Max guild currency with the new update could create a problem

"Guilds will have both types of the new currency MAXED when the new Raid goes live. We will announce the exact date of the Raid as we get a little closer, but Guilds will definitely want to spend as much of their currency as they can instead of holding onto it."

According to the Tank Takedown Raid and Level Cap Increase infomation, people can create alt guilds so when the new update comes they'll have dozens of alt guilds with both guild currency at max to rotate raids with. That's 4-5 extra raids every 2-3 days and you'll have enough alt guilds to do this for more than 2 months. This will be a massive advantage so I hope the devs will consider this possible problem when they max both guild currencies.


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    Yes that is very important.

    They should get right on that.
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    Exactly.'as much as I want to try the new raid, I think they should reconsider giving those made energy...
    And they definitely should address the guild hopping problem that is still out of control.
  • ShaolinPunk
    3486 posts Moderator
    This is a little like counting your chickens before they've hatched. Think the dev team is fully aware of the kinks in the last event and we'll continue working hard to make sure the next big update is delivered in good condition. B positive. Can't criticize a donut you didn't eat yet.
    **Please tag me (@ShaolinPunk) if you need assistance.** My Collection. . My Poll.. Ally Code: 332-622-913 Discord: shaolin_punk#2107
  • Big_Boss
    2326 posts Member
    EA_Jesse wrote: »
    Ok everyone, here are the questions and answers I was able to address (or in some cases not address because I can't yet :) ). If I missed your question I apologize! I didn't dodge any on purpose.

    Who do you think the new character will be?
    More details on this as we get closer to the launch of the new Raid.

    What player level and gear level is the new tank raid geared towards?
    We'll reveal more details like these with the patch notes once we get a little closer to the new Raid release date.

    If level 85, will defeating non-heroic levels or even Rancor heroic give experience towards the level cap?
    No, this will not grant XP towards the level cap.

    Are you going to re-adjust Credit Heist to accommodate the extra cost of having to level all of our characters... again?
    Currently no, the amount of credits earned through the Credit Heist event will remain the same.

    Any chance of re-balancing Mods (improving set bonuses, reducing secondary stat bonuses)?
    No changes are planned for mods at this time.

    Did you think this through and consider what happens if all 50members of a guild create a guild a few days before raid lands? And/or everyone create a guild with their alt?
    Or are you finally fixing the double guild jump back and forth for twice the rewards of people playing as intended?
    We're putting new measures in place to prevent players from doing this. More details on this to come.

    Is there any chance that we will see some new challenge tiers along with this level cap increase?
    Yes, there will be new challenge tiers.

    New daily challenges?
    I do not have all of the information on this, will share once I know more.

    First there was a raid... then no raid but mention of ships... now we're back to raid but no mention of ships?
    Ships are still being worked on. The Raid was delayed for the reasons stated in the announcement at the start of this post.

    With The level increase what does that mean for daily omegas? Will we still get them at level 80 or will we need to advance to level 85?
    You will still be able to obtain your daily Omega by completing all activities for the day from levels 80-85.

    My burning question is, what about tier 6 and tier 7 mods? Are those on the back-burner now? Will those also be available with the new raid?
    There will not be 6 or 7 star mods in the new Raid.

    Will there be new Cantina, LS and HS nodes?
  • Tautas
    87 posts Member
    edited October 2016
    According to the Tank Takedown Raid and Level Cap Increase infomation, people can create alt guilds so when the new update comes they'll have dozens of alt guilds with both guild currency at max to rotate raids with. That's 4-5 extra raids every 2-3 days and you'll have enough alt guilds to do this for more than 2 months. This will be a massive advantage so I hope the devs will consider this possible problem when they max both guild currencies.

    +1 Very good point!!!! Game developers used to left many space for exploits, like in last tournament defence team was able to change all the time. Game developers should now either anounce that alt guild exploiters for geting full guild points will be severely punished or NO WAY START WITH FULL GUILD POINTS. Not looking into this matter will end disaster, than in the first several days we would already have some cheaters who would have new unit from new raid.
    I am paying player, but this space creation for exploits and no punishment for exploiters will forse me to end this game. NO FULL GUILD POINTS OR IT END TERRIBLE.

    Guys please be active in this topic, for this topic be well seen or they will ruin everything as it was in tournaments.
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    @Big_Boss thank you for linking that response, hopefully there won't be any big exploits with this max guild coin thing.
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    Your welcom @Vampire_X posted this in another thread so I just copied it here.

    But you know..... How can this be exploited if you have a 48hour cool down after you swap guilds and you must complete tier 6 difficulty at least once before you do tier 7 at this rate your better of not changing guilds because by the time the cool down is over you have more then enough points to have raid again normally????
  • leef
    13458 posts Member
    Big_Boss wrote: »
    Your welcom @Vampire_X posted this in another thread so I just copied it here.

