Strategy on gear?

231 posts Member
edited January 2016
What's the best way to level characters gear.

Do you focus on one char at a time until there gear is purple. Then go to next?

I've been going back and forth a lot as I was leveling, but now that I'm at the point where you need more pieces to craft I'm not sure what the best strategy is. Thanks!


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    I gear whoever is closest to maxing that level first, unless they are stuck waiting for the dreaded mkIV sorosub keyoard which 2/3 of my team is. Also I finish the "easy" items first for everybody and then work my way up to the hard ones because having a crappy item that gives like 5 resistance is better than having an empty slot for days or weeks.
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    Great. I've been doing that for the most part, thought maybe I was doing it all wrong.
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    The only wrong way to go about gear is to make almost every single hero reliant on the same exact thing ie. mkVI sorosub keyboard. It was my Kylo's last piece to gear VII and now Dooku is waiting for only that to get to VII. And today I geared up my IG 86 to find out he needs that to GET TO VI. Unbelievable that somebody would have that item in a level V gearset :#
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    Lol i will def keep that in mind while going through my characters. I could see that being a bit of an issue. I appreciate the help.
  • Jabberwocky
    1809 posts Member
    edited January 2016
    Get to level 62 ASAP, a new gear challenge level is unlocked which makes farming some of the purple stuff like the Mk 4 laptops and those Mk 3 Carbanti Sensor Arrays you need 50 of a whole lot easier.
    Ally Code: 945-699-762
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    That's good to know. I got a little ways to go, but I'm glad they are easier to get eventually
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