
221 posts Member
edited February 2017
Can someone explain why the devs cant get tenacity to work correctly?

If i have rex at 80% and you get a built in resistance of 15% then I should only get debuffed 5% of the time.

or if the other toon has 90% potency I should still resist a fair amount of time especially since EP only has a 70% chance to stun me.

I still seem to get stunned 75% of the time. I shouldn't need tenacity up to resist buffs.

I have to believe that if the devs could get this working right arena would seem much more interesting.


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    You don't understand how tenacity and potency work.

    The chance to resist a debuff is found by subtracting the attacking toon's potency from the defending toon's tenacity. That is then the chance to resist

    However there is a hard floor of 15% chance to resist any debuff.

    Therefore taking your Rex as an example with 80% tenacity. The chance he has to resist a debuff will depend on the attacking toon's potency and will be

    0% potency 80%
    50% pot. 30%
    65% pot. 15%
    80% pot. 15%
    1m% pot. 15%

    So you are right about one thing. Tenacity is a pretty underwhelming stat and you need it to be more than 15% higher than the opponent's potency to get any benefit from it.
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    Just bad RNG bud. Plus, I think it's a known fact by now that potency outdoes Tenacity.
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    Tenacity does work, it just doesn't work that well. But after doing many HAAT raids with Aayla lead on ph 1 where each toon has a tenacity across except for JKA who has potency (to land buff immunity), I notice a huge difference in the number of resists that the rest of the jedi get compared to JKA. Usually he has 4-6 debuffs on him while the rest of the team has 0-1.
  • leef
    13458 posts Member
    tenacity - potency = chance to resist (with a minimum of 15%)
    a 90% potency character will get resisted just as often as a 65% potency character when attacking a 80% tenacity character. You'll need atleast 15% more tenacity than the attacker's potency in order to have a better chance of resisting.
    Long story short, tenacity sucks. I do prefer tenacity to suck though, if tenacity was a viable option we would see alot more *resisted* pop-up, wich would make arena less fun imo.
    Save water, drink champagne!
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    @Taxman i wrote my post quickly i do know that formula and get whats going on it just doesnt seem to make sense.

    we all make choices on our toons its the point of mods. Do you go for power/protection etc. If I go for tenacity i should be able to resist most debuffs. that doesn't happen right now. Potency kills tenacity. A palp with 80% potency is way more OP than a toon with 80% tenacity
  • crzydroid
    7366 posts Moderator
    edited February 2017
    I don't think the 15% gets added to the 80. From other posts on this, 15% is a lower bound on the resist chance. If you have only 80% tenacity, 80-90 = -10, which is less than 15, so you get bumped to 15% chance to resist.

    0.85*0.70= 0.595, so you should get stunned around 60% of the time.

    Wow, and apparently this comment was sitting in drafts without posting.
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    crzydroid wrote: »
    I don't think the 15% gets added to the 80. From other posts on this, 15% is a lower bound on the resist chance. If you have only 80% tenacity, 80-90 = -10, which is less than 15, so you get bumped to 15% chance to resist.

    0.85*0.70= 0.595, so you should get stunned around 60% of the time.

    Wow, and apparently this comment was sitting in drafts without posting.

    yep i get that. tenacity shouldn't work like that though. that's why tenacity sucks.

    its like football. NFL knows people watch for high scoring games not defense. If tenacity worked right people wouldn't play this game.
  • crzydroid
    7366 posts Moderator
    How should it work if someone has 90% potency? 90>80. Advantage should go to potency toon.
  • leef
    13458 posts Member
    chezhead wrote: »
    crzydroid wrote: »
    I don't think the 15% gets added to the 80. From other posts on this, 15% is a lower bound on the resist chance. If you have only 80% tenacity, 80-90 = -10, which is less than 15, so you get bumped to 15% chance to resist.

    0.85*0.70= 0.595, so you should get stunned around 60% of the time.

    Wow, and apparently this comment was sitting in drafts without posting.

    yep i get that. tenacity shouldn't work like that though. that's why tenacity sucks.

    its like football. NFL knows people watch for high scoring games not defense. If tenacity worked right people wouldn't play this game.

    this comment confuses me. So you do think it's better the way tenacity currently works?
    Save water, drink champagne!
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    @leef no i think if i have 80% tenacity i should resist 80% of the time.
  • Supercat
    3250 posts Member
    edited February 2017
    chezhead wrote: »
    crzydroid wrote: »
    I don't think the 15% gets added to the 80. From other posts on this, 15% is a lower bound on the resist chance. If you have only 80% tenacity, 80-90 = -10, which is less than 15, so you get bumped to 15% chance to resist.

    0.85*0.70= 0.595, so you should get stunned around 60% of the time.

