how to beat max droids?

As a ftp player. So no Rex or sun fac. Yeah I know you can get him now. But don't have him.
Which is 100% win against them. As a f2p.


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    Han Solo. Stun JE and the rest of the fight is a joke.
  • bluenqm
    172 posts Member
    edited September 2016
    bngman wrote: »
    As a ftp player. So no Rex or sun fac. Yeah I know you can get him now. But don't have him.
    Which is 100% win against them. As a f2p.

    With RNG, there is no 100% win.

    1. You can try evasion team (Old Ben / Dooku / Luminara lead).
    2. You can try Magmatrooper (Droids hit him, apply debuff then he gains 60% TM, after that use Thermal Imploder).
  • designingsean
    218 posts Member
    edited September 2016
    Old Ben, STHan, Lando, a couple of DPS toons (I run Rey and QGJ), and some luck.

    I used to run the same team as above with GeoSoldier in Lando's spot, and would 50% get obliterated my first turn. Some times I would be OK, but I just didn't have enough broad damage to clear the field quickly enough. And we are talking a DPS heavy team.

    Once Lando came in, it changed significantly. As long as he holds on, I can usually take a max droid team out, even if I lose Rey or QGJ in the first wave. Obviously Old Ben and STHan are also crucial. I doubt Lando would work without those two as well. But it IS doable f2p.

    And of course, RNGesus always has its say. Sometimes I still get murdered. But I don't avoid droid teams like I used to.
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    bngman wrote: »
    As a ftp player. So no Rex or sun fac. Yeah I know you can get him now. But don't have him.
    Which is 100% win against them. As a f2p.

    Sun Fac is little threat anymore. Rex lead is a threat but you have to have a really good team with him.
    Han Solo. Stun JE and the rest of the fight is a joke.

    Han is very useful against droids but he also requires a really good team with him. Otherwise Han is easy peasy.

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    Raid Han Solo; stun JE. The rest is a mopping up exercise.

    iN DarthJarJar | Team Instinct Δ
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    As a droid user.. I can suggest some things.. I hate rex,old ben,dooku leads... Dodging enemys are the worst for droids.. Cuz that means they dont get the tm. Also crit avoidance mods .. They are cruel too. And counters arent that funny too.. Thinking aboit dooku,fives, aayla.. And any igd lead jedi team.. What also works well are foresight chars and tm gainers like, jka,b2,biggs and so on. .. I would suggest u 2 squad comps (f2p), that i wont face.

    Old ben lead, rey,yoda,rg,leia .. Just pain in the ****.

    Igd lead, yoda,aayla,jka,fives

    Both are awesome.. And now something tricky i do use sometimes.. Cuz i dont have the squads above.

    Dooku lead, fives, jka, biggs,rg .. Works well
  • 777
    323 posts Member
    There is no team that I can't beat. On defense its a different story.
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    777 wrote: »
    There is no team that I can't beat. On defense its a different story.

    You are so godly. How do you do it?
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    777 wrote: »
    There is no team that I can't beat. On defense its a different story.

    Hhahaa i bet all i got, that u cant beat rex lead, fives, echo,cody,p1
  • Loose_Lee
    2733 posts Member
    edited September 2016
    Lol droids are my bag baby!
    But Rex lead with a speed mod sthan is pretty much lights out.

    Droid losing the edge stated above counter/dodge teams are annoying...but can be overcome by focusing fire.

    Turn meter manipulation from Rex lead and Sthan is like putting your "restraining bolt and nuts" into a vice and having it turned until they bust, gushing droid juices all over as your futile struggles quickly end in complete system system shutdown.

    Also Palpatine and his shock is straight up gangsta on droids....if you can neuter any droids TM gain then you basically win.
  • 777
    323 posts Member
    Then you would be left with nothing. My JE has 302 speed after bonuses. Its all about mods. I've spent over 8k since mods came out and most of that was spent lookin for perfect mods. There is a trick to beating teams like the one you described. #ModsAreMeta
  • 777
    323 posts Member
    Ability block St and one shot Rex.
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    A good F2P solution to maxed droids is: Anakin (L), Aayla, 5s, RG + QGJ. You can also run IGD (L), Aayla, Fisto, 5s, RG or Anakin. Basically any tanky counter team should be able to beat a very geared droid team on offense.
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    When dealing with these nasty maxed droid teams I run IGD L, QGJ, ST Han, Ugnaught and 5's. It blows them to bits, even better with a B2. Only prob is once you beat them, you are instantly targeted by everyone else :blush:
  • Loose_Lee
    2733 posts Member
    edited September 2016
    777 wrote: »
    Then you would be left with nothing. My JE has 302 speed after bonuses. Its all about mods. I've spent over 8k since mods came out and most of that was spent lookin for perfect mods. There is a trick to beating teams like the one you described. #ModsAreMeta

