Darth Nihilus doesn't gain Max Health

100 posts Member
edited March 2017
So i've run the last tier of the event a couple of times and now i'm sure of it: DN doesn't gain max health when he use Annihilate but he just recover health equal to target max health. I don't know if this is WAI but on the ability description it says clearly: "Nihilus gains Max Health equal to the target's Max Health", which should work similar as DM unique, Power of hatred.

Post edited by Vampire_X on


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    I couldnt tell either...theres just too dang many little bars to count...

    I want to agree with you...but how did you come about this info?

    I just guessed at the the change of hp bars...which ACTUALLY doesn't mean anything, i guess the only way you can tell for real is to add up all the numbers from the battle manually.

  • Misanthropist
    100 posts Member
    edited February 2017
    When DN used Annihilate he had healing immunity, so that means he couldn't regain health but the health bar didn't change it remained as before.
    Also i used it on Krennic who had a -ton of health, but nothing changed.
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    Ok yeah i did those both seen same thing...mirriored my phone to the 70" tv to try and count bars but i didnt see any difference but i could be wrong....there still crazy small on the big screen...

    I quit and replayed the last tier at least 15 times... same thing...but again...just because the hp bar didnt move it don't mean the actual hp didn't...nihlus had more bars than my max RG so it may be that they haven't made hp bar big enough for all those hp...

    Who knows...i know it sounds like im giving devs the benifit of the doubt...but im simply saying past performance...

    I think your right...its not adding that characters max hp to his....

    Id like to hear some feedback from others before we start crying for heads to roll....thats all.
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    So i've run the last tier of the event a couple of times and now i'm sure of it: DN doesn't gain max health when he use Annihilate but he just recover health equal to target max health. I don't know if this is WAI but on the ability description it says clearly: "Nihilus gains Max Health equal to the target's Max Health", which should work similar as DM unique, Power of hatred.

    Your post is confusing me.
    You complain that he does not gain max health but he does gain the max health from targeted toon, well, that's the description: he gains max health from targets max health....
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    TofuMao wrote: »
    So i've run the last tier of the event a couple of times and now i'm sure of it: DN doesn't gain max health when he use Annihilate but he just recover health equal to target max health. I don't know if this is WAI but on the ability description it says clearly: "Nihilus gains Max Health equal to the target's Max Health", which should work similar as DM unique, Power of hatred.

    Your post is confusing me.
    You complain that he does not gain max health but he does gain the max health from targeted toon, well, that's the description: he gains max health from targets max health....

    I'm sorry i said it in a wrong way, i'll make an example:

    DN has 30000 max health he uses Annihilate against Krennic who has 40000 max health, after krennic dies DN should have 70000 max health. But right now it doesn't work he just recover the lost health, so let's he has 20000/30000 he recovers 10000 health.
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    I see it this way, maybe they would need to reword gain max health to: he recovers max health from target's max health
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    Yeah the wording is unclear...i belive TofuMao has got it right there...its not adding the annihilated characters max health to nihlus's max health, it probably just adding that characters max health in terms of hp steal.

    That would seem more likely... and make him way less OP...
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    Also, technically, his leader ability should prevent the healing entirely
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    TofuMao wrote: »
    I see it this way, maybe they would need to reword gain max health to: he recovers max health from target's max health

    Or should it just be recovers health equal to the target's Max Health? In other words, drop the first Max.
  • JohnDoe
    57 posts Member
    Have there been any clarification for this? It seems to me that it is a bug, not WAI!
    In the description it clearly says "...gains max health equal to the targets max health..."

    So what i want to see when Nihilus performs Annihilation is that Nihilus gains the targets max health to him self as it reads in annihilations description. Not gains health of equal to targets max health...
  • Rakim
    267 posts Member
    I've seen him gain a greater max health from annihilate when he wasn't under his own lead. It seems like when he's the leader it doesn't work
  • Alsend_Drake
    709 posts Member
    edited March 2017
    I had my Nihilus pre-protection go from a squishy HP pool to a huge one after Annihilating Ani/Yoda, leading. It's just hardharder to notice when he's leading
  • JohnDoe
    57 posts Member
    edited March 2017
    It isnt just working properly!