    Wow, and apparently this comment was sitting in drafts without posting.

    yep i get that. tenacity shouldn't work like that though. that's why tenacity sucks.

    its like football. NFL knows people watch for high scoring games not defense. If tenacity worked right people wouldn't play this game.

    Like the Falcons are high scoring.
    And Samuel L. Jackson supports the Falcons.
    Sam Jackson is Macewindu!
    The Jedi support the Falcons!!
    Star Wars supports the Falcons!!!!!

    (Until the patriots cheat [havent figured out how yet])
    Don't be a ****(4), and follow forum guidelines.
  • leef
    13458 posts Member
    chezhead wrote: »
    leef no i think if i have 80% tenacity i should resist 80% of the time.

    and what would potency do in this scenario? nothing, like tenacity does now?
    Save water, drink champagne!
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    This seems really backwards IMO. It would make more sense if Tenacity - Potency = Chance to debuff. 80%T vs 65%P should only debuff 15% of the time
  • leef
    13458 posts Member
    Perdogie wrote: »
    This seems really backwards IMO. It would make more sense if Tenacity - Potency = Chance to debuff. 80%T vs 65%P should only debuff 15% of the time
    using dfferent numbers kinda ruins the logic behind that formula though
    15% tenacity - 80% potency = -65% chance to debuff
    Save water, drink champagne!
  • Options
    Perdogie wrote: »
    This seems really backwards IMO. It would make more sense if Tenacity - Potency = Chance to debuff. 80%T vs 65%P should only debuff 15% of the time

    yes this makes sense
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    leef wrote: »
    Perdogie wrote: »
    This seems really backwards IMO. It would make more sense if Tenacity - Potency = Chance to debuff. 80%T vs 65%P should only debuff 15% of the time
    using dfferent numbers kinda ruins the logic behind that formula though
    15% tenacity - 80% potency = -65% chance to debuff

    I should have specified that the higher stat would get the priority, so in your example it would still equate to 80P-15T= 65% debuff

    Better yet, each stat should simply get their own roll.
    80% tenacity = resisted True/False
    65% potency = applied True/False
    Repeat rolls in event of tie
  • Options
    chezhead wrote: »
    @Taxman i wrote my post quickly i do know that formula and get whats going on it just doesnt seem to make sense.

    we all make choices on our toons its the point of mods. Do you go for power/protection etc. If I go for tenacity i should be able to resist most debuffs. that doesn't happen right now. Potency kills tenacity. A palp with 80% potency is way more OP than a toon with 80% tenacity

    Sorry my first sentence came across more harsh than I meant!

    I agree with you that the tenacity/potency model they use is not a good one meaning that both stats can be completely wasted in different circumstances - e.g. If you stack tenacity to 90% but come across someone with 75% or higher potency then all of that tenacity is wasted and you're in exactly the same position as someone who ignored tenacity completely and had 0%. I'm sure there must be a way to make the chance to resist more dynamic, giving you some benefit for all that tenacity even if you come across a high potency attacker.
  • leef
    13458 posts Member
    i think you're both underestimating how much it would suck if tenacity worked like that.
    Save water, drink champagne!
  • Neo2551
    1824 posts Member
    edited February 2017
    Perdogie wrote: »
    leef wrote: »
    Perdogie wrote: »
    This seems really backwards IMO. It would make more sense if Tenacity - Potency = Chance to debuff. 80%T vs 65%P should only debuff 15% of the time
    using dfferent numbers kinda ruins the logic behind that formula though
    15% tenacity - 80% potency = -65% chance to debuff

    I should have specified that the higher stat would get the priority, so in your example it would still equate to 80P-15T= 65% debuff

    Better yet, each stat should simply get their own roll.
    80% tenacity = resisted True/False
    65% potency = applied True/False
    Repeat rolls in event of tie

    Then debuff would be completely useless: everyone would have nearly 90% tenacity easily:

    Then: 0.1*potency*chance to trigger test for debuff: less than 5% in most skills.
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    I don't think tenacity should be overwhelming but it should work a bit better than it currently does. It would then also make debuffs like tenacity down actually worthwhile in arena.
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    That would be a clear nerf to dark side characters...
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    Neo2551 wrote: »
    Perdogie wrote: »
    leef wrote: »
    Perdogie wrote: »
    This seems really backwards IMO. It would make more sense if Tenacity - Potency = Chance to debuff. 80%T vs 65%P should only debuff 15% of the time
    using dfferent numbers kinda ruins the logic behind that formula though
    15% tenacity - 80% potency = -65% chance to debuff

    I should have specified that the higher stat would get the priority, so in your example it would still equate to 80P-15T= 65% debuff

    Better yet, each stat should simply get their own roll.
    80% tenacity = resisted True/False
    65% potency = applied True/False
    Repeat rolls in event of tie

    Then debuff would be completely useless: everyone would have nearly 90% tenacity easily:

    Then: 0.1*potency*chance to trigger test for debuff: less than 5% in most skills.

