Droid team advice?

4 posts Member
edited August 2016
Specifically, I'm wondering which droid to add to this team, General Grievous or IG-86...

Jawa Engineer
Chief Nebit
HK-47 (leader)

Both Grievous and 86 are 7*, and I'm wondering which works better with the other 4 and why. Please advise...


  • Options
    I haven't got GG myself and hardly see him, especially one at 7*, so I can't really talk about he would function with that team, but I feel 86 will still be more useful than him with his fast and high damage.
    Team Steroid Council Member - "A wise leader knows when to follow"
  • scuba
    14102 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    I have gone against gg teams and IMO 86 is better. GG was not lead so that may make a difference. His health is pretty low so his falling below 50% normally happens on death.
    86 assist is crazy, as long as he doesn't call je
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