reason why GW shipment changed from 10 gw credit to 50 crystals

930 posts Moderator
A lot ot people have characters at 7*. And with the new shard shop coming soon, people would be abusing it to stock up on extra shards they don't need.

Imagine a player has 100 extra lumi shards an Yoda comes into the exchange. Instantly they get a 5* Yoda.

This is my opinion why they changed the credits to crystals.


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    I believe that was the reason, its was allowing people to star up too fast. Game has only been out what 2 months now and already people have burned through the content. I believe they are trying to slow down growth a bit or allow you to pay to speed it up. Its sad but ive played since early December and still dont have a 7* yet. Closest I have is Luminara at 6* followed by HK, IG 86/88, and poggle at 5*.
    Ingame name Daremo
    Player Ally Code: 631-533-975
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    I don't see any reason to ever use the shipment refresh! If you beat GW, you get 1200 credits, so you can buy 3 times 5 shards, which takes 12 hours with the regular refresh rate, and if you time your online times correctly, you can use all the credits you can earn per day, so you dont need to refresh!
  • MBL_66
    2465 posts Member
    That would make sense but you still can only earn 1200 tokens a day and even if you had saved them up you couldn't use them all in one day wasting a significant amount on the refreshes. Refreshing the shop didn't really help us star up any faster it's the fact that we get the 1200 tokens every day from GW
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    you're incorrectly assuming the shard exchange rate will be anywhere near 1:1.
    my bet it will be in 20:1 range
  • MBL_66
    2465 posts Member
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    I'm expecting 20 to 1 for the new uber toons. But its all speculation at this point.
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    Please see the post I added to the Game Update announcement.

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    Harmson wrote: »
    I believe that was the reason, its was allowing people to star up too fast. Game has only been out what 2 months now and already people have burned through the content. I believe they are trying to slow down growth a bit or allow you to pay to speed it up. Its sad but ive played since early December and still dont have a 7* yet. Closest I have is Luminara at 6* followed by HK, IG 86/88, and poggle at 5*.

    It's nit at all slowed down. You just niw have to pony up real money. It's called monetizing GW and I am sorry you can't see through something as simple. Am I bithered? No, miney isn't a problem right now, not it is waiting a bit longer.

    But there was no real need for the change. It won't slow down anything. I just got 15 shards with 100 crystals...nothing changed except Top Grossing rankings in the Stores.

  • Nauros
    5429 posts Member
    Another reason is that crystals are used to refresh everything else. I just wonder why this kind of inconsistency was present at all...
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    Yeah but I'm a new player so why do I get shafted?
    Games get bigger, not smaller...
    | John Salera is my favorite Sith Lord |
  • MBL_66
    2465 posts Member
    Yeah but I'm a new player so why do I get shafted?
    Games get bigger, not smaller...

    How are you getting shafted? Are you really going to waste 10+ coins for refreshes just to get your shards a few hours earlier?
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    Lol I accidentally bought a refresh... waste of 50 crystals!!
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    I cant imagine it would be Yoda though in the shop. He would be a HUGE seller, probably biggest potential seller (I. E income), so putting him as a character you trade shards to get for no financial cost doesn't seem to fit EAs pattern for business.
  • Stuwart
    137 posts Member
    edited January 2016
    I just wish I wasn't in auto pilot and wasted 2 go arounds of crystals. Then I noticed it was crystals...
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    I suspect yoda will be sold before available for purchase. He is a money maker.

    As for the refresh issue. All the other refreshes take crystals. I suspect they were just making it all uniform.
  • J7000
    2059 posts Member
    It's not abuse to save shipments; people earned this. But maybe CG is thinking they will add some nice chromium toons to GW and they don't want you to instant star them
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    I saw that the refresh method in GW is about to change in a week. Can someone explain what will be changed? If i remember the refresh now is at the cost of 10 reward tokens.
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    First, I have not seen my shipments revert to tokens. It has and still says crystals.

    My next thought is this, I didn't nor do I currently have an issue with the change to crystals for refreshing.

    However I'm starting to accumulate a lot of tokens. I miss usually two refreshes due to being pacific time midnight and 6am roughly. That means unless I farm two characters I will have a surplus.

    Proposed change: make shipments similar to hard battles, challenges or arena. Meaning, make a short waiting period and a limited number of refreshes free per day. If it's currently six hours give four free refreshes each day at midnight when the dailies reset.

    This game currently doesn't have enough stuff to keep someone coming back even every six hours. So there is no need to structure the shipments the way they currently are set.

    When I go to bed I empty my energy and when I wake up it's never full. So one could log in twice a day reasonably and not lose out on potential energy.
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    It will be changed to 50 Crystals.
    My name is cosmicturtle333, aka CT-333, aka Threes.
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    Thanks. Now i need to find a new target for all the tokens i got. Probably ig86
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    Mine already changed to 50 crystals. This was **** move by GOH. Like its not already hard enough to farm certain characters.
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    Mine also at 50 crystals...
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    they where meant to change it back to 10 tokens for a week today
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    And it's Tuesday my time (Australia), shipments just restarted for me and refreshing cost is still 50 crystals. I guess the tokens thing isn't happening??
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    Is anyone else not seeing the GW reverted to tokens?
  • Smithie
    1427 posts Member
    Mine still shows crystals EA lies
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    Smithie wrote: »
    Mine still shows crystals EA lies

    That or unfortunately CG has incompetent coders for this game.
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    They didn't say the change would go in immediately?
  • Qeltar
    4326 posts Member
    Wazlinski wrote: »
    That or unfortunately CG has incompetent coders for this game.

    Or it's barely after lunchtime there, and nearly every update has been in the afternoon, and they just haven't done it yet?
    Nah, couldn't be.
    Quit 7/14/16. Best of luck to all of you.
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    Did they say the rollback would happen at a specific time? I might have missed that.

    There is a second component to my post, not changing was a secondary observation.
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