Sidious erks me

Ok maybe this only makes sense to me, but I feel like Jedi healing should not apply to Sidious


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    Who even cares honestly.
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    Who even uses Sidious anymore
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    Who is sidious?
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    Sidious hasn't been useful in this game since probably February.
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    At lower levels he's still a "thing". Not everyone is at the level cap (or 80+ anyway). Also, for a new player, he's a popular character to acquire. I remember my priorities being more about collecting than team building sub-level-50, it's only later that you figure out how the game works and what your priorities are.

    Anyway, to the OP, this game barely follows "lore" at all. It's a holotable simulation, fantasy football, whatever. That's why you can have 2 Han Solos on the same team. And 2 Palpatines. And soon 2 Kenobis (I can dream).
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    And soon 2 lukes
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    Palanthian wrote: »
    At lower levels he's still a "thing". Not everyone is at the level cap (or 80+ anyway). Also, for a new player, he's a popular character to acquire. I remember my priorities being more about collecting than team building sub-level-50, it's only later that you figure out how the game works and what your priorities are.

    Anyway, to the OP, this game barely follows "lore" at all. It's a holotable simulation, fantasy football, whatever. That's why you can have 2 Han Solos on the same team. And 2 Palpatines. And soon 2 Kenobis (I can dream).

    Ooohwee. And 2 of the same jackets. Finn and Poe.
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    Ok maybe this only makes sense to me, but I feel like Jedi healing should not apply to Sidious
    Yes and know, afterall they didn't understand that Palpatine was indeed a Sith before it was too late. So it makes sense that Jedi help him out.
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    i laugh EVERY TIME i read a discussion on sidious and the amount of people who say he's useless. according to the comments in this discussion i didn't even start playing the game until after he was any good.

    yet i have him at level 80 7* gear 9and fully modded and he is my lead EVERYWHERE. when i battle and my toons start going down he is ALWAYS the very last to go down.

    my team consists of him as lead
    level 80 5* vader gear 8
    level 79 6* rg gear 8
    level 79 7* ren gear 8
    leve 79 6* tarkin gear 8

    all are fully modded.

    i find him very useful. only toon i'll be replacing him with is emperor palpatine when i get him.
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    holyjoe wrote: »
    i laugh EVERY TIME i read a discussion on sidious and the amount of people who say he's useless. according to the comments in this discussion i didn't even start playing the game until after he was any good.

    yet i have him at level 80 7* gear 9and fully modded and he is my lead EVERYWHERE. when i battle and my toons start going down he is ALWAYS the very last to go down.

    my team consists of him as lead
    level 80 5* vader gear 8
    level 79 6* rg gear 8
    level 79 7* ren gear 8
    leve 79 6* tarkin gear 8

    all are fully modded.

    i find him very useful. only toon i'll be replacing him with is emperor palpatine when i get him.

    For what mode? Your team would be find itself at around rank 50 overnight even if it did somehow miraculously get 1st spot at payout.

    It's not rocket surgery.
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    what mode?? all modes. i use that team exclusively for everything except where it's required to use a specific tag like rebels. otherwise i use that team in arena, dark battles, cantina battles, mod battles, raids, and galaxy war.
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    holyjoe wrote: »
    i laugh EVERY TIME i read a discussion on sidious and the amount of people who say he's useless. according to the comments in this discussion i didn't even start playing the game until after he was any good.

    yet i have him at level 80 7* gear 9and fully modded and he is my lead EVERYWHERE. when i battle and my toons start going down he is ALWAYS the very last to go down.

    my team consists of him as lead
    level 80 5* vader gear 8
    level 79 6* rg gear 8
    level 79 7* ren gear 8
    leve 79 6* tarkin gear 8

    all are fully modded.

    i find him very useful. only toon i'll be replacing him with is emperor palpatine when i get him.

