Seem to have Hit a Brick Wall

Hi All, 1st time poster in the forums.

Been playing for a while, currently level 76 and have a reasonable collection of characters.

I was doing really well in Character PVP and Ship PVP, all of a sudden I seem to have hit a brick wall. very very rarely win at either now after winning about 90% of the time.

My Squad Arena Team is Power 25,129 and I am on Tier 13.
Boba Fett - level 76, 5 star, Gear Level 8
Bariss Offee - Level 76, 4 Star, Gear Level 8
Mace Windu - Level 76, 5 Star, Gear Level 8
Ahsoka Tano - Level 76, 5 Star, Gear Level 8
Jedi Consular - Level 76, 5 Star, Gear Level 8

My Fleet Team is Power 81,758

Not sure why I am posting to be honest, I appreciate that there is many many permetations to what makes a great team, this is the best I have currently.

I just dont seem to be able to beat anyone, even teams in both PVP's that have lower power scores than me.

Not a rant, just confusion...




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    How is is possible that on lvl 76 you dont have 7* characters? Also no gear 9
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    PS. One obvious thing - your team has no synergy
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    K, Its just what ones i got 1st...not sure how i would investigate what toons i need to get/level to improve synergy...this all started as a game for collecting and improving those toons..i wasnt particularly bothered with PVP....Now that I am losing all the time, i would like to make a better team...

    Even Galactic Conflict, i used to do really well, now with the same team i usually get 3 or 4 fights from the end and then just lose.

    Just feels, like all of a sudden, a switch was flicked that ramped up the difficulty...
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    The usuall farm biggs wedge sth obligatory reply :P
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    Camege wrote: »
    K, Its just what ones i got 1st...not sure how i would investigate what toons i need to get/level to improve synergy...this all started as a game for collecting and improving those toons..i wasnt particularly bothered with PVP....Now that I am losing all the time, i would like to make a better team...

    Even Galactic Conflict, i used to do really well, now with the same team i usually get 3 or 4 fights from the end and then just lose.

    Just feels, like all of a sudden, a switch was flicked that ramped up the difficulty...

    So ... Whst u need my friend, is synergy.. What faction do you like the most?

    Most common and viable:

    Jedi: qgj,yoda,jka,aayla,(barris/ahsoka/lumi)
    Sith: maul,palps, vader, dooku, (sid,savage)
    Rebels: wedge, biggs,sthan,leia,(whatever)
    Droids: hk47,86,88,je,cn

    Also oldschool squads work..
    Try old ben,lumi,rey,gs, daka

    Those are most common and good early squads.. U can also add rey qgj,gs,rg,sthan. To any team that exists.. They work gr8 without synergys..

    Harder to get are those..
    Vader,tfp,shore,boba, palps
    Wedge,biggs,chirrut,baze, gk

    Current meta is zaul,palps, rex,gk, baze,tfp,b2,zader, zarriss, full fo squads and such (:

    Hope it helped u
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    I guess I am so far down a certain path that it will take a very very long time to get these synergies in place.

    A lot of Farming
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    to become viable at my current level that is...
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    Just keep going. My advice is pick one character and work on it until you get it as high as you can in terms of gear, abilities, and level. Then get another.

    People tend to have three methods of accumulating toons.

    1: Go for the winning teams. Hence, the bazillion or so Wiggs teams out there.

    2: Go for what you like. Pick characters you enjoy, even if they aren't big winners. Jedi are a good example.

    3: Take whatever you can easily get.

    Some of these can overlap of course, but you get the idea. If winning is important to you, then farm Biggs from GW, STH from Arena, and Lando from Cantina. When you can start farming Wedge either from fleet or Cantina, start on him.

    Make sure, too, that you have a solid scoundrel team. They are your bank. When you can auto the last level of the heists, you'll be good. You'll need the money and droids for sure.

    The above presupposes winning is what's important. If it's not, farm who you like and figure out synergies. I actually don't have Lando, and only minimally invested in Wiggs. I run Jedi, Droids and Clones, mostly because I WANT to; they're the toons and characters I like. I can hold above 50 in arena, and most days clear GW; that's good enough for me.

    But I get the brick wall thing, I really do. Farming gear is where it hits me hardest. I have multiple characters who need stun cuffs; you could give me 500 of the things and I could blow right through them. That's the big slow down. But in the meantime, I'm leveling up toons (just raised Cody to 85), farming shards, farming zetas, and just enjoying the game. I wish I could progress faster with gear, but hey, it is what it is.

