Will you be buying extra cantina refreshes to cover shard farming AND mods?

517 posts Member
edited July 2016
I already do 2 a day most days and can't afford to go to 400. So no change for me. I'll just have less characters to work on.

This is a poll to collect data, not a discussion on mods so please don't merge it.

Will you be buying extra cantina refreshes to cover shard farming AND mods? 383 votes

Yes, I'll spend more on refreshes to cover both
pip_ninjaSagefireDeadHeadAndyFinalGreyJediBostonmessRoykennethLeandrovvCEG9876TeagueStrubzAzm0d3uSCalvinTheHermitAniemaJinnNuLuxorSilvermodakRowdyICMcFlyThemy 19 votes
TaniwhascubaSilkenTheRenegadeSyth_HunterCUFCfan616ioniancat21darksideRonon_DexCourierStav_KoobuBreetaiBoro_Smooth1Sticare_Courts_0073EM650CronozNLStarSonRonTomTakKyuu2 364 votes


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    I refuse to pump more money into this greed machine.
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    I still have too many character shards I need to get from cantina so I won't be bothering about mods for some time - if that means it becomes near impossible to fight other people in arena or GW then I will just become a character collector rather than game player and find another game to play tbh
  • RowdyIC
    16 posts Member
    Yes, I'll spend more on refreshes to cover both
    you don't have to spend money on refreshes. I buy 2 cantina energy a day with my arena, daily, and galactic war rewards. There is no big difference between F2P and P2P
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    RowdyIC wrote: »
    you don't have to spend money on refreshes. I buy 2 cantina energy a day with my arena, daily, and galactic war rewards. There is no big difference between F2P and P2P

    So you'll do more than 2 now? That's what you answered. If so, does the game give you enough crystals to cover more than two?
  • KelEl85
    158 posts Member
    Hahaha. No. I haven't spent much on the game but I spend no more. Until it becomes fun again. And if it doesn't become fun (looking at you gw) soon, I may not be playing much longer. When I say fun I don't mean easy. The challenge of gw is not the issue for me. I beat it every day. But the system of trying a bunch of random toons until I find the right combo to get the rng I need to get past a series of dodge leader meta teams is not fun. Constantly upgrading toons and progressing in the game only to find that the challenge gets harder and more frustrating is not fun. Gw needs a total rework. I understand that takes time but they need to let us know they are working on it. I am willing to pay for their services, but I don't pay to be spit on and told that I will like it.
  • Divona
    117 posts Member
    I will stop spending completely. I'm not going to say how much i spent over a month but its very high. No more that EA.
  • Silken
    88 posts Member
    I usually refresh twice and stop. i will continue to refresh twice but just play for mods.

    TBH it all depends on the drop rates for the rare level mods (Mod levels 1 and 2 I believe).

    If I get a drop a day/2 days then I'll probably continue playing for mods. If it's a drop a week, then I'll forget it and just collect level 3 mods and move back to Cantina for characters I want.

    Actually my main concern is not using Cantina Energy. It's how difficult GW becomes. Basically if you're not completing GW you're falling way way below the curb in terms of credits and training.

    If mods stop me from completing GW. I'll probably just look for a new game.
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    Do we have a choice? LOL.
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    Lol nah they not bout to get me with this.. b, s
  • Breetai
    858 posts Member
    Great chance I'm done with the game come Tuesday
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    It's not about more refreshes or not. l might buy more cantina refreshes, but all of them will have to be invested into mods.

    I would love to collect many more of the cantina characters but what do you think is more important? Your 30th 7* character which will not be usable without mods,raidgear,farmable gear, omegas anyway or to buy more mods which might help you to improve your top characters?
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    It's not about more refreshes or not. l might buy more cantina refreshes, but all of them will have to be invested into mods.

    I would love to collect many more of the cantina characters but what do you think is more important? Your 30th 7* character which will not be usable without mods,raidgear,farmable gear, omegas anyway or to buy more mods which might help you to improve your top characters?
    This just about sums it all up. If they don't lower the price of cantina energy or give us bonus cantina energy 3 times a day, this game is gonna fail hard.

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    I'm not upset about mods using Catina energy only because there isn't a toon I want to farm except for Chief Chirpa. I'm finally at a point in the game where I can take a break from farming Catina shards and it won't affect my progression in a negative way.

    I do think it's 100% messed up though that farming mods will use Catina energy. There are more players that still need Catina toons than players who don't. This decision made about Catina energy will only hinder those players that are still trying to farm toons. If anything mods should require different energy.