    No offense but that team is horrendous. I don't even think they'd be able to kill my max gear SRP and he's stuck at 3*...
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    holyjoe wrote: »
    i laugh EVERY TIME i read a discussion on sidious and the amount of people who say he's useless. according to the comments in this discussion i didn't even start playing the game until after he was any good.

    yet i have him at level 80 7* gear 9and fully modded and he is my lead EVERYWHERE. when i battle and my toons start going down he is ALWAYS the very last to go down.

    my team consists of him as lead
    level 80 5* vader gear 8
    level 79 6* rg gear 8
    level 79 7* ren gear 8
    leve 79 6* tarkin gear 8

    all are fully modded.

    i find him very useful. only toon i'll be replacing him with is emperor palpatine when i get him.

    What is your arena rank? If I saw that team I would chuckle and beat them very easily.
  • Hobnob
    1097 posts Member
    I thought Sideous was just something people did for the first 2 months?
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    My Sidious is still at 0* 5/80. He will probably be my very last farm out of Arena shipments, if I ever get there. Still have 88, Leia, Ugnaught, CUP, and Gunray on the list before him.
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    Omg ur right
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    holyjoe wrote: »
    i laugh EVERY TIME i read a discussion on sidious and the amount of people who say he's useless. according to the comments in this discussion i didn't even start playing the game until after he was any good.

    yet i have him at level 80 7* gear 9and fully modded and he is my lead EVERYWHERE. when i battle and my toons start going down he is ALWAYS the very last to go down.

    my team consists of him as lead
    level 80 5* vader gear 8
    level 79 6* rg gear 8
    level 79 7* ren gear 8
    leve 79 6* tarkin gear 8

    all are fully modded.

    i find him very useful. only toon i'll be replacing him with is emperor palpatine when i get him.

    No offense but that team is horrendous. I don't even think they'd be able to kill my max gear SRP and he's stuck at 3*...
    NovaPrime wrote: »
    holyjoe wrote: »
    i laugh EVERY TIME i read a discussion on sidious and the amount of people who say he's useless. according to the comments in this discussion i didn't even start playing the game until after he was any good.

    yet i have him at level 80 7* gear 9and fully modded and he is my lead EVERYWHERE. when i battle and my toons start going down he is ALWAYS the very last to go down.

    my team consists of him as lead
    level 80 5* vader gear 8
    level 79 6* rg gear 8
    level 79 7* ren gear 8
    leve 79 6* tarkin gear 8

    all are fully modded.

    i find him very useful. only toon i'll be replacing him with is emperor palpatine when i get him.

    What is your arena rank? If I saw that team I would chuckle and beat them very easily.

    no offense to either of you but i don't really care of your opinion of my team. the point for me is i'm having fun with the game.

    my arena rank is usually between 100 and 200.

    i get done what i want to get done in the game at the pace i want to do it. for me it's not a hurry up and max out everything i can max out as soon as i can max it out. i'm not concerned with being top dog.

    i find sidious very useful and he's still used quite a bit in my shard.

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    Well I'm only arena ranked about 1050 and I'm f2p so I don't have that great of characters or anything so I see Sidious all of the time lol
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    i usually stay in the top 200 of my shard. i never fall below 500. by payout time i'm always in the top 200.

    most of the teams in my shard have sidious somewhere on their team.

    he will be replaced with emperor palpatine once the event returns.
  • crzydroid
    7364 posts Moderator
    And 2 of the same jackets. Finn and Poe.

    To jump in on the main discussion, I'm in an August shard in that 100-200 range and I still see a few of Sidious, so that's what I expected with this guy's team. I'm seeing fewer and fewer now as people put together other strategies...but I used to see a lot of Vader/Sidious team ups which were my bread and butter because I have an Ackbar lead. He takes all those debuffs and converts them to healing fuel. But I would probably wipe the floor with this guy's team just like I do with most others; my team's problem is it's not great on defense with the crappy AI. But I can tell you that at this rank range, I still see a lot of teams with somewhat random mish-mashes of characters. They all have higher gear and star levels than me (and thus a few thousand more power), but without the synergy, they're easy to beat.