    But you know..... How can this be exploited if you have a 48hour cool down after you swap guilds and you must complete tier 6 difficulty at least once before you do tier 7 at this rate your better of not changing guilds because by the time the cool down is over you have more then enough points to have raid again normally????

    3 raids every 2 and half day for each guild with 150k coins = better than 1 raid every 2 days (+ 3 additional raids from the free 150k)
    Save water, drink champagne!
  • Big_Boss
    2326 posts Member
    leef wrote: »
    Big_Boss wrote: »
    Your welcom @Vampire_X posted this in another thread so I just copied it here.

    But you know..... How can this be exploited if you have a 48hour cool down after you swap guilds and you must complete tier 6 difficulty at least once before you do tier 7 at this rate your better of not changing guilds because by the time the cool down is over you have more then enough points to have raid again normally????

    3 raids every 2 and half day for each guild with 150k coins = better than 1 raid every 2 days (+ 3 additional raids from the free 150k)

    Ok but when they swap to a new guild its a 48 hour no Raid reward plus not to mention it's another day waiting to complete a T6 first so basically its 3 days to abuse the system??
  • leef
    13458 posts Member
    edited October 2016
    Big_Boss wrote: »
    leef wrote: »
    Big_Boss wrote: »
    Your welcom @Vampire_X posted this in another thread so I just copied it here.

    But you know..... How can this be exploited if you have a 48hour cool down after you swap guilds and you must complete tier 6 difficulty at least once before you do tier 7 at this rate your better of not changing guilds because by the time the cool down is over you have more then enough points to have raid again normally????

    3 raids every 2 and half day for each guild with 150k coins = better than 1 raid every 2 days (+ 3 additional raids from the free 150k)

    Ok but when they swap to a new guild its a 48 hour no Raid reward plus not to mention it's another day waiting to complete a T6 first so basically its 3 days to abuse the system??

    i'm not sure, but i think alot of guilds can complete t6 without needing a refresh. Even if they do need a refresh, they can start the t6 raid in the 2 day waiting period, and finish the raid after 48h.
    And even if it takes 3 days, doing 3 raids in 3 days is still better than 1 raid in 2 days. But hey, 1 raid per day is already possible with "traditional alt farming".
    Save water, drink champagne!
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    By limiting the number of raid to only once a day, it should at least resolve the alt guild issue.
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    This is a little like counting your chickens before they've hatched. Think the dev team is fully aware of the kinks in the last event and we'll continue working hard to make sure the next big update is delivered in good condition. B positive. Can't criticize a donut you didn't eat yet.

    You mean like they have successfully prevented guild hopping which still allow some guilds to raid 6 times a week, and whose some members despise being exploiting that, were criticizing other people "exploiting" the farm a friend in the last tournament?

    I understand your point, but you have to understand also our concern in regards to.
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  • Clanomadd
    122 posts Member
    edited October 2016
    I think it is a little absurd to call for SEVERE PUNISHMENT for people using the game framework to maximize their rewards in a way that was previously specifically endorsed.

    It was celebrated when TI worked together with some sacrificing their own potential rewards so one of their own could be the first to unlock Han Solo. Guild hopping is no different in that you have some number of players who are sacrificing raids so that others can have more. I specifically remember EA_Jesse writing that there is nothing wrong with hopping guilds and that people working together to maximize rewards is encouraged. They could easily block hopping by implementing code that prevents you from being in more one guild in a given period of time.

    Calling for people to be punished for actions that are 1. not against any posted rules and 2. allowable by reasonable in-game mechanics (not changing your clock, airplane mode, etc...) is petty.
    Post edited by Clanomadd on
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    Big_Boss wrote: »
    leef wrote: »
    Big_Boss wrote: »
    Your welcom @Vampire_X posted this in another thread so I just copied it here.

    But you know..... How can this be exploited if you have a 48hour cool down after you swap guilds and you must complete tier 6 difficulty at least once before you do tier 7 at this rate your better of not changing guilds because by the time the cool down is over you have more then enough points to have raid again normally????

    3 raids every 2 and half day for each guild with 150k coins = better than 1 raid every 2 days (+ 3 additional raids from the free 150k)

    Ok but when they swap to a new guild its a 48 hour no Raid reward plus not to mention it's another day waiting to complete a T6 first so basically its 3 days to abuse the system??

    They can start t6 raid right away and in the 2 days waiting for no raid rewards to cooldown they will be back to max guild coins from daily activities.
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    Clanomadd wrote: »
    Guild hopping is no different in that you have some number of players who are sacrificing raids so that others can have more

    You do realise that the ones sacrificing are dummy alt accounts yeah?
    Not arguing for punishment, just finding it odd that this "exploit" to gain almost twice the indended loot has been left open for so long.
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    My favourite topic. I'm glad they are putting an end to it.
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