that out, two posters had already given solid advice. That'll teach me for frothing.

    +1 @SifuSteve excellent analysis, totally agree about the grind. For me it's also about the cool factor: GG is a strong addition to a droid team, but he's also super fun to play.

    Now let's just wait till we can use mods to increase 88's HP and B2's damage...this is gonna be fun!
  • Options
    2scars wrote: »
    Video unavailable in Germany. Content from SME involved. Meh

    Same problem but I am from south america.
  • Ugluk
    274 posts Member
    It's blocked for me too in Australia. Hooray for geoblocking!
  • Baal
    602 posts Member
    Dont record sound when making videos. Sony is bitter when it comes to star wars and pays the money to make claims that are nonsensical but not worth fighting.
  • SifuSteve
    439 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    http://s7.photobucket.com/user/C1eric/media/Mobile Uploads/2016_07_07_19_34_58.mp4.html?evt=email_share_media
    Dusted off my old photobucket account and popped it on there. Sorry for the mess around. Sony can fellate me...
    Just because more people say it, doesn't make it more right.
  • MD_Geist
    298 posts Member
    Thanks for the update, now I have seen the Video.

    I just got my IG 100 at Gear level IX and oh Boy he needs another bunch of hard to farm pieces... I will get him to 7* the next days and will save my next Omegas for him, hope he will do well enough. My Plan is to switch my RG with him.

    My current Team is HK47, IG88, IG86, JE and RG and I am top 20 most of the time, sometimes payout works fine enough for top5. Most Teams around me have 39k power so I am still the underdog (under 35k) and feel that most players will chose me as a opponent over the common full powered "Meta Teams". How good is IG100 at Defense? I feel nobody will touch him unless he is the last Droid on the field.

    What is the best Ability for the first Omega? I think first Basic, than AoE than Counterattack, right?
  • Options
    @MD_Geist You're right that most players avoid him but he gets stronger the longer they do that. And yes... those 100 stun cuffs take an age for his gear IX. Oddly, gear X came a lot quicker for me but that might have been because all that useless salvage I'd scored in Raids suddenly became useful.

    For Omega, I actually went basic, counter, AoE. Basic and Counter work well together and the real bonus from his AoE is that it gives him a second shot. His counter isn't especially reliable but is a really effective way to boost his speed, therefore you want it maxed to increase its frequency. As you've also alluded to, he gets most of his fighting done in the end game and with less toons on the field, his AoE is obviously less effective.
    Just because more people say it, doesn't make it more right.
  • UlicQ
    198 posts Member
    @SifuSteve I just unlocked GG this morning, so I now have all 6 droids and JE. What is your recommended roster with access to them all?
  • SifuSteve
    439 posts Member
    Congrats! Welcome to the General Grindous club.

    Let's get the obvious suggestion out of the way first: HK and JE for your front and back. Then it comes down to how well kitted your IGs and GG (I hope you saved a lot of mats for him!) are.

    At 4* GG is still a force to be reckoned with as long as he's at gear VIII and you have all his skills (except leader) at lvl6. Prioritise his basic for raw damage and his unique for hit point bonuses, which he'll really need. When I first ran him at 4*, there was no JE so I had 5 droids. That gave him a workable amount of hit points (and at the time, there weren't many players out there with all 5 droids, so I enjoyed the kudos!).

    If you're not going to go all-droid then Grievous is comparable to 88. You don't want both of those in the same team as they'll be too squishy. I would recommend:

    1: HK, GG, 100, B2, JE

    You have three tanky droids in that lineup that can weather the storm after your initial barrage. B2 is the key to hitting the top tiers as he'll stop those pesky taunters soaking your blows.

    Alternatively, if your B2 isn't up to scratch, go with:
    2: HK, GG, 100, 86, JE

    100 and HK can both tank a lot of damage in case GG commands them to taunt. 86 hits like a freight train and there's a chance he'll call in GG to deliver the strongest basic in the game (gaining him further TM on a crit).

    Use GG's and JE's basics against counter fighters to hurt them with impunity and use 100's basic against heavy hitters to try and inflict damage-down.

    I run the first lineup with only 6* on GG and B2 and as of 20 minutes ago, was sat at #4.
    Just because more people say it, doesn't make it more right.
  • UlicQ
    198 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    SifuSteve wrote: »
    Congrats! Welcome to the General Grindous club.

    Let's get the obvious suggestion out of the way first: HK and JE for your front and back. Then it comes down to how well kitted your IGs and GG (I hope you saved a lot of mats for him!) are.

    At 4* GG is still a force to be reckoned with as long as he's at gear VIII and you have all his skills (except leader) at lvl6. Prioritise his basic for raw damage and his unique for hit point bonuses, which he'll really need. When I first ran him at 4*, there was no JE so I had 5 droids. That gave him a workable amount of hit points (and at the time, there weren't many players out there with all 5 droids, so I enjoyed the kudos!).

    If you're not going to go all-droid then Grievous is comparable to 88. You don't want both of those in the same team as they'll be too squishy. I would recommend:

    1: HK, GG, 100, B2, JE

    You have three tanky droids in that lineup that can weather the storm after your initial barrage. B2 is the key to hitting the top tiers as he'll stop those pesky taunters soaking your blows.