    Hope you find a balance!
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    Ok, first of all, you have no 7* toons. Second of all, you don't have any toons at G9. And you're level 76 man. People start hitting their first 7* toons at level 60ish and their first g9 at level 72-74. Third of all, you're team has no synergy. None at all, even though there's jedi. Te only real damage dealer on your team is boba fett, and even he can't beat the whole enemy team alone.
    AbyssalH wrote: »
    Camege wrote: »
    K, Its just what ones i got 1st...not sure how i would investigate what toons i need to get/level to improve synergy...this all started as a game for collecting and improving those toons..i wasnt particularly bothered with PVP....Now that I am losing all the time, i would like to make a better team...

    Even Galactic Conflict, i used to do really well, now with the same team i usually get 3 or 4 fights from the end and then just lose.

    Just feels, like all of a sudden, a switch was flicked that ramped up the difficulty...

    So ... Whst u need my friend, is synergy.. What faction do you like the most?

    Most common and viable:

    Jedi: qgj,yoda,jka,aayla,(barris/ahsoka/lumi)
    Sith: maul,palps, vader, dooku, (sid,savage)
    Rebels: wedge, biggs,sthan,leia,(whatever)
    Droids: hk47,86,88,je,cn

    Also oldschool squads work..
    Try old ben,lumi,rey,gs, daka

    Those are most common and good early squads.. U can also add rey qgj,gs,rg,sthan. To any team that exists.. They work gr8 without synergys..

    Harder to get are those..
    Vader,tfp,shore,boba, palps
    Wedge,biggs,chirrut,baze, gk

    Current meta is zaul,palps, rex,gk, baze,tfp,b2,zader, zarriss, full fo squads and such (:

    Hope it helped u

    This guy really gave you some excellent choices in squads, cuz if u don't level your toons stars up, or change the squad, you will always hit that brick wall. Hope this helps u :)
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    F O C U S. low gear level squads can be soloed by one G11 properly modded toon. When choosing team, try to find easiest G10/G11 toons based on gear you have ready and gear you obtain on regular basis. When you have no steady income of crystals (steady top 5), dreaming about some gear hog toons will get you nowhere.
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    And on of the most important things: get ASAP 1 toon to 7* and find the guild who runs Heroic Rancor raid - you will really really need that rewards!
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    Lossberg wrote: »
    How is is possible that on lvl 76 you dont have 7* characters? Also no gear 9

    priorities dude. everyone's are diff in this game. i know for a fact with being level 85 since last year there is A LOT i lack compared to others in my shard.
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    spotremix wrote: »
    Lossberg wrote: »
    How is is possible that on lvl 76 you dont have 7* characters? Also no gear 9

    priorities dude. everyone's are diff in this game. i know for a fact with being level 85 since last year there is A LOT i lack compared to others in my shard.

    I have nothing against different priorities. But TC states that his problem is arena, which mean either his priorities changed or if he always wanted be good in arena he did not prioritize good teams. If someone wants just collect favorite SW chars - no problem, but do not expect them be great everywhere
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    If i was you, id start on droids asap.. Even if u dont like them.. Theyre arena viable.. Not top20 but still #50 .. Top 50 rewards are good to go . Theyre excellent in gw, raids, and with 35k power, they can deal with 42k enemys.. U can be successfull with them rly fast and easyly . The needed gear is not as hard to farm.. After u have a droid base, go for anything else, cuz they give u time to focus on rly important toons, while never suffering arena rank
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    It's a common issue, so don't feel too bad. Like others have said, you are reaching the point in the game where you are going to be facing teams with synergy and you simply can't match up with your current team.

    What you need to do is focus on one thing at a time... if what you are looking to do is improve your ranking in Arena then you need to pick an arena team THAT HAS SYNERGY and work on that and get them all to 7* an Gear IX or X. A few teams have been suggested above, my recommendation would be rebels. The reason? There are some scoundrels in the team and you want to be working on a scoundrel team as well so you can beat the last tier of the Credit Heist challenge.

    Work on Stormtrooper Han from Arena, get him to 7*, then work on Leia from Arena, get her to 7*. Get Biggs from Galactic War, get him to 7*, get Lando from Cantina Battles, start working on Wedge etc. While this may not be the most powerful meta team, they are still useful and should get you top 100 easily.

    Again, don't feel bad, most players lack a focus until they realize putting random toons together doesn't really work, and that usually doesn't happen until around where you are, but now is the time to focus.
  • Camege
    12 posts Member
    Thanks guys for all the amazing talents...I shall take them onboard, to try and explain the lack of 7* or G9+, its just to distraction, my entire catalogue of toons is quite extensive....i have loads 50+ and loads that are about G6 & 7....Everytime a new toon becomes available, i end up wasting loads of resources..etc. on levelling them up, chopper being case in point and today, i got Poe Damaron, did the same....

