Do u Auto AAT?

After spending about 6 hours this week carefully attacking and beating the AAT I got a box of rewards equivalent to about what I can request from my guild mates in a day or 2...

For me its auto forever from now on...

My toons are all 7 star gear X so each attack on auto lasts several minutes on auto and about 15-20 on manual... That's a huge amount if time invested for a really really really tiny small prize.

Curious do u still manually attack in AAT

Please start response with

(Auto AAT)- if you auto it
(Manual attack) - if you manually attack.


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    I play my Wiggs team on manual because they're fun. I target the boss and hit auto for everything else.
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    It makes little difference damagewise and the raid itself is so painfully annoying, that i have zero interest in even attemtping to use tactics. Despite, it takes 3-4 weeks with or without tactics, so whatever. Rewards are pathetic compared to the effort, so i have no desire to work for them other than hitting fight and auto.
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    Auto, everyone does.
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    Maybe they will offer Sim tickets for the raid I would buy those
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    After I saw the 1st place rewards after raiding for over a WEEK, which **** horribly, yes I auto it.

    This is the worst. It's literally stressful to play and not worth moving mods around or actually trying to get a higher rank.
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    YES - It's not like an extra 30mins of my time will make much more of a difference.. I still AVG about 200 - 350k per day..

    “Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter.”
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    Maybe they will offer Sim tickets for the raid I would buy those

    haha good idea :D the raid is so annoying !
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    Well I can't speak for P3/4 since my guild hasn't made it there yet, but I did just Auto General Grievous for 5 teams. P2 I do manually run Wiggs/Lando/Anakin, but afterwards I just auto. The only strategy to this raid is a large roster to burn through. Very disappointing, not fun, and boring.
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    Auto of course.
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    Auto AAT. Yesterday I thought my guild was farther along in P1 than we are. We are probably another week out on finishing P1. With my litter roster of 6 and 7 star toons, there just isn't a point in manually playing. Auto averages about the same amount of damage as I was doing on manual.
  • vincentlondon
    4527 posts Member
    edited October 2016
    I auto cause it s boring
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    No autoing here. Low damage might be annoying, but every attack is still a learning experience. Autoing robs the player of possible learning moments. Like me throwing sidious and vader at the tank for sh--s and giggles and finding DOTs are as potent as jawas bombs. Turning a joke of a run into some marginally decent damage.
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    Target the boss and hit auto. Rinse and repeat everyday. Not only is the slow damage from fully modded and geared toons dumb, but the animations and the 100 attacks to your one attack is quite annoying. I understand why they did's to prevent people from soloing phases but come on now. If you devs want to make it tedious at least put back 6* mods for the rewards at least. Until then..a large percentage SWGOHs community hates this raid.

    Until they make some sort of changes and come to a legit compromise, I can care less about any strategy and will continue to auto fight this most tedious raid.
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    First team manual, rest auto
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    Half and half... Some teams are fun to play and some are just tedious...
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    yes, it's the most boring thing ever
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    Wayyy too many animations that take forever. It's horribly boring
  • Neo2551
    1824 posts Member
    (Manual attack) most of the time. And auto with weaker teams.
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    Playing it just makes me angry. There should be an option to nuke it from the orbit.
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    I play it out to get strat to pass on to my guild, but yeah this raid really is not that fun as it has a lot more RNG and luck than I care for. Upside is that it is extra action each day though.
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    Switching over to auto. Very little strategy involved
  • ZAKK
    35 posts Member
    Auto pilot all the way lol
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    I wound up doing a ton on auto... it's kind of fun to figure out team comps but the raid is so stinking slow and takes forever that I'm kind of bored already.
  • Nukin
    415 posts Member
    They don't get how you can't just raise the HP to absurd levels and have it be fun. People want to feel like they are making a difference or have a little power.
  • Roux
    90 posts Member
    Auto when I can be bothered.. my guild has lost all motivation to do it nad now auto it if they do it at all.
    We are still on phase 1. Maybe when we get past that interest might pick up.
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    I semi-auto first 3 phases. Full auto last phase.
  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    edited October 2016
    I don't auto. Work together with guild mates and try different teams and different tactics. I usually do about 250k per run. Rebel/Wiggs team can easily do 700k+ in phase 4, As can full upped jawas.

    If you're playing the game to "get it over with" or be "done" you'll find this a very frustrating game.
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
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    Yeah, we just finished Phase One last night. So Phase 2 is now on Auto. Plus half our guild has checked out. It's a disaster. We'll be lucky to finish by Christmas.

    "No reward is worth this!"
    - Han Solo
    "No reward is worth this!" - Han Solo
  • Ultra
    11554 posts Moderator
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    I don't auto. Work together with guild mates and try different teams and different tactics. I usually do about 250k per run. Rebel/Wiggs team can easily do 700k+ in phase 4, As can full upped jawas.

    If you're playing the game to "get it over with" or be "done" you'll find this a very frustrating game.
    I do like the working together aspect of the guild and learning what sticks and what doesn't each phase. Its motivating me to get toons I wouldn't get and its spreading me too thin but the payoff is good because future raids will also require all sorts of synergies so I don't mind it. I do agree that if you aren't experimenting or coordinating you'll only be frustrated
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