what is "retreat"

I keep hearing people talk about this option but do not know how where what etc. Can anyone help me out?


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    When you are in a match if you click on the gear icon you have the option to retreat. In a LS/DS or Cantina battle you exit and lose the energy used. I have never done this. In a Challenge a retreat will exit match with no penalty. In Arena a retreat will cause a loss. And in Galactic War a retreat will allow you to exit a battle and restart with all party members restored to the condition they were in before the battle you retreat from. I have no information about what would happen in a Keycard battle, but would guess you lose your 50 energy.
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    I'm very sad I didn't know this. I'm very glad you told me. I'm pretty sure this is the path to the darkside.
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  • Mizo
    172 posts Member
    Retreat is for all the pampered souls who always deserve the trophy and can't lose or it will hurt their widdle feewings.
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    Mizo wrote: »
    Retreat is for all the pampered souls who always deserve the trophy and can't lose or it will hurt their widdle feewings.

    You use it too? Amiright?

    Lol I kid I kid but I will probably use it now that I know about it. At least til I get the hang of it lol.
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