How is Everyone Doing In Ships?

Just wondering, cause I am doing absolutely terribly with a fleet power of 68,116. It totally sucks cause it seems like everyone in my shard has been playing for a lot longer than I have, and they all had the time to max out characters like jedi consular, while im sitting here dropping 50 a day.


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    I'm rank 30-40ish. Maybe my shard is week, but I just got 5 2* ships and my first 3* today. The ships I use are level 50-55, and it doesn't seem to be too bad yet. But I'm dumping all my currencies in chips when they pop up in different stores. And I've dipped below 20 mil is real credits upgrading characters who's ships I have
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    It might take a little bit to set in but just plan ahead. Work on some characters and ships that would completely raise your rank up. I'm fighting for just staying in the top 100 right now. Two of the ships in my squad are level 1 gear level 1. But instead of working on them I'm going to go for maul and boba. That will definitely put me up in ranks. I suggest just making some master plan and what you want your ideal squad to be and work towards that.
  • Eleazusthebold
    58 posts Member
    edited November 2016
    Whale shard and im an otter. Breaking 500 finally. But yea Im not spending.
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    First day it came out, I was rank ~40. Couple days later I'm 80-90ish. Needless to say it's a bit competitive
    Wish I didn't neglect characters like Ahsoka, Clone Sergeant, Plo Koon etc now haha
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    I dont care about ships
  • M_L
    469 posts Member
    it seems like every day i'm dropping further and further behind.... it's really quite annoying. the real sad thing is that when i look at the people above me, i see no possible way i can beat any one with a few k power above me. the best i've done so far is beat someone who's only 2k above me in power. anything beyond that gap just seems entirely pointless...

    this is actually the first part of the game that i feel is just plain bad for f2p.
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    Whale shard and im an otter. Breaking 500 finally. But yea Im not spending.

    Wow, I was actually 13 at one pt, but now im dropping like crazy cause my team is a lot weaker than everyone elses. Now I'm 130, but dropping still
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    Was fortunate to start low 100s. prized well early, kept marching forward. May keep pushing up, but might not because I'm f2p.
  • BlueGeneralRex
    2 posts Member
    edited November 2016
    Yeah I'm losing to the OP capital ship called home one. I use the Star Destroyer and it has good abilities but they all start on cool down. It seems that EA really doesn't want people using imperial things and just are all fanboys of the rebels. I'm also at rank 62 and have not moved up because I can't find people close to my power or they are but they use home one and it always and I mean always uses it's OP ability that I don't even care enough to know the name that just annihilates my ships before I can use my swarm of TIE's to overwhelm them and I just lose. EA really needs to stop making the rebels OP. It's the same thing in battlefront.
  • BlueGeneralRex
    2 posts Member
    edited November 2016
    Also all you people that are dropping because of power it's probably because those people buy shards and then star up their ships that way. It's just a hunch though...
  • Ring
    559 posts Member
    Can't complain really. Power around 69-70k, not dropping out of top 10, regularly finish as top 5, highest rank achieved was 2nd.
  • Poxx
    2288 posts Member
    Yeah I'm losing to the OP capital ship called home one. I use the Star Destroyer and it has good abilities but they all start on cool down. It seems that EA really doesn't want people using imperial things and just are all fanboys of the rebels. I'm also at rank 62 and have not moved up because I can't find people close to my power or they are but they use home one and it always and I mean always uses it's OP ability that I don't even care enough to know the name that just annihilates my ships before I can use my swarm of TIE's to overwhelm them and I just lose. EA really needs to stop making the rebels OP. It's the same thing in battlefront.

    The rebels arent OP in fleets. Republic is. There r 2 rebel pilots, there r 6 republic pilots. The synergy screams "Use the Endurance". The reason u see everyone using Home 1 is bcuz they r meta followers and believe Wiggs will carry them. I have bad news.
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    I was rank 2 now i am rank 270
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    IG0_Harry wrote: »
    First day it came out, I was rank ~40. Couple days later I'm 80-90ish. Needless to say it's a bit competitive
    Wish I didn't neglect characters like Ahsoka, Clone Sergeant, Plo Koon etc now haha

    Lol first day I was rank #6 next day I was #89, today I'm like #223.
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    I made a point to climb to top ten from the jump and I've been able to stay around the top 25. My fleet power is around 95k with high level ahsoka, fotp, akbar, gs and ok biggs and jc. Spent about 20 to get a pack but it mostly gave me blueprints and shards for toons I don't have so it was only small advantage. Ships are all 2 star. Biggest advantages come from strong pilots and sending cantina energy toward ship credits and gw tokens to blueprints.
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    I still manage to enter top 10 daily on payout in fleet arena. The top 5 spots are all taken bij instinct and teamskunk. Pretty satisfied with my fleet power of 105k.
    Getting my first 2x 3* ships today (biggs and wedge).

