We would like to address our concerns about the future of SWGOH as Team iNstinct


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    I absolutely agree pac0naut. That is why my respect for TI has grow by leaps and bounds. they stood to benefit by this update but instead they voiced concern for the game. That is something I was not expecting but I am glad it happened. We need more unity like this on the forum to get the Devs to see where they screw up.
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    Leandrovv wrote: »
    The latest update raised the necessity to create a thread to voice of our concerns about the future of SWGOH.
    We have a player base that was formed with the release of the game in November. All of our members did their best to support your game since that day by investing hardcore.
    For months, we abided the developers' minor mistakes as somehow the game's progression smothered them, as we always believed in the developer team and their good intentions as they were working hard to fix what's necessary. Therefore, we showed %100 support and always gave valuable feedback, directly to the dev team to make sure that the game could stay on the correct route.
    We weren't disappointed thankfully until this point.
    But this time, we truly believe that the line has been crossed. This is another Precrafting issue, as it's stated as "Precraft 2.0" on reddit boards. Stealth nerf to Potency, increased costs of mod upgrades, dropped rates of mods from challenges/battles are one story, and the whole implementation of mods which makes the grind of gear totally futile for months is whole another.
    Some of us had suffered from the 1.0 version of it months ago, and we definitely don't want to suffer from the same design mistake again this time. As Team iNstinct family, we'll act as one body to protest this latest update with its changes and we're planning to stop all of our investments to the game's current state if mistakes will not be reverted or fixed.
    We are hoping to see immediate action as we want our adventure in SWGOH to continue for years.
    We love Star Wars. We love this game. But that doesn't mean that we'll stay silent to any changes which declines the overall health of the game.
    We're absolutely open for any convo with the devs to provide the feedback they need to rig the game back to its good days.
    Team iNstinct.

    Just thought it should be spread
  • RU486
    1686 posts Member
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    Deleted TI message
    what? this one -
    The latest update raised the necessity to create a thread to voice of our concerns about the future of SWGOH.
    We have a player base that was formed with the release of the game in November. All of our members did their best to support your game since that day by investing hardcore.
    For months, we abided the developers' minor mistakes as somehow the game's progression smothered them, as we always believed in the developer team and their good intentions as they were working hard to fix what's necessary. Therefore, we showed %100 support and always gave valuable feedback, directly to the dev team to make sure that the game could stay on the correct route.
    We weren't disappointed thankfully until this point.
    But this time, we truly believe that the line has been crossed. This is another Precrafting issue, as it's stated as "Precraft 2.0" on reddit boards. Stealth nerf to Potency, increased costs of mod upgrades, dropped rates of mods from challenges/battles are one story, and the whole implementation of mods which makes the grind of gear totally futile for months is whole another.
    Some of us had suffered from the 1.0 version of it months ago, and we definitely don't want to suffer from the same design mistake again this time. As Team iNstinct family, we'll act as one body to protest this latest update with its changes and we're planning to stop all of our investments to the game's current state if mistakes will not be reverted or fixed.
    We are hoping to see immediate action as we want our adventure in SWGOH to continue for years.
    We love Star Wars. We love this game. But that doesn't mean that we'll stay silent to any changes which declines the overall health of the game.
    We're absolutely open for any convo with the devs to provide the feedback they need to rig the game back to its good days.
    Team iNstinct.
    +1 Imperial Army
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    That was inspirational, Team Instinct.
    Ascansio wrote: »
    The latest update raised the necessity to create a thread to voice of our concerns about the future of SWGOH.

    We have a player base that was formed with the release of the game in November. All of our members did their best to support your game since that day by investing hardcore.

    For months, we abided the developers' minor mistakes as somehow the game's progression smothered them, as we always believed in the developer team and their good intentions as they were working hard to fix what's necessary. Therefore, we showed %100 support and always gave valuable feedback, directly to the dev team to make sure that the game could stay on the correct route.

    We weren't disappointed thankfully until this point.

    But this time, we truly believe that the line has been crossed. This is another Precrafting issue, as it's stated as "Precraft 2.0" on reddit boards. Stealth nerf to Potency, increased costs of mod upgrades, dropped rates of mods from challenges/battles are one story, and the whole implementation of mods which makes the grind of gear totally futile for months is whole another.

