EP w/o Lando?

Can one get EP 7* without Lando on their rebel squad?


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    Yes. G11 7* Wiggs, Chaze, Jyn Erso will be sufficient to get EP 7*.

    In all seriousness, it's not about who you don't have, it's about who you do have that matters.
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    I have level 85 AA ST Han Biggs all gear 8 or above fully modded. I have leia wedge and hoth rebel scout @ 7 star, but only wedge above 80. Could really use a credit heist, but even without I feel like I have a shot.
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    Synergy wrote: »
    Yes. G11 7* Wiggs, Chaze, Jyn Erso will be sufficient to get EP 7*.

    In all seriousness, it's not about who you don't have, it's about who you do have that matters.

    Lol it's just kidding. A good Wiggs and some good rebels are enough
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    Thanks. @synergy I wasn't able to get Erso or Chaze. I might be able to get lando to 7 in time, but it's gonna be close.
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    Awesome! I only ask because most of the videos I've seen and the teams listed in the forums all have lando.
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    It's not that Lando is required more that most people have him due to being Rebel and Scoundrel so can be helpful in those events and is usually one of the first characters a new player will farm out of Cantina due to this.
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    I got EP with STH, Leia, Biggs, Luke, Akbar. Took me 2-3 tries and I think I beat it with Luke Lead. Though, might have been Akbar I forget. My STH was G11 and Leia was G10 at the time. Everyone else was G8-G9.

    Unless they upped the difficulty, you don't need AOE to win.
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    The double Cantina shards really helped me as I was able to get Wedge to 7* today. I currently have the following available 7* Rebels:

    Lando G11
    Biggs G9
    Leia G9
    STH G9
    Ackbar G9
    Wedge G8

    All have at least level 7 abilities, will be fully modded, and some have Omegas. What's the best team for these 6? Ackbar lead and sit Lando or Leia?
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    The double Cantina shards really helped me as I was able to get Wedge to 7* today. I currently have the following available 7* Rebels:

    Lando G11
    Biggs G9
    Leia G9
    STH G9
    Ackbar G9
    Wedge G8

    All have at least level 7 abilities, will be fully modded, and some have Omegas. What's the best team for these 6? Ackbar lead and sit Lando or Leia?

    I'd imagine some combination of Akbar, Wiggs, STH, Lando is your best bet. I'd try Akbar lead first as I think that's what most used last time.
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    They aren't making the event harder than last time, everyone will blow through it. Wedge was not even farmable yet so almost no one who got EP the first time had Wiggs in their team. With any level of Wiggs you will able to auto the event. StHan is helpful to eat the stuns from the Royal Guards in the last round, but honestly many of us beat EP with 1-2 level 50 characters. I had a G4, level 42 Biggs (no Wedge) and I auto'ed it. Just had to save STHans taunt for the last round.
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    Ok great! This makes me feel a bit more confident.
  • Waqui
    8802 posts Member
    As I remember AA is the MVP of that event due to his leader ability. Whenever you use the event specific ability to heal a toon, another toon will attack.
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    I think everyone will have a 7* EP by the close of the event. Except the really new players. If you have 5 7* Rebels, you should be good.
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    Nah, Lando isn't required. I did it with Ackbar, Luke, St Han, HRSc, Biggs. There are lots of ways to beat it now.
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    I'd rather go wedge led since lando biggs and wedge for sure will keep themselves alive. St han not so much unless I get good rng from his tm gain and lando blasts off like a rocketman.
    My team
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    My team, wedge (L) lv 85 g8
    Lando lvl 85 g9
    St han 85 g8
    Biggs 85 g8
    And ackbar 85 (just got today with heist) g8
    I should breeze through it
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    I hope you are right @evanbio.
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