    With regards to focus on PVP, actually I am not really focused on it, I just do everything i need to do to complete my daily missions...My biggest issue, is I hate i definitely feel that the difficulty seems to have just suddenly changed, but I am guessing thats to do with how quickly i ranked up in pvp, to the point I have now reached the same Tier as people who have been focused...

    I have joined a guild in the last few weeks, and I see them regularly doing the Rancor 6* and above which I obviously cant do....But I will get there.

    I guess, i just need to continue with the team I currently have, but now start investing in one of the teams mentioned above.

    Thanks again for all your valued feedback, I shall take it all on board.


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    About the guild you mentioned... How much raids a week they play?
  • Camege
    12 posts Member
    edited March 2017
    there seems to be one running most days, i dont pay too much attention since i cant get involved
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    In principal as soon as you get at least one 7* toon you should find the guild that runs 3 7* pit raids and 2 AAT raids per week
  • Camege
    12 posts Member
    i have:-

    5*'s on Mace Windu, Jedi Consular, Boba Fett, Ahsoka, Darth Vadar, CloneWars Chewie & Biggs

    4*'s on Bariss Offee, Talia,Plo Koon, Resistence Pilot, Tarkin, Clone Sergeant - Phase 1, Scariff Rebel Pathfinder, IG-88, Ackbar, IG-86, Maul, Snowtrooper, Kylo Ren, HK-47, Teebo, JK Guardian, Sun Fac, Geo Spy.

    I have loads of 3* and 2*

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    Farm Rebels to get Palpatine, then Empire/Sith. Farm Maul, Rex, (Possibly Chirrut too now that he's in Fleet), Dark Side Ships & Possibly other clones (if you want them) from fleet/guild store.
  • Jetlife
    1367 posts Member
    Ok well this point of the game, you can choose from a few different teams. They are all good and will be better than teir13. Some of them may require a zeta or two, but that's okay because it really doesn't take long when you buy them from shipments.

    Rogue one
    Classic rebels
    Dark side
    First order
    Any Rex lead

    ^^^^ these are all teams that can be an option to you. Let me know and I'll tell you how to farm the best charceters for your faction.

    But of course I could not recommend lando, sth and boba for your first 3 charceters that way you can do heists.

    And with mod challenges you can usually 3* last teir if you have 5* g8 charceters with good health mods on
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    The advice given is good. Just remember, if GW is important to you, you could face a wall in GW if you focus too much on getting your arena squad leveled up. Even if you only level up one toon. Find a balance that lets you upgrade a focused-synergistic arena squad but also with a depth of bench that allows you to complete GW. Having a good arena squad and the scoundrels for heist as recommended will get you most of the way to depth for GW.

    The one thing I do not see mentioned above is mods. I did not take mods seriously when they came out and hit a wall just as you described. Search out the right mods for your characters on the forums and get them leveled up. Once I got decent mods on my troops, I was able to move forward again.
    "Speak softly and carry a big stick!" Theodore Roosevelt. "You know that's right!" Rey
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    From your 5* I would advice to focus on Boba Fett and Biggs. Ahsoka and Vader are good as well but maybe better to start with Biggs and BF
  • Camege
    12 posts Member
    with regards to mods, all my 50's all have level 15 health mods from the 1st tier of mod challenges, havent unlocked anymore

    I guess there is just so much to do

    I have been farming Lando when not doing Mod Battles. so will progress with that for heists..and possibly the droids next, since i have IG86, IG88 and HK-47...Pogo the Lesser seems a good addition to the droid team for his leader abilitiy.

    and try and level a sith team, lol, already I am diversifying again...

    I guess I need to invest some real money to get crystals to try and help me along a bit.

    not sure what to 7* 1st, possibly Boba since he is already on they way and currently *

    ARRGGHHHHH....Too many options now......

    I have to sort out something to help me get through the sith story missions and rebel story missions.

    Light Side Battles - Normal - 7G, Hard - 6E
    Dark Side Battles - Normal - 5H, Hard - 4E
    Cantina Battles - 6A
    Mod Battles - 2B
  • BulYwif
    1977 posts Member
    You already have 3 droids, farm B2 and JE or easiest is to go for Rebels.
  • Camege
    12 posts Member
    B2 Battle Droid and Jawa Engineer, just to be sure?
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    We need a sticky thread for everyone to put up a single post of what they recommend for new players to start. There will be a bunch of different advice, of course, but people can find one that matches the toons they currently have and just go with it.
  • Camege
    12 posts Member
    yeah, its been great to hear everyones guidance and recommendations...Its just overwhelming now as there so many options
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    Well, seriously though, get a team of Scoundrels so you can do the heists. Without the credits and training droids you're going to hit that brick wall a lot more often.
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