    Alternatively, if your B2 isn't up to scratch, go with:
    2: HK, GG, 100, 86, JE

    100 and HK can both tank a lot of damage in case GG commands them to taunt. 86 hits like a freight train and there's a chance he'll call in GG to deliver the strongest basic in the game (gaining him further TM on a crit).

    Use GG's and JE's basics against counter fighters to hurt them with impunity and use 100's basic against heavy hitters to try and inflict damage-down.

    I run the first lineup with only 6* on GG and B2 and as of 20 minutes ago, was sat at #4.

    My guys are geared thusly:
    HK47 7* gear 8
    Ig88 7* gear 9
    Ig86 7* gear 8
    Ig100 7* gear 9
    B2 7* gear 9
    JE 6* gear 10

    GG is in process so I'll probably need about a week or so to get him to gear 8 and lvl 7 abilities. But it sounds like you're saying is that I should run HK, 100, b2, GG and JE (as soon as GG is ready).

    Update: I was off on my timeline. GG is now lvl 70 4* gear 8. His basic is lvl 7 and his special is lvl 6, the 2 aoes are lvl 5.
    Post edited by UlicQ on
  • SifuSteve
    439 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Well, all I can add is that the setup I've proposed worked for me about 10 minutes ago.

    EDIT for some reason my video got hijacked...
    Let's try again.


    Post edited by SifuSteve on
    Just because more people say it, doesn't make it more right.
  • UlicQ
    198 posts Member
  • opu120
    211 posts Member
    UlicQ wrote: »

    Welcome to the grindous club, @UlicQ !

    I agree with most of what @SifuSteve wrote, but I prefer to run GG and 88 simultaneously. At gear 10, neither is very squishy, and with my JE at 7* gear 10 too, he has enough HP+protection (25k total) that he sticks around to revive one or both if necessary. The key is to make sure your JE has more HP+protection than GG or 88 so that he's not targeted first by AI.

    IMO it's best to run as many AoE toons as possible to maximize the utility of HK lead, so I made the tough decision to bench my IG-86 after gearing him to 11 and throwing 10 omegas at him.

    I run HK(L), B2, GG, 88, JE. All 7* except GG (5*), and all maxed on gear (all gear 10 with additional gear toward gear 11 as much as possible), all omegaed on every ability (except mortal wound and grievous wounds cause who cares about healing immunity). I get #1 on my Nov launch shard when I feel like sniping, top 5 when I'm lazy. Haven't dropped out of the top 15 in months, even when I was on vacation for a week. My shard is still heavy on the meta: OB(L), QGJ, Rey, RG, Sth. They have almost no chance against a fully geared droid team, even when I'm on defense.
  • UlicQ
    198 posts Member
    opu120 wrote: »
    UlicQ wrote: »

    Welcome to the grindous club, @UlicQ !

    I agree with most of what @SifuSteve wrote, but I prefer to run GG and 88 simultaneously. At gear 10, neither is very squishy, and with my JE at 7* gear 10 too, he has enough HP+protection (25k total) that he sticks around to revive one or both if necessary. The key is to make sure your JE has more HP+protection than GG or 88 so that he's not targeted first by AI.

    IMO it's best to run as many AoE toons as possible to maximize the utility of HK lead, so I made the tough decision to bench my IG-86 after gearing him to 11 and throwing 10 omegas at him.

    I run HK(L), B2, GG, 88, JE. All 7* except GG (5*), and all maxed on gear (all gear 10 with additional gear toward gear 11 as much as possible), all omegaed on every ability (except mortal wound and grievous wounds cause who cares about healing immunity). I get #1 on my Nov launch shard when I feel like sniping, top 5 when I'm lazy. Haven't dropped out of the top 15 in months, even when I was on vacation for a week. My shard is still heavy on the meta: OB(L), QGJ, Rey, RG, Sth. They have almost no chance against a fully geared droid team, even when I'm on defense.

    So what you're saying is regardless of anything else 86 is out.

    I guess I'll just swap 88 and 100 in and out as I see fit.
  • Meerava
    481 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    It's good to see 100 getting the recognition he deserves. I've been praising him for months (ever since the protection update he's been amazing), but not many people believe. So I've started to be quiet about it and let them figure it out for themselves. After they have enough battles where the enemy has just 100 and HK left, and lose, they'll figure it out.

    I refer to him as the droid equivalent of Fives. He has the same effect in battles.
  • RowdyIC
    16 posts Member
    Sorry, didn't know you had a 6.4k GG. 100 will definitely be the best tank for a droid team then.
  • RowdyIC
    16 posts Member
    um... the video is blocked in the US...
  • UlicQ
    198 posts Member
    RowdyIC wrote: »
    um... the video is blocked in the US...

    Works for me... Strange.
  • Options
    The first video got blocked on account of Sony picking up on the music and blocking it. I added it to my photobucket in a later post. For the second, I disabled the music so I figured it would get through. I was wrong...

    Photobucket's changed a lot since I last used it and isn't very user friendly any more. But if this keeps happening I may need to look into an alternative video hosting site with less fierce copyright police...
    Just because more people say it, doesn't make it more right.
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