Squad Tournament LvL69

Hi all, Looking for some help...
I have my player level at 69 today with a little under 5 days to go until the start of the new PVP tournament. I have only about 4000exp before I hit 70.

My current Tournament says "the tournament is for Player level 60-69 and requires....."
Does this mean if I go up to lvl 70 before the tournament starts I will be in the higher tournament?
What if I go to lvl70 during the tournament?

Some clarification would be helpful because obviously at lvl 69 on a scale of 60-69 I stand a much better chance of placing higher than if I was level 70 on a scale of 70-79.



  • Darth_cowboy
    1139 posts Member
    edited December 2016
    Once in the 60-69 bracket your there till the tourney is over , you could join at 69 and level up to 70 before you even start fighting
  • Geshtianna
    241 posts Member
    edited December 2016
    Once in the 60-69 bracket your there till the tourney is over , you could join at 69 and level up to 70 before you even start fighting

    So whatever bracket the thing says I'm in right now (one week before), it will stay there? Or is it right at the start of the tournament? I apologise if this sounds like a repeat but the "joining" part is a bit unclear.
  • Options
    So that is clear.. once in the Tournament then I will stay in that one.. but how about now (as Gesh asked) If I lvl up to 70 now will I enter 60-69 or 70-79?
  • Options
    I don't know but it seems likely that leveling up now would put you in the 70-79 bracket.
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    I don't know but it seems likely that leveling up now would put you in the 70-79 bracket.

    Thats what I thought, But essentially that means I cant play for 3 days! sucks!
  • War
    932 posts Member
    Blaggs08 wrote: »
    I don't know but it seems likely that leveling up now would put you in the 70-79 bracket.

    Thats what I thought, But essentially that means I cant play for 3 days! sucks!

    Do you really care what bracket your in? Sure if you wait to level till after the tournament starts you'll be a few levels higher than your competition, but odds are you still won't get the character. Only the top 25 of the highest bracket will get Jyn Erso, which means less than 25 in 70-79 bracket, and even less than that in the 60-69 bracket.

    You're more likely to miss out on some level 70+ gear than you are to get the character. Unless your hurting for some more level 60-69 gear, I'd go that extra level for a higher payout of credits and gear your new level 70's will need.
  • Options
    That is a tough decision, but I would wait the 3 days and hold off on leveling if you think you have a deep enough roster and enough ally points banked to compete. If you're completely f2p, you might have an uphill battle. I started playing the last few days of October of this year. The first tournament I competed in was in the 50-59 bracket for Shoretrooper (2nd Shoretrooper tournament). I placed 2nd and unlocked him at 5 stars.

    I had spent $200 on the game at that point so I did have a relatively deep roster compared to most, but I also didn't have any ally points banked when the tournament started.

    For this last tournament for Chiriut, I saw the tournament coming up and stopped doing refreshes, which enabled me to only have to stop playing 2 days before the tournament so I could enter the tournament at 69, immediately level up to 70 when the tournament started, and profit off being one off the highest levels in my bracket.

    However, I screwed up royaly. I saw the tournament had started and I leveled up to 70 and prepared to kick ****! Little did I realize, that you have to set and lock your defense in for the tournament before you can level up past the bracket cap. Not knowing this, I got stuck in the 70-79 bracket with my squads of level 65-70 toons competing against mostly 75-80 squads.

    TDRL: You will have a strong chance at competing in your bracket, and it is probably worth losing out on 3 days of XP provided you don't forget to set your defense before leveling to 70.
  • crzydroid
    7364 posts Moderator
    If you hit level 70 before it starts, YES, it will change, and you will be at the bottom of the pile on a 70-79 tournament.

    That being said, I think first prize on a 60-69 tournament was only enough to 6*, if I remember correctly and they haven't changed it. Also, the higher tournament offers omega mats, but I don't recall if they're available at lower tiers.

    If you find you don't want to avoid playing for four days and you are on the 70-79 one, you could always just hop on with your free refreshes and don't use ally points, expecting to score low. Then you can save the ally points for when you're higher in the bracket for a future tournament. Or if you don't care about the toon, you can give it all you've got and maybe get 2 omegas, 10 purple mats, and some gear out of the deal.
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