    As you all can see that clearly after i have used Annihilation against Baze Nihilus doesnt get Max health gain.

    "...Nihilus gains Max Health equal to the target´s Max Health..." NOT WORKING !
    So it is just not WAI!!!! Fix it please !
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    I'm playing the toon from the 1st day it appeared. So I saw how the attack worked before and how it doesn't for now.
    The Annihilation seems to be just nerfed without any announce. Nihilus doesn't receive any health from this attack at all, at least for me. Waste of ability mats :/
  • JohnDoe
    57 posts Member
    @CG_Kozispoon Can you comment on this?
  • Drago
    22 posts Member
    Nihilus is bug so much guys. With his lead, siths can't critical hit. But it counts as one on target (Biggs get TM on a basic attack with no CH due to DN lead). Fix it too plz !
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    Got a PM by one of the dev (i presume), he said they are looking into it.
    If anyone has noticed something about this bug please post it here, so the devs will know and this will probably accelerate the bug-fixing progress.
    I'll post now my thoughts after 1 week of using Zihilus on arena: if he is at max health the mechanic seems to work. But if he isn't at full health i noticed that sometimes he doesn't gain max health.
    Also if shocked he doesn't gain max health.
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    In addition to it, there's another bug (maybe I should open another thread?) with Nihilus:
    a team he leads still enjoys Luminara's healing bonus, though in his Lead Special description they say it shouldn't.
    Proof: 2uh796p.png
  • Supercat
    3250 posts Member
    JohnDoe wrote: »
    It isnt just working properly!

    As you all can see that clearly after i have used Annihilation against Baze Nihilus doesnt get Max health gain.

    "...Nihilus gains Max Health equal to the target´s Max Health..." NOT WORKING !
    So it is just not WAI!!!! Fix it please !

    Max health keeps the current health %. Those images don't look like bugs.
    collisio wrote: »
    In addition to it, there's another bug (maybe I should open another thread?) with Nihilus:
    a team he leads still enjoys Luminara's healing bonus, though in his Lead Special description they say it shouldn't.
    Proof: 2uh796p.png

    They still can gain buffs but they can't be healed.
    Don't be a ****(4), and follow forum guidelines.
  • crzydroid
    7365 posts Moderator
    edited March 2017
    His health percentage stays the same. In the Places of Power event, I was able to annihilate twice by encounter 8, and Nihilus was a tank that could withstand 30 hits, even though my 7* Vader and Palpatine would get taken out after four. It absolutely works--it's just not visually different.
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    I have had a yellow bar nihilus take out geonosian sholdier then get hit with by Biggs to be killed. if it was working, Nihilus should have gained the 20k HP and not been killed by the attack.

    Nihilus lead is not OP scoundrel and rebel teams can still wipe the sith.
  • scuba
    14122 posts Member
    SmallGiant wrote: »
    I have had a yellow bar nihilus take out geonosian sholdier then get hit with by Biggs to be killed. if it was working, Nihilus should have gained the 20k HP and not been killed by the attack.

    Nihilus lead is not OP scoundrel and rebel teams can still wipe the sith.

    It is a gain in max health not actual health. Actual health will stay at the same % of his Max health. So if he was at 50% Health with 20k max health that means his actual health was 10k. If he annihilates someone with max health of 10k his Max health goes to 30k but his current health goes to 15k
    So he goes from 10k/20k to 15k/30k.

    The max health gain does work
    In Game example showing the increase in max health.
    DN has modded health of 19870
    Baze unload does 25% health Damage 19870*0.25 = 4967

    My K2 has 31062 Modded health. He had Health down when he was annihalated
    So DN should have 19870+24849 = 44719
    Expose does 20% health damge 44719*0.20 = 8943
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