    Some of us had suffered from the 1.0 version of it months ago, and we definitely don't want to suffer from the same design mistake again this time. As Team iNstinct family, we'll act as one body to protest this latest update with its changes and we're planning to stop all of our investments to the game's current state if mistakes will not be reverted or fixed.

    We are hoping to see immediate action as we want our adventure in SWGOH to continue for years.

    We love Star Wars. We love this game. But that doesn't mean that we'll stay silent to any changes which declines the overall health of the game.

    We're absolutely open for any convo with the devs to provide the feedback they need to rig the game back to its good days.

    Team iNstinct.

    This was inspirational to read, Team iNstinct.
    I'm supporting you guys 100%!

    Thank you.
  • IdraRage
    259 posts Member
    pac0naut wrote: »
    xanderxman wrote: »
    Too little, too late?

    The reason I haven't re-deleted the game is because I'm waiting to see their response and hoping that the management team, not the dev's, will just say they made a bad decision and either remove Mods or drastically reduce their impact and I'll stay. This was a very good game, there was no reason for this change, none.

    Indeed. Mods were a great idea, just poorly executed at rollout. Too much too fast. I love the idea behind them, just not this early and negating months of progress.

    Agreed. If they rolled them out over the course of a year, without having other major increases (like level 90+, 8 stars, etc), it would have been great. But have there been other examples of such massive sudden power increases (and unlevelling of the play field) in other RPG/ strategy games before?
  • Toukai
    1822 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    While I know several members of TI (and the people who hate them), I have never once truly cared about whales. They spend the money, they keep the lights on, they are what the company caters too. It's just logical.

    Once thing specific I enjoyed about this game was that as a F2P (dolphins can be here too) I wasn't at an absolute disadvantage in any situation. If I put in my time, focused specific characters, and remained dedicated: then I could keep up with almost everyone.

    P2W got Aalya, Sun Fac, Leia, B2, and other characters at the time that were leg-ups in regards to f2p toons. That is their right as a paying customer (VIP based on what they pay). Despite this, players could manage their f2p teams well and still break top10 and even claim rank 1. A leg up didnt give you a certainty of a rating.

    That being said, nothing.... and I mean nothing... drove a wedge so deep into the game than this. Like TI members have stated, someone got over 200+ 5* mods by spending who knows how much cash. I am f2p and I burned my entire stock of crystals I have been saving for months (3k) and only have enough mods to gear 4 toons (not even well).

    There would be no way, probably even within a year, of me being able to compete at all with the removal of guarenteed drops form the events. I might as well just stop trying, and that defeatism is what drove into people's cores.

    I am literally a software designer. That's what I do for a living. I've worked with multi-billion dollar companies (banks, lenders, auto companies) and I have never seen such terrible design decisions in my LIFE when it came to delivering to clients. Never.

    Then the... company... has the gall to literally say "Our testers had a terrible response to this as well... but screw it we're pushing it anyways." At no point did anyone stop and think to say "maybe we should reassess this and make it FUN on release."

    Oh, and then as an apology the company gives shards for one of the worst characters in the game. That's just a spit in the eye right there.

    Seriously, please do a favor for the longevity of the game, the clients, and money: hire a new director.
  • HardCase
    25 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Thanks Instinct! Well said.



    A game shouldn't feel like a chore or a job everyday. It's not fun anymore. It's nearly impossible to win for f2p or mostly f2p. Month's of grinding work and chores have been relegated to worthlessness.

    (In simpler terms, roll back the "updates".)

    There a bigger problems in the world as Nice, France, proves. That alone makes me wish for something to take my mind off of such issues now and then. Instead, we're left with the mess this game has become and the lack of joy it brings.
  • MrGrips
    521 posts Member
    Toukai wrote: »
    While I know several members of TI (and the people who hate them), I have never once truly cared about whales. They spend the money, they keep the lights on, they are what the company caters too. It's just logical.

    Once thing specific I enjoyed about this game was that as a F2P (dolphins can be here too) I wasn't at an absolute disadvantage in any situation. If I put in my time, focused specific characters, and remained dedicated: then I could keep up with almost everyone.