    Look bud...I don't have $8k to throw away on game. I can still take #1 and stay in top 20 with 1 refresh. My JE is 255 speed and theres a few in top 5 of my shard that have toons cranked up on speed to go b4 my JE. But that edge the JE had is fading as more peeps spend exorbitant amounts on mods.

    I agree is all about mods in top tier of arena, but I can't compete when the requirement is spending crazy amounts of cash on mods.

    Also congrats on getting a job that let's you spend $ like that. (thats not sarcasm, but praise)

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    777 wrote: »
    There is no team that I can't beat. On defense its a different story.

    This is the case for about 98% of teams. Most teams win on offense, save for occasional bad RNG. We have a couple of maxed droid teams on my early December shard. They rarely sniff the top 10 (usually barely in the top 20). The teams that beat them regularly are:

    Lando (L) STHan, JKA, Rex, Sun Fac
    Lando (L) Wiggs + JKA + STHan
    Double tank teams work too (STHan + RG + Palp lead or Lando lead)
    I run Lando (L) + STHan + RG + Palp + QGJ - haven't lost to a droid team in months.
    There are even a few teams that have trotted out 6* Han Solo to stun JE (even at 302 speed). They win easily as well.

    Droids are actually one of the more beatable teams in the current meta. Anything that interrupts their "crit flow" (i.e. counters, crit chance reduction mods, Biggs/JKA cutting in due to TM bumps, cleanse/tenacity boosts) makes them sitting ducks for stuns, AOEs, etc. As more fully geared and starred raid Han Solo's appear, they will become even easier, as he shuts down the crit train before it even leaves the proverbial station.

    Can whales on younger shards win with heavily modded droid teams? Sure. For now. On mature shards? Nope. Not any more than any other team - and in fact, on many mature shards, droids are a liability, not a strength.
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
  • 777
    323 posts Member
    This specific account that I showed is on a December shard. And Hans is not a problem or any of the other teams mentioned. Due to the fact I threw away my turn sequence and modded all droids to the teeth. I am not supposed to be beating these teams but I am. And yes, @Loose_Lee , I had to spend a ridiculous amount to achieve this but your statement about not being able to beat this team or that team is inaccurate. The key, other than mods, to me is Nebit. I have him at 234 speed and ridiculous health/protection(almost 80k total). He keeps my team alive and that's bad news for the opponent. Its unbelievable that people think droids are done. It takes some really good mods to achieve this on an early shard but I don't care. I have almost all toons listed above in other teams fully maxed and modded yet I still run droids.
  • 777
    323 posts Member
    BTW, thank you for the compliment. I worked hard to open my own business when I was 21 and it has flourished since. I feel I deserve to enjoy life.Family comes first and they are well taken care of. If my wife gets to buy shoes every weekend then I don't feel bad! Lol
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    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    I run Lando (L) + STHan + RG + Palp + QGJ - haven't lost to a droid team in months.

    Out of curiosity, how do you manage with that specific team? Are you going before JE? And how are you avoiding B2 from dispelling your tanks and buff blocking everyone?
  • Naw
    969 posts Member
    777 wrote: »
    I've spent over 8k since mods came out and most of that was spent lookin for perfect mods.

