Precraft 3.0 was totally erased (thanks), but Precraft 2.0 has not even been acknowledged.

234 posts Member
Precraft 3.0 revolved around a few players getting Tier 6-7 mods from the raid before they were pulled from raids altogether. These items were promptly identified, removed from the game, and replaced with tier 5 mods. Problem solved.

Precraft 2.0 revolves around players who were able to stockpile 5 dot mods while the drop rate was 100%. Precraft 1.0 was more hysteria than it was a problem as it only really affected (a very vocal) 1% or less of players. Pre craft 2.0 is everything people feared about Precraft 1.0 multiplied to an exponential degree. It's rampant and it affects EVERYONE from arena to gw to raid rankings. The series of updates did not change this and the community manager failed to address this.

Here is what should have been done. The final update should've nuked every mod in the game back down to a tier 1 mod with the newly fixed base stats. Tiers 2-5 should've been completely removed from the game like they did with tier 6-7. Drop rates should have returned to 100% and mods would only be available from Mod battles. The challenges would be closed and locked. The game should have persisted like this for a month or two. Pre crafters would still have more mods, but everyone else would catch up fairly quickly. After this introductory break in period to mods, they could've unlocked the mod challenges offering tier 2-3 mods, a few months later tier 4-5 and so on and so forth.

A few problems would still remain. Credit cost to upgrade and remove. Cantina Energy. These could be easily fixed.


  • Kinnick
    83 posts Member
  • fudgra
    982 posts Member
    Don't worry those 5* mods are pretty much useless now after they were nerfed.
  • Xenith
    267 posts Member
    Hell know... The basic idea of mods is to get us to spend money
    (Which is fair)
    If they did that to not lose in my pvp i would need 3* mods then 5* mods...
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