B2 - dispell on Mow Down

B2s dispell on Mow Down does not appear to be working correctly. Per description, it states that ALL positive status effects will be removed and this isn't happening.

Great toon though! Thanks


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  • LastJedi
    3047 posts Member
    Everyone dispel is bugged.

    Is it
    Crit up
    Defense up
    Evasion up

    That aren't cleared by chance?

    Cuz I think qgj and plo koon can't dispelled these, either.
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    B2 doesn't appear to be able to clear stealth either. That certainly is a positive effect. I paid good money to get this toon and it doesn't work as promised. Please fix the bug or give me my money back.
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    Oh, and Teebo is usually if not always involved.
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    I guess no one from EA reads these or cares to read them. Is this just being ignored or is it being addressed? I dont want to begin writing about poor customer service too. I have since noticed teebo is not always involved. Ive seen it happen with rey alot and royal guard.
  • Kozispoon
    3245 posts EA Staff (retired)
    Our QA team seems to be unable to reproduce your results. The positive status effects listed are effects that can become active on a character at the beginning of their turn, or when they are attacked. For example using Mow Down on a Chewbacca lead team will dispel Defense Up but the characters can regain it due to the fact that they received damage. Another example would be a team led by Teebo because Stealth can be dispelled from all chars and then they can regain stealth at the beginning of their turns.
    Thank you for your patience 8D Forum Guidelines
  • scuba
    14126 posts Member
    The dispel/attack can also be deflected/dodged.
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