    I hope you are talking about Cantina Energy or even crystals. Mind boggling... It's just a game.
  • Loose_Lee
    2733 posts Member
    edited September 2016
    777 wrote: »
    This specific account that I showed is on a December shard. And Hans is not a problem or any of the other teams mentioned. Due to the fact I threw away my turn sequence and modded all droids to the teeth. I am not supposed to be beating these teams but I am. And yes, @Loose_Lee , I had to spend a ridiculous amount to achieve this but your statement about not being able to beat this team or that team is inaccurate. The key, other than mods, to me is Nebit. I have him at 234 speed and ridiculous health/protection(almost 80k total). He keeps my team alive and that's bad news for the opponent. Its unbelievable that people think droids are done. It takes some really good mods to achieve this on an early shard but I don't care. I have almost all toons listed above in other teams fully maxed and modded yet I still run droids.
    777 wrote: »
    BTW, thank you for the compliment. I worked hard to open my own business when I was 21 and it has flourished since. I feel I deserve to enjoy life.Family comes first and they are well taken care of. If my wife gets to buy shoes every weekend then I don't feel bad! Lol

    Holy Servo attenuators batman! 234 speed on nebit and 80k hp!?! OK OK OK... now you have me ready to make another effort...I agree nebit is incredible... mines at 163 speed and almost 60k hp and 82% tenacity I thought I had him near the peak...but that speed! His heal over time has got the edge back in your favor.
    Gonna check your mod link now sir...tyvm.

    Also while on gear 10 nebit only has one, ONE piece of gear and it's a flipping 2% tenacity piece...when lv cap goes up I belive nebit will bridge that gap and be among the more powerful toons period. BTW Jan shard. And nice name, you hit the
  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    edited September 2016
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    I run Lando (L) + STHan + RG + Palp + QGJ - haven't lost to a droid team in months.

    Out of curiosity, how do you manage with that specific team? Are you going before JE? And how are you avoiding B2 from dispelling your tanks and buff blocking everyone?

    The 2 droid teams in the top 50 don't run B2 - they run Nebit + JE + the big 3. Hit B2 with one shock, and he's standing around watching - no TM gain. Come back to him later.

    All of my heroes are max level/gear and modded with health + defense mods. Palp's potency is 75%. All 5 survive the "initial onslaught" - sometimes with an RG auto-taunt to draw 86's fire. Then STHan taunts (with his 200 speed), Palp stuns all, QGJ rips off Nebit's taunt and Lando starts crushing metal skulls. RG either buffs or stuns someone - partly depending on who is still standing on the droid side and who Palp didn't stun.

    I don't doubt 777 locks down #1 at his payout. But as he pointed out, no team (including super-modded droids) are unbeatable on defense.
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
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    Get mods with speed. You can beat any team with pretty much any team as long as you have superior speed. Round and round we go but eventually the game always returns to a point where speed is king. I'm a speed king, you gotta hear me sing. $aturday night and I just got paid. Gonna buy me some speed mods.
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  • 777
    323 posts Member
    You are exactly right. No B2 on my team. 100 would be put in before I use B2. As far as your team goes, there were 3 of them on my server when Palp came out that were just like that. But my ability block sticks...ALOT. So there would be no taunt from St. And your lando and palp can nearly be 1shot dead. That team quickly became obsolete.. Landing Ability block is key against that team. I modded my HK to have119% potency and 88 has 79%.
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    I currently run HK, Grievous, 88, JE and B2 as standard. I sub B2 out for 86 against teams with Lando and Palpy as I need to drop them quickly before they run all over me. All max maxed to the max.

    As you don't have Rex, I won't bother going on about clone teams other than to say they are a real nightmare for me (I've had #1 at payout for months until a rival completely switched his team out for a Rex-lead clone team)

    Instead I'd advise you go down the Wiggs route. With Lando in there and a couple of tanks you can prove to be a real problem for teams like mine who rely on AoE splash damage to thin out the entire team's health early on. This same AoE reliance also makes IGD leads an absolute nightmare but recently I've found that if I just stick to basic attack in the early stages, I can thin those teams out well enough to risk AoEs in the mid game.

    Just because more people say it, doesn't make it more right.
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    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    Hit B2 with one shock, and he's standing around watching - no TM gain. Come back to him later.

    Unfortunately, for me anyway it seems Palp is almost always #1 target by AI and rarely survives to take a turn and if he does happen to go his 90% potency gets resisted by B2....

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    You really need speed and crit avoidance on ST Han. If possible crit avoidance on primary targets as well. Try to go before 88 puts on ability block. I run droids. If I can get blocks on before the other team goes I'm going to win
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    I run. Palps rg st han Qgj and rey.
    They all die except han and rg before I go.
    Guess it's down to mods.

    I hate mods.
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    Working on other toons. At mo
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