    Sorry I misread. You have the oddd potency*(1-tenacity)/[(1-potency)tenacity].
  • Options
    Neo2551 wrote: »
    That would be a clear nerf to dark side characters...

    Yup. Leef is right on here. Arena and the game in general would not be nearly as fun/strategic if it was nearly impossible to land debuffs.
  • Options

    Neo2551 wrote: »
    That would be a clear nerf to dark side characters...

    Yup. Leef is right on here. Arena and the game in general would not be nearly as fun/strategic if it was nearly impossible to land debuffs.

    i think tenacity needs to work on a curve. if you go heavy tenacity it should resist much higher than it does now. if you only go with 20-45% it should work like it does now.

  • crzydroid
    7366 posts Moderator
    Perdogie wrote: »
    leef wrote: »
    Perdogie wrote: »
    This seems really backwards IMO. It would make more sense if Tenacity - Potency = Chance to debuff. 80%T vs 65%P should only debuff 15% of the time
    using dfferent numbers kinda ruins the logic behind that formula though
    15% tenacity - 80% potency = -65% chance to debuff

    I should have specified that the higher stat would get the priority, so in your example it would still equate to 80P-15T= 65% debuff

    Better yet, each stat should simply get their own roll.
    80% tenacity = resisted True/False
    65% potency = applied True/False
    Repeat rolls in event of tie

    What happens when both roll true????
    chezhead wrote: »
    Neo2551 wrote: »
    That would be a clear nerf to dark side characters...

    Yup. Leef is right on here. Arena and the game in general would not be nearly as fun/strategic if it was nearly impossible to land debuffs.

    i think tenacity needs to work on a curve. if you go heavy tenacity it should resist much higher than it does now. if you only go with 20-45% it should work like it does now.

    Personally, I feel like potency is the harder stat to get here. I feel like toons resist just fine. Plus there are so many cleansers out there, and at least three toons that give group tenacity up, which 100% resists everything except tenacity down. Empire/Sith teams DEPEND on debuffs, and there are already so many lightside counters to debuffs. Maybe tenacity could be a little better, but it doesn't need a huge buff. Already with the 15% lower asymptote, if you do two AoEs that each apply two debuffs, you can expect three of those to be resisted with huge pitency levels, to say nothing of the attempt chance to apply. Throw in some tenacity higher than 15%, and maybe at the end, a little over half of them stick.

    I get being upset that an 80% tenacity Rex (who can cleanse and throw tenacity up) can't resist, but how many mods did the other person have to farm to get 90% potency? Even with Palp lead, that's 55%, which is maybe a full set or really good primaries.
  • Options
    chezhead wrote: »
    Neo2551 wrote: »
    That would be a clear nerf to dark side characters...

    Yup. Leef is right on here. Arena and the game in general would not be nearly as fun/strategic if it was nearly impossible to land debuffs.

    i think tenacity needs to work on a curve. if you go heavy tenacity it should resist much higher than it does now. if you only go with 20-45% it should work like it does now.

    I tend to agree. It might even be as simple as making tenacity mod sets give +10% tenacity instead of +5%.
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    Getting my 100%+ Tenacity Magmatrooper double-debuffed by Boba in the 1st turn was when I understood that Tenacity didn't work as I thought. :D
  • Options
    chezhead wrote: »
    Neo2551 wrote: »
    That would be a clear nerf to dark side characters...

    Yup. Leef is right on here. Arena and the game in general would not be nearly as fun/strategic if it was nearly impossible to land debuffs.

    i think tenacity needs to work on a curve. if you go heavy tenacity it should resist much higher than it does now. if you only go with 20-45% it should work like it does now.

    I tend to agree. It might even be as simple as making tenacity mod sets give +10% tenacity instead of +5%.

    They do currently give +10%
  • Options
    BrtStlnd wrote: »
    chezhead wrote: »
    Neo2551 wrote: »
    That would be a clear nerf to dark side characters...

    Yup. Leef is right on here. Arena and the game in general would not be nearly as fun/strategic if it was nearly impossible to land debuffs.

    i think tenacity needs to work on a curve. if you go heavy tenacity it should resist much higher than it does now. if you only go with 20-45% it should work like it does now.

    I tend to agree. It might even be as simple as making tenacity mod sets give +10% tenacity instead of +5%.

    They do currently give +10%

    Sorry I meant for not a maxed set... so basically make it double what potency is... so +20% for lvl15 mods. They would need to test to see if that is too much, if so might have to make it 15%.
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    I remember reading, awhile back now actually, that the devs said they were going to rework Potency & Tenacity so that they actually functioned more properly. What that means I do not know, but they have acknowledged in the past that it is grossly unbalanced. Guess it got swept under the carpet with Stealh :/
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