Jedi Team - which way

109 posts Member
edited February 2017
Hi there,

I am playing for about 7 weeks now and am not completeley f2p. 10 to 20 bucks a month seems reasonable to me. At Lvl 74 atm.

Right now, I am mostly using a rebel team in the Arena (Biggs, Wedge, Lando, ST Han, Boba), which brings me in the top 20 or top 10 basically every day. My arena strength is about 30,5k. The top players in my shard are at 33k. There is one Jedi Team with barris in Lead and 36k strength. Not too shabby.
But it bores me, to be honest. Also ST Han is not as good as he used to be, since he is often blocked or debuffed. And I depend on him right now.

So I was thinking, I want a Jedi Team.
My Jedi right now are: JC (6*), Ima (5*), Lumi (6*), Ahsoka (6*), Mace (4*), QGJ (4*), Old Ben (4*), Guard (4*).
I am one shard shy of JKA.
At first I wanted to go for a counter team: IMG (L), Ahsoka, JKA, Aayla (not yet farmed), not sure.
But debuffing someone in the arena is a must, I think. Also with the next Yoda event, I should be able to get Yoda. So maybe I should go with the standard QGJ (L) and forget that counter idea?
And then go QGJ (L), Ahsoka, Anakin, Yoda, not sure.

What do you guys think?


  • Ted
    71 posts Member
    There's a few options for Jedi at end game. All require multiple zetas though.

    The IGD counter team is irrelevant with kenobi in the mix so forget that idea.

    Kenobi (L), zarris, zFives, aayla, ani is supremely annoying in defense.

    Qgjz (L), zoda, ani, kenobi, aayla or Ahsoka can handle most teams on offense. You can also run the wiggs variant by replacing ani and Aayla.

    If kenobi is not an option, Qgjz (l), zoda, ani, wiggs also works well. You may struggle a bit against chaze teams though.
  • hilikus
    109 posts Member
    edited February 2017
    Thank you for your input.
    Just to clarify a few things:
    - Are you talking about General Kenobi or old Ben Kenobi? If General Kenobi: That is not really an option since my Guild will not be able to farm him for at least a few months I assume.
    - What is Zeta exactly? Is it a further level on the toons ability after omega? And do you mean it is gonna get expansive to farm them?
    - Do you mean JKA is goona be annoying for attackers on me or is gonna be annoying for me in defense?

    And yeah, I am already struggling with Baze/Chirrut Teams^^. The top Teams here feature Chirrut+Baze combined with Biggs+Wedge and Lando to top it off. Right now (and in the future, I assume), impossible to beat for me.
    Post edited by hilikus on
  • Ted
    71 posts Member
    Kenobi refers to General Kenobi in the post.

    The kenobi lead team I posted is very difficult to beat so if you run that team, you won't drop ranks as far overnight.

    Zeta is the ability beyond omegas. Not all characters have it. They require farming in the ship ability challenge meaning you need tarkins homeship at 5*. This means 5x4* dark side ships. Then the challenge will need any 8x5* ships. You can also purchase them from ship shop for 2000 each. You need 20 to make one zeta. I'd suggest you start saving the fleet currency so you can immediately purchase them when the time comes.

    If you can't get general kenobi yet, farm b2. I know he's not Jedi but he will help massively. Before I had zqgj, I could beat chaze teams with wiggs, lando, ani, b2.
  • Options
    From the sounds of it, you are a week or two older then I am, and possibly on the shard created before mine.
    I run a pure ( most of the time ) Jedi team for Arena, and not gonna lie to you mate, it is not easy at all. Having no taunt, really puts you at a disadvantage a lot so people can pick you apart. A Barriss lead, although will keep things up on the health, will not do a lot on the offense. I do recommend hanging on to her, but using her after you get her Zeta if at all.
    I run counter, with IGD on lead. I do not have GK yet, so will not be using him until I am rather older in the game. ( level 76 currently 34k ish power rating and stay in the top five pretty normally )
    Healers are phased out more and more, so the Jedi healers are on their way out by our level. So no Lumi,. Ahsoka hits like a truck, so good there ( with one minor heal )
    The rest of the team I use QGJ, Aalya ( awesome Jedi ) and soon to be JKA while using Old Ben or Boba Fett ( to handle Baze/Chir ) in the mean time while I get that farmed out for JKA.
    Yoda is great for offense, find his AI bad for defense, where most of the problem you will run into your Jedi team will come about ( at least IMHO )

    If you are more interested in hearing more, shoot me a PM
  • hilikus
    109 posts Member
    edited February 2017
    Thank you both for your input.

    Ok, so what I gathered: A Jedi Team will cost me ranks in defense, but could do good in offense. Though it takes ressources.
    For now I am farming JKA, QGJ, Aayla. I will hopefully get Yoda in the next event. So the team would look something like this (as soon as I get Anakin and Aayla to some stars): QGJ, JKA, Ahsoka, Aayla, Yoda. Maybe substitute one for B2 or RG. I will only farm B2 after I get Aayla to 6 stars though. But B2 seems pretty solid, didn't have him on my radar.
    Right now (in GW and occassionaly in Raids) I am running IGD as Lead as I already have him at 6 stars g8. He does as much damage in AAT as Ashoka, to my surprise. Just a shame, that his counter is only 35% and that useless 35 Defense...

    One more question: Is it possible to change the arena team outside of actual battles? Did I just miss this option?

    And one more thing: Zeta is only farmable with Tarkins Ship? Not Mace and/or Ackbars?
  • Options
    If you're running Jedi, be sure that you don't run into someone who hides a 7* Maul behind some RG or another tank with taunts. That'd be the only real worry IMO. There are no jedi teams in my arena world in the top 25. Every once in awhile a Jedi team pops up but gets wiped out pretty fast in my group.
  • Options
    The other part to worry about, is that EP seems very much in favor in shards older then your's and mine. Main reason being, that in our shards ( apporix month and a half to two months old ) they did not score a 6* or higher EP. That in itself, is going to be the bane to any primarily Jedi team as EP along will destroy them, keep them stunned so on.
    Next month, the EP event will be hitting again, and then you will be seeing him more then likely replacing the STH that most of the rebel teams have. So expect Wedge, Biggs, Lando, EP, Fett/TFP
  • Ted
    71 posts Member
    Yoda destroys empire teams. I can beat zader and EP teams without losing protection. Just mod yoda to go 1st with tenacity up and giggle when EP tries to stun you.
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