    P2W got Aalya, Sun Fac, Leia, B2, and other characters at the time that were leg-ups in regards to f2p toons. That is their right as a paying customer (VIP based on what they pay). Despite this, players could manage their f2p teams well and still break top10 and even claim rank 1. A leg up didnt give you a certainty of a rating.

    That being said, nothing.... and I mean nothing... drove a wedge so deep into the game than this. Like TI members have stated, someone got over 200+ 5* mods by spending who knows how much cash. I am f2p and I burned my entire stock of crystals I have been saving for months (3k) and only have enough mods to gear 4 toons (not even well).

    There would be no way, probably even within a year, of me being able to compete at all with the removal of guarenteed drops form the events. I might as well just stop trying, and that defeatism is what drove into people's cores.

    I am literally a software designer. That's what I do for a living. I've worked with multi-billion dollar companies (banks, lenders, auto companies) and I have never seen such terrible design decisions in my LIFE when it came to delivering to clients. Never.

    Then the... company... has the gall to literally say "Our testers had a terrible response to this as well... but screw it we're pushing it anyways." At no point did anyone stop and think to say "maybe we should reassess this and make it FUN on release."

    Oh, and then as an apology the company gives shards for one of the worst characters in the game. That's just a pit in the eye right there.

    Seriously, please do a favor for the longevity of the game, the clients, and money: hire a new director.

  • Kalcor
    92 posts Member
    My faith in the game is totally shattered. I spent a ton of money farming gear and working my way up the ranks. Mods have made all my efforts worthless. I'm not spending anymore on this game.

    That's the caveat, the devs already got what they wanted from you. It's that bread, not the player

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  • scuba
    14200 posts Member
    Well written and fully supported! Now F2P I am..
  • Amth
    197 posts Member
    pac0naut wrote: »
    Indeed. Mods were a great idea, just poorly executed at rollout. Too much too fast. I love the idea behind them, just not this early and negating months of progress.

    Personally I feel that 10%, maybe 15% at most should be what you gained from an entire set of mods. But that's a post for another thread.

    Essentially, this game is a game of farming, and some of the farming is long and drawn out. Most players can't day 1 7* rey, or gear up a teebo immediately to gear 10. Most players aren't born at #1 arena rank. Most players don't do their first raid, finish #1 and full clear the zone. These are goals, and these are achievements that players work towards in the gradual progression of the game. If there is one thing games dislike, it is having all of their time and resources spent wasted, and being put back to square one.

    Personally, my arena shard isn't the best, but I am familiar with all the names at the top. I can tell who has what time slots daily. I see daily teams that aren't the best work their way up close to their payouts, and then pounce into the top 5. It is evident that the specific players have worked hard to get a FTP arena team that can compete and net them a top 5 finish. Then mods hit. And sadly, many of these players weren't still pushing top 5, they were struggling to stay top 40.

    It's very difficult to envision working hard at something only to have it taken away from you at the drop of a hat. This goes to all those who worked hard on a Phase 1 raid team. To those who farmed up specific arena comps. To those who spent time making sure their GW teams could complete it on daily basis. Providing one day and then taking everything away the next is not an ideal situation in gaming.

    I am glad that the many voices, love them or hate them, are being heard, and I can only hope that something rational is done. I've seen at this moment, 5 of my guildmates walk away from the game, and 5 out of 50 is 10% of our roster. To large guilds that have fillers, that may not be significant, but we only have one guild, and most of our roster has been here since day 1 of guilds. I hope that in time that the developers here see what a grievous error that mods in this capacity are, and that something can be done to rectify the sanity of this game.

    Looking for a Guild? Click here for our recruitment post
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    FYI I didn't reply to messages the past 2 days because I just flew to London for Star Wars Celebration and am responding to you all at 2:24am local time :)
    Community Manager for Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes | Follow me on Twitter - Darokaz
  • ZAKK
    35 posts Member
    Thanks Iinstinct!! A NEW HOPE!
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    Thanks team instinct. Greedy devs will listen to money and your team instinct is one of the most honorable hard working guild I've seen in the game.

    Glad you guys can unite and stand together.

    It's not the Devs, it's the EA executives
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    We just reposted this with "+1 Imperial Army" and it was down within 3 minutes
    564 posts Member
    Agree 100%. The mods are way too powerful. It's almost as if there is no balance between Mods and gear. GW against heavily modded teams is just painful. The change to raid- unexpected. I just hit a T3 Rancor and my max gear/omega QGJ landed TM down a whopping zero times. I'm still undecided on mods in general, but they are way to significant in toon power for sure.

