is Fives ship Umbaran starfighter good?

Is it any good? and is it better than ahsoka?


  • MrGrips
    521 posts Member
    edited March 2017
    Dont let the tm gain he gives away fool you, its a great ship. Super tanky, good specials. I hate fighting it.

    Edit: As for being better than Ahsoka.... Id guess yes. I dont usually have problems fighting ahsoka.
  • Huatimus
    3669 posts Member
    Have you seen those Target Lock clips where almost the entire enemy fleet is downed in 1 shot by Umbaran ship?
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    It is very good. Basic attack does decent dmg for being such a sturdy tank with high hp and applying offense and defense down is fine. But removing buffs on basic against target lock is very useful. His true power comes in being a reinforcement with his missiles. With vaders tie advanced and tie fighter and other target locks applying before fives comes into play his missile can decimate their entire team in one shot (or at least destroy one and do massive damage to one or two others on average since having five target locks happens rarely but 2,3 or even 4 happen very often). Ahsoka does much more damage single target and has a more reliable buff (taunt) removal but is also much much squishing. Better? No. Different role? Yes. I use ahsoka in my main team (for taunt removal primarily) and fives in reinforcements for cleanup. I like getting my 1800 fleet tokens every day and his ship can swing a battle in my direction if timed correctly.
  • lisztophobia
    808 posts Member
    edited March 2017
    Tyvokka wrote: »
    Is it any good? and is it better than ahsoka?
    He works very decently with a full Republic fleet, which is a relatively easy fleet to build since there are so many quickly farmable characters who fly Republic ships.

    Fives really fulfills his potential when you combine him with ships that excel at spamming target locks. The trio of TIE Fighters especially. Blanket the enemy fleet with target locks, then use Fives, Boba Fett, and Mace Windu to unleash special attacks that hit every target-locked enemy simultaneously. It's not uncommon to kill 3 or more ships at once with this tactic.
  • Winstar
    2429 posts Member
    edited March 2017
    If you just hit auto with your fleet battles then both ashoka and umbaran is lackluster and squishy.

    JC's ship is shockingly better than both on auto and is strong already without of a lot of upgrading and fewer stars.

    I'm lazy with ships but still finish between 100-200 daily with payout time auto battle sniping and I only did the exact bare minimum for the zeta challenge so don't take my advice.

    Good luck.
  • Any
    428 posts Member
    Removing buffs on basic against target lock is very useful, Ex...Remove Taunt which always cause problem.

    Remove Retribution from Maul skill make Deadly combo useless.

    He is a must farm ship.
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    On defense he will almost never use Missle Pods correctly. Most of the time he will target a single person who is target locked and only hit that single ship. On offense you can blow up everything easily though.

    His buff removal and offense down on basic is still incredibly annoying to fight against.
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    Ahsoka is terrible on defence. She always targets the Tie Fighters foresight with her special, which speeds up the enemy capital ship, wastes her big attack, and leaves her without a taunt removal when you need it. She is also an easy kill if you are trying to cause a reinforcement instead of the capital ship using a special.

    Fives Umbaran Starfighter isn't perfect, but in a target lock heavy fleet I think he will do a lot better than Ahsoka.
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    Short answer, yes
    Long answer, yyyyyeeeesssss
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    Umbaran Starfighter is the 6th fastest non-capital ship there is (before you count his guaranteed turn meter gain).

    He uses target locks to wipe buffs with his basic, and hit additional targets and deal extra damage with his special... that also inflicts target lock.

    He is pretty tanky AND deals decent damage as well as inflicting offense and defense down. 5s's ship is more versatile than he is as a character, and that's saying a lot because he can fit in practically anywhere and be effective.
  • Nightlores
    1608 posts Member
    edited March 2017
    I use Umbaran because it can target lock and take a beating. His normal attack must be the least damaging attack. But useful against target locked tanks. So overall a very useful ship and worth getting.

