Can Boba Fett be defeated in GW?

Regularly face and beat a squad with Boba leader. Maxxed Boba seems way too squishy (thought he was supposed to be tanky).

But gearing mine anyway, love his dispells. He revives at 100%. Is this only once???
What happens with his cooldown on this ability in say battles of GW, does it reset, or does he only get the one full health revive? Wondering from Boba players how this mechanic plays out, and if he has the indestructible clause in his contract now.


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    Regularly face and beat a squad with Boba leader. Maxxed Boba seems way too squishy (thought he was supposed to be tanky).

    But gearing mine anyway, love his dispells. He revives at 100%. Is this only once???
    What happens with his cooldown on this ability in say battles of GW, does it reset, or does he only get the one full health revive? Wondering from Boba players how this mechanic plays out, and if he has the indestructible clause in his contract now.

    He can revive up to three times I think, but he got a rework making his tag change from "Tank" to "Attacker", which explains his little health.
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    i play boba a lot in gw. his revive resets every round and when HE defeats a toon
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    I use bobba in galactic war generally for nodes 1-8. He dies and revives. I dont know if he has dies twice yet during my quest. Except for when i sac them on node 9. I will pay nore attention though
    Yes Yoda is worth farming
  • leef
    13458 posts Member
    as long as you can kill an enemy after a revive he will revive again.
    Save water, drink champagne!
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    Boba Fett gains a buff (Bounty Hunter's Resolve) at the start of each encounter, and upon him defeating an enemy. This buff allows him to revive after death. So if he dies and revives, then gains the buff again for defeating an enemy, he can then die and return again, and again, so long as he keeps regaining that buff. At a high enough level of skill, he can gain all his protection back as well. He can be quite the nuisance if not dealt with properly. I love the rework he got, now he is much more useful.
    - Merc
  • APX_919
    2468 posts Member
    My son runs a 5* Gear 8 Fett in his Arena (averages around 600 or so) and yesterday he was facing a team with 4.5k more power. Because of Fett's resurrection after kills number, he managed to beat that team. Boba has to die first and then second to prevent him from reattacking and killing a toon to allow BHR to retrigger.
    "Everything is proceeding as I have foreseen...mostly"
  • crzydroid
    7364 posts Moderator
    He should regain the buff at the start of every GW node. Also every time he defeats an enemy, so in theory, he could revive up to 60 times during the course of one GW table.
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    Regularly face and beat a squad with Boba leader. Maxxed Boba seems way too squishy (thought he was supposed to be tanky).

    But gearing mine anyway, love his dispells. He revives at 100%. Is this only once???
    What happens with his cooldown on this ability in say battles of GW, does it reset, or does he only get the one full health revive? Wondering from Boba players how this mechanic plays out, and if he has the indestructible clause in his contract now.

    He has 100 % chance to revive when he has Bounty Hunter's Resolve, which you can refresh by doing Finishing Blows.
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    Use Boba to Execute an opposing Boba and he can't revive.
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