Please Fix Leia's Omeagad Rebel Tactics


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    Amalthea wrote: »
    Sorry, that explanation makes ZERO sense. If that were the case, why allow the ability to permastealth at all? Let alone misleading folks into spending hard earned omegas.

    Also, the AI NEVER permastealthed on defense. Its been an issue since day 1.

    I remember perma stealth (although my shard does not have that many Leias so I did not fight her that often). And so do others:

    These threads you link show nothing. Trust me, I was probably the first person to level 72 and Leia got omegad right away. My shard mates told me, day 1, she didn't permastealth when they attacked me.
  • Amalthea
    691 posts Member
    Amalthea wrote: »
    Sorry, that explanation makes ZERO sense. If that were the case, why allow the ability to permastealth at all? Let alone misleading folks into spending hard earned omegas.

    Also, the AI NEVER permastealthed on defense. Its been an issue since day 1.

    I remember perma stealth (although my shard does not have that many Leias so I did not fight her that often). And so do others:

    These threads you link show nothing. Trust me, I was probably the first person to level 72 and Leia got omegad right away. My shard mates told me, day 1, she didn't permastealth when they attacked me.

    Maybe that's true, hard for me to prove otherwise at this point and I'm not sure I care (sure this Omega isn't the most useful, it's also not the least useful). However if your recollection was that you saw this right away after turning level 72, I have to doubt that.
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    Hey, can you weigh in? I know you remember when I omegad Leia and thought I was invincible, lol. Not so much, since permastealth never worked on defense.
  • Naecabon
    1243 posts Member

    Hey, can you weigh in? I know you remember when I omegad Leia and thought I was invincible, lol. Not so much, since permastealth never worked on defense.

    Naec - 1
    Trill - 0

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    If I remember correctly there were one or two rounds VERY early on where she did perma-stealth, but this soon stopped. After a few days she dropped out of stealth every time. Much to your annoyance obviously. I remember the moaning, oh so much moaning ;)
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    Thanks guy!


    Can we get PLEASE get some acknowledgment here???
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    Still waiting...
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    My 2 cents, if it worked permastealth on the very beggining and them was changed to the way it is now, its because always stealth made her way OP than intended, they "stealth" nerf the defense AI and are playing Dead to avoid mass complaining if they recognise it. Again, my 2 cents.
  • IvoB1987
    495 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    This is not a bug! I agree that it should be improved but please don't call it a bug. A bug is when the game does something that shouldn't be possible. This behavior totally is possible, also when you control it yourself. This is just a matter of dumb AI. Dumb AI is never a bug. And by the way there are many other examples of dumb AI that should be fixed. So I totally agree it should be improved, BUT DON'T CALL IT A BUG
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  • Xenith
    267 posts Member
    Amalthea wrote: »
    It's not an issue, it's balancing. It's no fun fighting against Leia with no way to ever target her. So they changed it so there is an opportunity to target/stun her when she's on defense. The ability is still useful on offense as you can safely use her without a tank against the AI. But yeah, not the best use of Omegas anymore (still less of a reduction in power than the Fives basic fix).
    Exactly ! Leai AI ain t broken... If her ai perma stealthed we would be seeing people crying about her and plo koon leads... I noticed that if you manage to get her health down she will use stealth again instead of attacking so its not A bug its Not broken And Its not a waste of Omegas ...
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    Xenith wrote: »
    Amalthea wrote: »
    It's not an issue, it's balancing. It's no fun fighting against Leia with no way to ever target her. So they changed it so there is an opportunity to target/stun her when she's on defense. The ability is still useful on offense as you can safely use her without a tank against the AI. But yeah, not the best use of Omegas anymore (still less of a reduction in power than the Fives basic fix).
    Exactly ! Leai AI ain t broken... If her ai perma stealthed we would be seeing people crying about her and plo koon leads... I noticed that if you manage to get her health down she will use stealth again instead of attacking so its not A bug its Not broken And Its not a waste of Omegas ...

    There are plenty of ways to combat Leia permastealth. If you are relying on bugged AI to counter, you really need to rethink your strategy.
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    Any update on this? Jesse advised via PM this was on the list to address.
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    Bringing this back up. Now that Leia had a rework and rebels are more popular than ever, this is still a big issue. Leia should always use stealth when available and she doesn't. AI still uses her basic, causing her to come out of stealth, when stealth is available.

    Can we finally fix this please?
  • Stormy
    951 posts Member
    Hopefully a Dev comment soon with their take on this
  • DarthScott
    292 posts Member
    edited August 2017
    This is an even more insane AI post rework. I would love to see this fixed.
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    A fix would be really great.
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    Given her recent rework (nice one, thank you) and her 'pairing' with R2 (double TM gain etc), this issue has been exasperated and she now comes out of stealth earlier in the match... a fix would be really great.

  • PR10
    18 posts Member
    Hey, did you guys hear the AI makes Leia come out of stealth on defense? Now, if I could just go into stealth when my boss comes into the copy room and finds me playing GOH... :p
  • trillizo_y_uno
    286 posts Member
    edited August 2017
    Jesse told me via PM this was being investigated for a fix over a year ago.
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  • Zemit
    45 posts Moderator
    edited August 2017
    Seriously fix this please...
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    After seeing her G12 gear I want this fixed even more, but if her AI is going to stink, she will always be bad on defense. I would love to know if this is a priority or not so I can decide on my path for farming G12 gear.
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    Can someone show me instance of this occurring? She should always use her Special whenever it is available.
  • Neo2551
    1824 posts Member
    I confirm it happens often.
  • trillizo_y_uno
    286 posts Member
    edited August 2017
    Can someone show me instance of this occurring? She should always use her Special whenever it is available.


    Not a great quality video, but you can clearly see Leia not using stealth when she should. Please note, it wasn't the DN AoE reducing her cooldown. She had foresight.
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    Can someone show me instance of this occurring? She should always use her Special whenever it is available.

    Also note, on offense her AI in auto seems to always use stealth. I think it is just on defense that her AI is broken
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    Can someone show me instance of this occurring? She should always use her Special whenever it is available.

    Also, thanks a ton for responding.
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