Boba fett damage nerf?

So can someone help explain this.

Boba lands execute with 1 buff and does 17000 damage so I can back into the bonus 30% by taking 17000/1.3 so I did about 14000 damage on critical execute before 30% bonus.

I know the "fixed" his bonus damage because ot was counting buffs twice but I have 8 buffs 7 unique buffs in the second critical execute and should have done 30% bonus damage X 7 buffs.

So i'm thinking this should land for 14000 X 210% bonus so 42000+

As you see I only got 26k on critical shot.

So 14000 is the critical base I'm getting about 90% bonus damage not 210% bonus damage.

What am I missing?



  • Twin
    527 posts Member
    edited January 2017
    I would guess armor...

    Baze has 310 and B2 has 268 natively.
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    It should land for over 40k
    It used to land for over 40k before he was fixed to not double count effects.

    I don't think 50 armor is adjusting off 15k damage...

    I beleive it was a nerf and they told us it was a bug fix for allegedly counting damage twice but really it was a damage nerf and now his 30% bonus damage doesn't work with multiple effects (basically they capped it at 3 buffs or set a max of 100% bonus damage)

    Basically somehow 180% bonus damage for a critical hit is barely 9k.
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    Yes as stated above, this is an odd situation to compare damage.

    Also base damage is a calculated amount not a standard, it would be unlikely for you to do the same exact base damage, but it should never be that off...
  • Twin
    527 posts Member
    edited January 2017
    ok the question is... How do you think the bonus damage is calculated?

    If the 30% bonus' are individual and added up...
    14000 + 4200 + 4200 + 4200 + 4200 + 4200 + 4200 + 4200 = 43400

    If the 30% bonus is added together as a percent 30% x 7 = 210%...

    14000 x 2.1 (210%) = 29400

    So the first method is the one which would get you your 40k damage... The 2nd which is what I think you are implying should happen is inline with the damage you got.

    I don't know how its supposed to be calculated... just throwing the possibilities out there. Your 1 debuff vs multiple debuffs needs more examples to figure out which is which from data given. Aka 1 debuff, 2 dubuffs and then 7 debuffs. The 1 debuff doesn't tell us much cause there is only one... results would be the same for both methods of calculation.

    I also assume your crit damage is 200%? That would also be good to know for more specifics.

    EDIT: There is also a 3rd calculation possibility, Crit Dmg is applied at the end. Damage is calculated + execute debuff bonuses AND THEN CRIT DMG % is applied.
  • scuba
    14126 posts Member
    edited January 2017
    In your first shot Boba had offense up, green box beside bh relove. That is an increase in damage.
    Second shot no offense up. Huge difference

    The 50 % is applied before crit damage so actually compounds.

    17910/1.3 = 13766
    13766/1.5 = 9184

    9184*3.10 = 28470 pretty close to 26988

    There is a damage variance before crit and before bonus damage of 500
  • Henchman805
    317 posts Member
    edited January 2017
    Twin wrote: »
    ok the question is... How do you think the bonus damage is calculated?

    If the 30% bonus' are individual and added up...
    14000 + 4200 + 4200 + 4200 + 4200 + 4200 + 4200 + 4200 = 43400

    If the 30% bonus is added together as a percent 30% x 7 = 210%...

    14000 x 2.1 (210%) = 29400

    Its 216% critical on Boba as a buff from all mods.

    You have a math error on your percent analysis.

    7X30% is 210% bonus damage yes 29k but that's BONUS DAMAGE ADDED TO the 14k base damage

    So for a percent buff like the description reads it would be 14000 X 3.1 which is about over 40k

    3.1 is made up of
    a) 1.0 normal damage plus
    B) 2.1 the 210% bonus damage

    Think about it... How do u get 30% bonus? It is times 1.3 not just .3.

    Therefore 210% bonus is times 3.1 not 2.1,
    Times 2.1 is just the bonus damage amount

    So you calculated the bonus damage 2 ways and got the same amount first by adding it 4200+4200+4200 etc to get to 42k

    And you proved a second way the bonus damage should be 29400 that's BONUS ON TOP of the base 14000 so again were in the 40-45k range.

    They nerfed away about half of his damage on execute with buffs up. We'll it's mysteriously disappeared after the Boba fix
  • Twin
    527 posts Member
    scuba wrote: »
    In your first shot Boba had offense up, green box beside bh relove. That is an increase in damage.
    Second shot no offense up. Huge difference

    The 50 % is applied before crit damage so actually compounds.

    crap didn't even notice the off up...

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    True offense up but that's a huge swing 15 to 20k damage...
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    Thanks for the good eye there scuba
  • scuba
    14126 posts Member
    True offense up but that's a huge swing 15 to 20k damage...

    add to my orginial post but here is the math

    17910/1.3 = 13766
    13766/1.5 = 9184
    9184*3.10 = 28470 pretty close to 26988

    There is a damage variance before crit and before bonus damage of 500
  • Options
    scuba wrote: »
    True offense up but that's a huge swing 15 to 20k damage...

    add to my orginial post but here is the math

    17910/1.3 = 13766
    13766/1.5 = 9184
    9184*3.10 = 28470 pretty close to 26988

    There is a damage variance before crit and before bonus damage of 500

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