    Ashoka can be nice in reserve if you need to remove a taunt or counter (from scimitar) fast. Don't use her in your starting lineup, it's terrible on defence.
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    Amazing ship and fits in any team and any tactics. A must have.
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    A good ship indeed, especially on a strong Republic team that can help heal him. He's my go-to for taunting. His basic does offense down, and if you have lots of target locks he can hit multiple targets with his special. Like any ship it's important to work on the pilot, though, so if you want to get the most out of the ship, beef up Fives if you haven't already.
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    I've been using his ship since the beginning.

    I have moved him as a reinforcement now that I have Boba.

    Umbaran is fast but he grants TM so it messes up my offense at the beginning.

    However once the battle is already doing a little TM doesn't make that much of a difference and if TL's are stacked up by Boba and TFP,

  • evanbio
    1505 posts Member
    I like having Ahsoka around. Her special refreshes on reinforcements, so even if not clearing a debuff she can do a good amount of damage and have it ready again the next turn. Of course, it all depends on if you have a taunt up to protect her. She can gain a lot of protection back with her other special, or give herself offense up. I find her ship very useful. I also have her at G10, so that helps I'm sure.

    I don't have 5s ship, but it sounds pretty good based on above. It depends on how frequent you are applying target locks from the sound of it. I still havent figured out how to improve that. It seems very RNG, and heavily influences whether a battle is won or lost.
  • crzydroid
    7309 posts Moderator
    edited March 2017
    Annoyingly tanky for a ship that simultaneously gives offense down and defense down. I try to avoid it when ever possible.
  • J0K3R
    2286 posts Member
    I always leave this ship for last.. takes a long time to take down.
    May the force be with you. It shall free you.
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    Ahsoka is terrible on defence. She always targets the Tie Fighters foresight with her special, which speeds up the enemy capital ship, wastes her big attack, and leaves her without a taunt removal when you need it. She is also an easy kill if you are trying to cause a reinforcement instead of the capital ship using a special.

    Fives Umbaran Starfighter isn't perfect, but in a target lock heavy fleet I think he will do a lot better than Ahsoka.

    I think Ahsoka is much more important then Umbaran. When Maul's ship comes in, it's a deal breaker unless you can dispel that retribution. Ahsoka is one of the few across the board dispelers for ships. Umbaran just sits there most of the time and does minimal dmg compared to the rest. The only time he is a threat is when Plo or Mace can put a taunt on him while attackers are still up; this combo is extremely effective; otherwise, he is rather lackluster.
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    Would he be good under an Ackbar lead?
  • Saraleb
    2070 posts Member
    Tyvokka wrote: »
    Would he be good under an Ackbar lead?

    I use him under an Ackbar lead.. 6* ship piloted by a G11 fives... hes very hard to take down
  • vlad745
    181 posts Member
    [quote=I think Ahsoka is much more important then Umbaran. When Maul's ship comes in, it's a deal breaker unless you can dispel that retribution. Ahsoka is one of the few across the board dispelers for ships. Umbaran just sits there most of the time and does minimal dmg compared to the rest. The only time he is a threat is when Plo or Mace can put a taunt on him while attackers are still up; this combo is extremely effective; otherwise, he is rather lackluster.[/quote]

    The question in thread was if 5s ship is good and somehow now got to if Ashoka's ship is better than 5s lol. It is an impossible comparison as 2 ships are completely different and both are very good in their roles. It would really depend on ur strategy and ur team. Two most common setups nowadays are 2 attackers and 3 tankier ships or 3 attackers and 2 tankier ships, rarely you see 4 attackers and 1 tank.

    So if you need tankier ships, 5s is most durable ship in the game, can hit multiple enemies with special or if targeting single target locks 100%, can dispel, and becomes faster as match progresses due to 20% tm gain (albeit his attack gives enemy 25% tm gain). Biggs for tount and 5s for everything above is imo winning combination for tankier ships. Both in my first team.