    Also I think Catina energy should work like normal energy. One point per every 6 minutes and being able to collect extra energy at 1:00 pm, 7:00pm & 10:00pm. I still don't understand why we only get regular energy and not Catina energy as well. When we level up we get both. That extra Catina energy would come in so helpful..especially for the F2P community.
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    Sure I will, if you mean by my daily free crystals. Not spending a dime until they fix this mess. Ftp all the way.
  • Smithie
    1427 posts Member
    Hahahahahahaha no chance

    If anything this will make me spend less.
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    It's not about more refreshes or not. l might buy more cantina refreshes, but all of them will have to be invested into mods.

    I would love to collect many more of the cantina characters but what do you think is more important? Your 30th 7* character which will not be usable without mods,raidgear,farmable gear, omegas anyway or to buy more mods which might help you to improve your top characters?
    This just about sums it all up. If they don't lower the price of cantina energy or give us bonus cantina energy 3 times a day, this game is gonna fail hard.

    That would help a lot. Since cantina energy has to be split (or used in one place or the other) it should have the same rules as normal energy. Otherwise it's going going to create limitations that enrage more people enough to throw in the towel.
  • Big_Boss
    2326 posts Member
    How about I just let my arena rank take over the bill? I might or might not do the 200 refresh depends
  • AKS
    81 posts Member
    Nope, then again I really don't have anyone I want to farm in cantina anyways. I have 26 7* toons and 15 other toons with enough shards for 7* that I'm not even working up for now.
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    Not feeding the beast
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  • Yarzahn
    329 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    I'm not sure what I'll do. I will not renew the 21 day gem booster (the only money i spend) until i see how things turn out, I'm so annoyed at this game, all the recent messes and the mod announcement that I feel it would be best just taking a break. It's pointless trying to progress anyway.

    First raid pits guild members against each other and barely gives any sense of gear progression because of greedy scheme selling raid gear for gems.
    Then all the mess with scoundrel challenge.
    Added to the fact there's a massive credit inflation towards higher levels/ end game and the credit rewards from challenges, nodes and GW barely scale AT ALL.
    Oh and GW now takes quite a while to complete (or for some people it's plain impossible).

    Now the ONE area where I still had a sense of accomplishment (cantina shard farming), which has terrible regeneration and insane gem prices - is getting is being gutted too with yet another unbearable grind money grab.

    Go to hell.
    My gem pack is ending in 4 days. I'm almost certain i'm done with paying, since the rewards are null.
  • Aniema
    602 posts Member
    Yes, I'll spend more on refreshes to cover both
    Lets all be honest here..when it goes live this week..the majority of players will be spending energy on mods instead of shards. Yes we are all upset. But its a new feature..gamers like to be the first to have something in game. This mod update will probably be no different..and the devs know this.
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    If they gave us free Cantina Energy as they do with regular Energy, then farming both would be no problem as a f2p. I will get Mods if necessary unfortunately.

    More importantly, will they change the guild Cantina day to add energy spent in Mod Battles? Currently reads "Spend X Energy in Cantina Battles". I have not seen any word of this.
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    I have spent around 1k since launch and I recently switch to F2P. Don't plan on going back to P2P any time soon. The game has just become an endless grind for gear and soon to be released mods. The game is not fun and its not competative. If it wasn't Star Wars I would have moved on a long time ago.

    I refuse to spend money until it becomes fun again and they add some level of competitiveness that is not guild mates fighting each other for Han shards. We need guild battles, we need a more competative arena structure, we need large monthly events that pit us against each others to earn rewards.
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    Only the first 2 tiers of mods will be available from mod battles, according to the dev post. This means that while mods may be worth gathering initially from the mod battles, they will likely release another raid or something else that allows you to farm the higher-tier mods a different way. Thus, while you may want to get some mods from the mod battles at first for your best characters, you'll probably end up grinding most of the mods you obtain from raiding or something else instead.

    This is all just speculation, but don't cry over milk that hasn't been spilled yet.
  • LastJedi
    3047 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    No idea until I see it.

    Right now I do one refresh per week in cantina, tops. On sundays. Sometimes I don't even do that one.

    I do not need shards. I do not need purples. I do not need anymore 7 star lvl 80 toons that are gear 7/8.

    I need raid gear, stun guns, hair dryers, chedaks, mk 5 merr sonns. Does any of that $%# drop in cantina?
  • RogueHS
    148 posts Member
    I'm going to treat mods like an end end end game feature and ignore them until I have my main squads maxed out and all the cantina characters I need.
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    Just like you don't negotiate with terrorists.
    (pls don't shoot me, I'm quoting hollywood here)
    Proud and Belgian officer of [DTA] BIER DTA | official Lando Calrissian fanboy KappaPride
  • CapnnRex
    184 posts Member
    No way.
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