Umbaran fighter vs Ghost + phantom II

I'd like to report an issue when my umbaran ship faces ghost + phantom II

Umbaran special attack cannot be resisted. Ghost cannot be target locked when phantom two is present. When umbaran uses special attack against ghost no target lock occurs. No damage occurs. No damage occurs to other target locked ships. There is no indication the attack was a DodgED. The battle pauses and then moves to the next ships turn. This affect happens every time.


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    Hi, we tested this scenario and found that Umbaran is dealing damage to Target Locked ships, it's just that the damage is very briefly displayed and hard to notice, especially if you are using 4x animation.
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    Okay thanks! To follow up, umbaran should get priority and inflict target lock because it can't be resisted. THis is how squad arena works. This is not happening
  • crzydroid
    7371 posts Moderator
    Okay thanks! To follow up, umbaran should get priority and inflict target lock because it can't be resisted. THis is how squad arena works. This is not happening

    It is not how squad arena works. Ghost cannot be target locked. It's not a tenacity issue. Zeta Jyn can't be stunned, even by raid Han.

    Can't be resisted just means it bypasses tenacity check. If someone us immune, it doesn't matter that they failed to resist...there is just no effect.
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    There is a hierarchy. Immunity trumps cannot be resisted. Ghost is not immune to target lock.
  • crzydroid
    7371 posts Moderator
    There is a hierarchy. Immunity trumps cannot be resisted. Ghost is not immune to target lock.

    Cannot be Resisted is not an "immunity trump." Ghost IS immune to TL while Phantom II is present. It says it CANNOT be target locked. This kind of mechanic ALWAYS takes precedence over "cannot be resisted." "Cannot Resist" bypasses tenacity and base chance to resist, and will ignore Tenacity Up. In the case of Ghost with Phantom II present, it is not really resusting anything, it is just immune.
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    Jyn text says "immune to stun". Not "cannot be stunned". GHost text does Not say immune to target lock. IT behaves like immune to target lock
  • crzydroid
    7371 posts Moderator
    Jyn text says "immune to stun". Not "cannot be stunned". GHost text does Not say immune to target lock. IT behaves like immune to target lock

    It behaves like it because it is. "Cannot be target locked" is dynamically equivalent to "immune to target lock." I don't know why you're arguing about specific word choice. If exact, consistent wording is what you want, this is the wrong game to look for it.
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