    As for Sidious himself, if he's the last one standing when I face him it's because I don't see him as a threat. If anything I take him out after his AoE because his Immunity to Healing can exploit a bug in Scarif Rebel Pathfinder where he doesn't revive with the correct amount of health. That's the scariest thing about him. And actually, I feel like lately when I've come across Sidious in GW, I get all excited about a chance to heal my team, but then none of his debuffs even stick.

    I find borrowing an ally Sidious to be useful when I'm out of sim tickets and replaying easy nodes, because he has an AoE and that makes it go faster.

  • evanbio
    1505 posts Member
    I see Sidious constantly in my Galactic War. Depending on the situation, I still tend to try to kill him first/second. Only because if I do need a heal, I don't want his pesky healing immunity to be the end of that toon.
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    evanbio wrote: »
    I see Sidious constantly in my Galactic War. Depending on the situation, I still tend to try to kill him first/second. Only because if I do need a heal, I don't want his pesky healing immunity to be the end of that toon.
    I mostly kill him 1st in GW bc he's 1 of the fastest toons and so i can get to round 6 w/o a single hit. After that teams are all meta but for some reason the first 5 have scrub toons like sidious which can be just run over.
  • Winstar
    2429 posts Member
    edited October 2016
    holyjoe wrote: »
    i laugh EVERY TIME i read a discussion on sidious and the amount of people who say he's useless. according to the comments in this discussion i didn't even start playing the game until after he was any good.

    yet i have him at level 80 7* gear 9and fully modded and he is my lead EVERYWHERE. when i battle and my toons start going down he is ALWAYS the very last to go down.

    my team consists of him as lead
    level 80 5* vader gear 8
    level 79 6* rg gear 8
    level 79 7* ren gear 8
    leve 79 6* tarkin gear 8

    all are fully modded.

    i find him very useful. only toon i'll be replacing him with is emperor palpatine when i get him.

    If your intention was to be funny, that was a good laugh.

    Sideous is hideous. When your toy collection gets bigger he'll be reduced to one of your sacrificial toons in galactic war.
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    For new players (new as in haven't been playing since launch, with every toon maxed), Sid isn't that bad...if you use him right. Against Jedi teams, he can be pretty effective, especially if said team is planning on using healers to carry them through. Paired with the right other team members, and he's not that bad. But later, sure; when you start getting the better characters really ranked/geared up, he doesn't quite compare. But if holyjoe likes him and enjoys playing with him, that's great! No need to bust his chops because his team doesn't meet your standards, folks.
  • Poxx
    2288 posts Member
    edited October 2016
    Laughing at ppl who say he's useless then not caring about their opinions bcuz u r having fun makes no sense. He is useless, just like Boba. But i like Boba and he leads my scoundrels in credit heist. U can have fun playing a useless toon but dont laugh at others when they tell u the truth.

    There r 2 things that would make Sidious viable again. 1... give the man some real potency. 2 ... make him untargetable unless he is the last man standing. Could still be damaged by aoe tho.
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    Sidious isn't a bad toon IMO, he's by far not great. I look at him as a glass cannon, he has the AOE and heal immunity, but if he gets hit more than 2 or 3 times, he's pretty much done for. I use him along with Vader to stack dots in GW from the start and as they get finished off, i start rolling in the good toons. I would say all in all - he's 3rd string.
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    I use him every day in GW. Palpatine leader, Vader, Dooku, Bariss and Sidious. They take all the nodes until 11-12. All lvl 81 7* (Vader 6*) and max/good gear and mods.
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    I like to run my ewoks against Sid, it's funny when he aoe's on Chirpa 'ancestral secrets'
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    Am contemplating gearing and levelling him up though, level 85 Sid with all that speed and new mods
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