Who thinks it would be a good idea to daily reset challenges 10:00pm instead of 12:00.



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    I mean, he is right you know. I'm not really understanding the significance of when the game resets, and I'm obviously not the only one.

    If you don't understand why care or bother to comment? I don't understand that.
  • Liath
    5140 posts Member
    Shane_123 wrote: »
    Liath wrote: »
    Shane_123 wrote: »
    Liath wrote: »
    Shane_123 wrote: »
    In the UK and on Android it's 12am reset. Thanks for some positive feedback.

    Yes.... the question is, why do you care about being able to log in immediately after the day resets?

    The day resets? You mean the game resets? It's just how I would like it and was wondering if anybody felt the same. Did not realise people would act as if I came in to there home and peed on the kids on Christmas day.

    I mean the game day. The fact that you are complaining that the game day changes at the same time as the actual day changes is completely bizarre to me. "It's just how I would like it" isn't a very good argument to get the developers to rework something.

    Arr argument,,, hmmmmm no request, thought or question. Are you board?

    No, I am not made of wood. You can't possibly expect something in the game to change for everybody just because *you* would like it better.
  • Gaidal_Cain
    1640 posts Member
    edited April 2017
    Shane_123 wrote: »
    I mean, he is right you know. I'm not really understanding the significance of when the game resets, and I'm obviously not the only one.

    If you don't understand why care or bother to comment? I don't understand that.

    Perhaps because explain your reason for wanting the change, you have not.

    Also, did you not say, "The more comments the higher this stays"?

    Seems like you should be thanking him, and me for that matter!
  • Options
    Shane_123 wrote: »
    I mean, he is right you know. I'm not really understanding the significance of when the game resets, and I'm obviously not the only one.

    If you don't understand why care or bother to comment? I don't understand that.


    So instead of explaining your point of view, you just dismiss anyone that doesn't understand why this is something they should get behind?

    You would make a terrible lawyer.

    Make your point.

    And FYI, you literally have one person on this thread that supports your idea, so either no one understands why this is important, of it's really not.
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    I support this. Hate staying up until 1am just so I can stay for for stupid cassian shards.
  • Options
    Shane_123 wrote: »
    I mean, he is right you know. I'm not really understanding the significance of when the game resets, and I'm obviously not the only one.

    If you don't understand why care or bother to comment? I don't understand that.

    Perhaps because explain your reason for wanting the change, you have not.

    Man get home in the evening plays a bit of star wars, go's to bed at 10. Gets up scratches his balls and goes to work. Gets home at around 5 and plays a bit of sw has dinner goes to bed at 10. If it rest at 10 I would prefer it plus would get to use excess ress at lunch time.
  • scuba
    14186 posts Member
    edited April 2017
    Mine has never been at 2300. You must have started during daylight savings time.
  • UltimateZeus
    1221 posts Member
    edited April 2017
    Shane_123 wrote: »
    So now I don't love my family? Lol

    Shame on you! lol

    I agree with you 100%. No shipments should be active from midnight to 6am when the majority of the population is sleeping. They should make it 10pm or at least make the next refresh at 8am/9am instead of 6am.

    I don't mind daily challenges resetting at midnight... just the store refreshes need a rework.
  • Smithie
    1427 posts Member
    edited April 2017
    1am 2am 3am 10pm 11pm resests there is no big difference to me.

    There is loads of things I would love to be added or changed and this is not one of them. Compared to the old method where you had to log in every 6 hours, I set alarms for that every night and happy it was changed.
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    Having challenges reset at what time doesn't matter, as you only have 5 tries...
  • Dreislao
    380 posts Member
    This is one of those threads where op asks for opinions but only wants those that agree with *insert gender pronoun* and anyone else can go jump. Often these threads result in the op becoming aggressive when challenged on their opinion. It then gets reduced to a mud slinging match, where the exchange revolves around "if you don't agree, don't comment" which mutes the original intention of the topic and leads to the thread being locked and everyone having wasted their time.
    I fight the good fight
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    I don't care either way. If it's earlier, great. If not, I'll just log in as I normally do in the morning. As long as the arena payouts aren't in the middle of the night, whatever is fine.
  • theHejiN
    659 posts Member
    Unnecessary thread
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    Yes reset at 10, better for players
  • Woodroward
    3749 posts Member
    kaze0718 wrote: »
    it does not seem too great of a problem for me. For me, it is actually 1 AM now since the daylight saving hours went out, but there is 8 hours between the last bonus energy (at 11 PM) and the end of the first shipment rotation (at 7 AM), which is manageable, I never miss any turns. Certainly the 12:00 reset was a bit better as the 11 PM bonus energy feels to be a bit late on some days, but not a big concern.
    Am I mistaken here?

    I could have sworn the bonus energy showed up 3 hours before day reset for everyone...

  • Dreislao
    380 posts Member
    Yup last energy reset was 9pm here in the UK, adjusted to 10 now due to the transition from GMT to BST
    I fight the good fight
  • Klocko
    1017 posts Member
    I'm pretty glad it resets when it does now. Midnight is ok, 1am is better. It gives me a little extra time to finish anything I couldn't after work, which for me happens to usually be around 11:30 pm. We don't all work 9-5 so don't go assuming everyone wants the same thing or has the same schedule. As it is I can't compete in arena, because payout is right when I'm busiest, and me making money (could be read as "staying employed") is more important than the game. If I could only change my arena payout to around 2 am, that would be what I'd love to do. That's when I'm most active.
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