Darth Sidious Review

I got him to level 70, G8, and 7* so I will show where he is useful, and where he is not.

Should I Farm Him?

Probably Not. It all depends on your play style. For beginners he is useful, but for experienced players, he is near useless.



He gives allies of any tag more likely to land critical hits and increase the critical damage. This really stands out in raids for a backup leader.


Although he may not do too much damage, he can prevent healing. That is basically it.

Demoralizing Blows

He attacks all enemies and gives them damage over time.

Sadistic Glee

I would recommend checking it out for yourself. I never really found it to be helpful although some have.


Farm him for raids only.


  • RU486
    1686 posts Member
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    RU486 wrote: »

    You should.
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    Sidious is poo
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    Sidious is poo

    Sure is.
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    Everyone already knows this. Sid was irrelevant after the protection update.
  • Dizzle
    80 posts Member
    I miss the sidious days
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    Biggest 7* toon regret...
  • Jean
    20 posts Member
    his aoe has terrible rates of inflicting dot
  • CapnnRex
    184 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    Why are so many people complaining about him yet 99% of arena teams have him. It's funny
  • Aniema
    602 posts Member
    Biggest 7* toon regret...

    Eeth Koth is.
    CapnnRex wrote: »
    Why are so many people complaining about him yet 99% of arena teams have him. It's funny

    Maybe they use him on new servers, but not on old servers. And he difinitly isn't being used on teams that are ranking between 20-1.
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    I use him in GW, he is great on the easier nodes, is normally targeted but self heals and can become sacrificial later. Saves my better toons for the hard nodes, so they can come in with full TM and Armour
  • scuba
    14114 posts Member
    Lol. I started using him as lead for my AoE team in GW.
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    CapnnRex wrote: »
    Why are so many people complaining about him yet 99% of arena teams have him. It's funny

    Ooohwee. The only arena teams that still use him are...

    A. Low ranking teams
    B. Teams in a young arena shard
    C. Both A and B

    Sidious has been practically useless since protection was added. Can't even say he's useful for challenges since there is no "Sith" challenge yet.
  • Zooey
    1607 posts Member
    Condolences. I'm waiting on the Anakin review now.
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    Zooey wrote: »
    Condolences. I'm waiting on the Anakin review now.

    Ooohwee. You are going to be waiting for a long time. You know, since he can only be farmed in hard nodes.
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    Sidious is so bad that when his debuffs dont stick on my rebel team, im disappointed.
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    Haha. I remember when everyone ran him as lead in the arena. How those days are gone, gone, gone.
  • djvita
    1684 posts Member
    give him more damage (20% more), 20% more base potency and change his basic from healing immunity to tenacity down. betcha you would buy a furnace for him then
  • MBL_66
    2465 posts Member
    You should farm him until they add Anakin to cantina
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    MBL_66 wrote: »
    You should farm him until they add Anakin to cantina
    +1 :D
  • rawman
    685 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    CapnnRex wrote: »
    Why are so many people complaining about him yet 99% of arena teams have him. It's funny
    Where? At arena rankings over 9000? xD
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    For beginners
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    Sid is a great first toon for casual players who aren't reading the forums. Basic kit that can teach the user about the importance of turn planning, while very easy to star and gear. Still totally viable in GW, too.
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    Dwinkelm wrote: »
    Sid is a great first toon for casual players who aren't reading the forums. Basic kit that can teach the user about the importance of turn planning, while very easy to star and gear. Still totally viable in GW, too.
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    Roses are red,
    Violets are blue,
    Oh no he hasn't,
    Done a darth Sidious review.
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    Roses are red,
    Violets are blue,
    Oh no he hasn't,
    Done a darth Sidious review.

    LOL so good.

    I feel like someone should start a dedicated thread sharing the good memories of our dearly departed Sidious.

    Like this: Remember when BOTH teams ran Sidious, and sometimes you had to retreat and start-over if the other teams' Sidious pulled off his AOE too early? It was such a big deal.

    Or those times when you were actually heal blocked, when you used a healer, and tried to heal but were heal blocked...

    Good times...
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    He was good for beginners eight months ago. Back then he was widely considered the first priority. Most of the top arena teams ran him as lead. Now I use mine for nodes 1-5 in galactic war and when I run out of better toons in my daily raid activities.
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    Alway met him in Squad Arena at the first time I play this game about 8 months ago,now he had gone.
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    He is still popular in my neighborhood, around 500. I use him with my Vader team. But I'm so lame I have to run multiple teams and often don't finish GW. Still, is fun watching someone with three healers waste all those actions on whomever you are beating down after a heal block. Satisfying.
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