    Been playing from november myself and the competition seems ok. Highest fleet power is around 140k and the rest is below that.
    439-259-888 I have a bad habit of editing my typo's after posting
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    First Day top 10, next day top 20 and now i hold ground at top 50 - it's ok because i dont invest money into ships like many other. Currently "only" have around 82k fleet power (with one level 1 ship at 7th slot) because my best pilots are TFP (!) and Biggs. My plan is to get Vaders TIE at the tournament (because i currently swap my best Team: Droids for Empire the next week) and if it works i will level up tarkin, because i hope he will be good enough with at least 2 strong Empire TIEs around. I am sick of all the rebells around, Arena is full of them and Ackbars Flagship is also the one most players have (and X-Wings cause of Wiggs) so i hope something will change - i currently also don't spend on ships i don't like or the one i don't want to level a pilot only for the ship stuff. I hope i can conquer top 20 back with Vader's TIE and Tarkins Star Destroyer while a bunch of players invested in other ships or waste credits/gear for pilots that aren't good at raids/arena/gw etc.
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    I was within 100-, now I surely droping down. I simply do not get how they star ship so fast! I simply can't see required shards in stores =\
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    From top fidy to top fidy to top hunnit to top two hunnit.
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    I keep dropping because I will not spend a penny on this game.
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    Ive managed to keep top 10 every day so far, but top 5 is now out of the questions with some of them at 150k fleet power.
  • rawman
    685 posts Member
    edited November 2016
    For me it seems the same happens as in normal arena. I get easily in top50 but have no chance to get into top20.

    My line-up currently with fleet power 94.698:
    Ackbar 7*/G9 - Ship 3*
    Biggs 7*/G10 - Ship 3*
    Wedge 7*/G10 - Ship 3*
    GS 7*/G10 - Ship 3*
    Fives 7*/G8 - Ship 2*
    Ahsoka 5*/G9 - Ship 2*
    Reinforcements with JC and Clone Seargant
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    Mostly finish top 20, I finished 5 yesterday somehow (beat a team with 130K fleet power), but usually finish in the 11-20 bracket.

    Fleet power 101,891

    I seemed to have found a good lineup. Fives, Plo, Ahsoka, JC & RP with Biggs, GS coming in as reinforcements. Fives has a massive HP pool and when he gets taunt he hardly ever dies.

    I've been burning through all these excess GW and Cantina tokens to get materials and blue prints, so I was able to get my command ships to 4* today on the challenges. All except Tarkin, hardly use him.

    I use Ackbar as Command ship on offense and Mace on defense. The AI actually puts the taunt on Fives as well, I did a fight on auto to see how the AI used the ships and it actually did pretty good.
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    Fleet Power 80k, currently around rank 250, trying to keep/stay in top 200 at payout.
    I sometimes beat fleets having 10k more power than mine and sometime loses against fleets having only 1 or 2k more than mine. (I almost never face fleets with less power), it really depends on what ships they use. Home one with its assist on every fart is a pain, but i hope, once i got my mace up a lil, i will out-tank them.
    On first day, i started around rank 1,300, it took me 2 days to get into top 500 (i dont refresh in arena).
    Left by design.
    The fixed payout times are the worst part of this game and makes it absolutely family-unfriendly.
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    It might take a little bit to set in but just plan ahead. Work on some characters and ships that would completely raise your rank up. I'm fighting for just staying in the top 100 right now. Two of the ships in my squad are level 1 gear level 1. But instead of working on them I'm going to go for maul and boba. That will definitely put me up in ranks. I suggest just making some master plan and what you want your ideal squad to be and work towards that.

    My plan too. But working toward Biggs and wedge ships instead. 4 of the ships they gave us at the start are lvl1 1*. I'm not willing to invest in their characters and thus there ships now as I have to finish off priority farms. My wiggs ships are nearl 3*, there character gears are nearly g9 and g8 respectivel. I also farming Ashoka shards and her ship as her ship is very useful as dispel. But as for the others, they can rot lol. Once they release other ships like dookus asajj anakin etc etc I will farm those as I know my pilots for them will be very well developed. Sure I may lose a bit now but why waste ship tokens to clone sergeant if he's always going to stay 2* for me?

    PS for some reason even with 58k fleet and top 5 have 70k + fleets, I can still get top10. Must be a lucky shard I guess :)
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    84K and position 200 randomly on rank, trying to reach 100:/
  • RancorPackGuild
    1363 posts Member
    edited November 2016
    I am not rich enough to be competitive in it, if that is what you're wondering. My ships are basically a few steps above what the free stuff helped with.

    That being said though I do enjoy ships!
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    Fleet power of 82k. Not even close to being able to crack top 500. Of the top 50 in my fleet arena shard, the most common squad ranking is #1 with thirteen. Nine others are #2 in their squad arena rank and all but 11 of the top 50 rank in the top 10 of their squad arena. WAI?
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    Fleetpower of 102k

    Rank 1-5
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    fleet power 88k in top 50
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