    Also, Mods using Cantina energy is terrible IMO!
  • Stormy
    951 posts Member
    Thank you Jesse for taking the time. <3
  • darkensoul
    1309 posts Member
    We lost a few in our guild and have since gone ftp after today. We have lowered our guild daily requirements to ftp levels. Our investments as a guild are at a halt.
  • Chico
    120 posts Member
    Hear, hear!!
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    EA_Jesse wrote: »
    FYI I didn't reply to messages the past 2 days because I just flew to London for Star Wars Celebration and am responding to you all at 2:24am local time :)

    Well better late than never. I look forward to reading it.
    470 posts Member
    I don't like how devalued all of my money and time spent on this game since these mods came out. I have spent alot of money and really liked the patch itself and new characters but these mods although I like the idea are WAY to strong and devalue the current system TOO MUCH!!

    I was going to purchase commander Cody but after this mod system implemented I'm gonna hold off on spending.
    Line: xSNAKEMAN
  • Whitchit
    186 posts Member
    EA_Jesse wrote: »
    FYI I didn't reply to messages the past 2 days because I just flew to London for Star Wars Celebration and am responding to you all at 2:24am local time :)

    Great way to celebrate Star Wars: by killing a game. Lol. You must hate your dev team right now.
  • C3POwn
    507 posts Member
    I feel like this is a belated April fools on us. Either that, or EA/CG are in the middle of trying to set the Guinness World Record for best troll ever. Jesse, this can't be real?
  • ioniancat21
    2091 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    As a leader of a large guild, I too was disappointed with the outcome of this latest patch added to this already dramatic update. We all know Team Instinct defended the developers for many of the previous poorly designed updates and to now see them speaking out is telling.

    Our membership has weathered the storm and lost some important people these past few days due to this debacle and I know Instinct's ranks have suffered as well surely.

    I remember how we used to think before the Guild feature was released, the excitement and the discussions we had with all the guilds in the Line Leaders chat, anticipating and discussing changes, we loved the game. For our lost comrades, we once again have to come together, but this time, to save the game from itself.

    Many if not all of the TNR members would surely support this message, along with some insightful yet respectful comments made by other Instinct members like @DarthScott who made some excellent points.

    Where's FTB at? Where are the other big guilds?? We need your voices here in a civil manner to discuss this situation rationally so this post endures moderation and is heard.

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    Joonbugg wrote: »
    I am not sure why everyone is all up in arms here. Did you miss the memo?

    We are getting 10 more Chewie shards tomorrow. I mean, isn't 30 shards more than fair for this **** of a disaster?

    Keep up the good word TI.

    I love you so much.
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    Half of our guild has quit. P2P members. Deleted the app altogether
  • ZurinFet
    261 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Sure is confortable being on top. Having to think a little bit makes people get annoyed.

    2 players having the same exact mod builds and one being a Gear Level above the other, the one with higher level gear has a clear advantage. Less than before? Yes, but he still is at an advantage.

    I really don't get this outcry about having to stop and think again. Did the heavy spenders get too confortable? Oh yeah.

    Also, can you explain a little better what the "stealth nerf" to potency was? If you are talking about Teebo/QG and others having less potency.. that was a FIX, you will be able to obtain 100% potency with mods.

    They are giving us tools to tailor characters to our needs. If you are happy about seeing the same teams over and over again, its because it suits you.

    Now, on another note.. the drop rate nerf was absurd, as it added a possible MK3 mod to the pool on the hardest challenge. Sure, you can do a MK4 & MK5 possible drop. But it needs to be 100%. The mod system has already insane amounts of RNG, you don't need to RNG if we get or not a mod.

    Even if Cantina Energy refresh had the same cost of normal energy, a non-100% drop rate is absurd.

    If you are copying a successful game design from Summoner's War, might as well not try to break it.

    Post edited by ZurinFet on
  • Obsid
    108 posts Member
    @ EA_Jesse I just wanted to say thank you for opening this back up again. We should all try to say good things about the good things that are done given the amount of negativity currently.
This discussion has been closed.