    If you need attackers Ashoka is the only fast high damage dealing ship with dispel, so comes handy, but she is not as fast as some other ships. Poe is the fastest followed by ITP and FOTP and 4th fastest is actually 5s. I run all of them in my first team and when playing on offence Ashoka's ship does not get to take a turn at all before she dies. However, on AI situation is completely different. One way or another a worthy ship.
  • Mcmole
    157 posts Member

    I'll just leave this here.
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    vlad745 wrote: »
    [quote=I think Ahsoka is much more important then Umbaran. When Maul's ship comes in, it's a deal breaker unless you can dispel that retribution. Ahsoka is one of the few across the board dispelers for ships. Umbaran just sits there most of the time and does minimal dmg compared to the rest. The only time he is a threat is when Plo or Mace can put a taunt on him while attackers are still up; this combo is extremely effective; otherwise, he is rather lackluster.

    The question in thread was if 5s ship is good and somehow now got to if Ashoka's ship is better than 5s lol. It is an impossible comparison as 2 ships are completely different and both are very good in their roles. It would really depend on ur strategy and ur team. Two most common setups nowadays are 2 attackers and 3 tankier ships or 3 attackers and 2 tankier ships, rarely you see 4 attackers and 1 tank.

    So if you need tankier ships, 5s is most durable ship in the game, can hit multiple enemies with special or if targeting single target locks 100%, can dispel, and becomes faster as match progresses due to 20% tm gain (albeit his attack gives enemy 25% tm gain). Biggs for tount and 5s for everything above is imo winning combination for tankier ships. Both in my first team.

    If you need attackers Ashoka is the only fast high damage dealing ship with dispel, so comes handy, but she is not as fast as some other ships. Poe is the fastest followed by ITP and FOTP and 4th fastest is actually 5s. I run all of them in my first team and when playing on offence Ashoka's ship does not get to take a turn at all before she dies. However, on AI situation is completely different. One way or another a worthy ship. [/quote]

    No I get what you are saying, but a common meta is to have Maul's ship come in as a reinforcement and immediately buff. If you don't have a handy dispel to come in and reinforce as well, often times this decides the match. In this way, I was saying Ashoka is more important, not that Umbaran wasn't.
  • evanbio
    1505 posts Member
    vlad745 wrote: »
    The question in thread was if 5s ship is good and somehow now got to if Ashoka's ship is better than 5s lol. ....

    Actually, the question was is 5s ship good, AND is it better than Ahsoka's. So the thread discussing Ahsoka being better than 5s is very valid. I agree that the 2 ships are different, but it wasn't my thread. :)
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    I think 5s is great off the bench where he gives you time to spread some target locks before he comes in and AOEs them all. And as others have said, not having his TM shenanigans at the beginning of the battle can also be helpful. I run Imperial TIE, Vader, Boba for TL, Biggs to buy time with taunt, JV to heal Biggs, then off the bench (in order) 5s, Maul, Ahsoka.
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    why is this in feedback? should be in "squad and character strategy"
  • Huatimus
    3669 posts Member
    edited March 2017
    It's living proof that people do use, visit, view and talk at the Feedback section contrary to your statement.
    Please, can we start using more than just the General Discussion section? If we want CG to listen, we must view and talk in the feedback sections. All the best suggestions get moved from General Discussion to feedback and they die out. They die out because we let them die out. We should make it a community goal for everyone to check feedback discussions at least once every 2 days and add our voice, so that the Devs see it.

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    It's a solid ship that I've been using since the beginning. I've actually been farming Fives specifically because of Ships (I know, I should have farmed him earlier cos he's a great Tank). IDK if he's better than Ahsoka, but I use both and they're good together filling very different rolls.
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    I use his ship as a reinforcement only when there are at least 2 ships on the opposing team with Target Lock. he is absolutely deadly when that occurs. Otherwise, not so much. He can absorb damage.
    I 'd love to be a Jedi... But I sure as hell would use the dark side too...
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