Royal Guard doesn't have a Palpatine Synergy. Why not?



  • NicWester
    8928 posts Member
    edited June 2017
    Goodhelmet wrote: »
    NicWester wrote: »

    This is true but synergy adds a dynamic to the game that makes it more fun to collect toons and experiment with different lineups. When people experience success with Wiggs or Chaze or Krennick/DT, it would make sense they want to see the same treatment given to their favorites. Come on... Han and Chewie!!!
    How does synergy, which literally says "Character A is good when Character B is present, and Character B is good when Character A is present," promote experimentation? What sort of scientist had to write up the grant proposal and set up the control group to see what was better--Biggs on his own, or Biggs with Wedge?

    Folks don't get what "synergy" means. They think "synergy" is for two characters that are great to become absurd. Oh, sure, someone's going to shout CHIRRUT AND BAZE as if that proves something. But for the one Chirrut and Baze you have Biggs and Wedge, Krennic and Deathtrooper, Ahsoka and Anakin, Poe and Finn, nd K-2S0 and Cassian. We're talking five instances of okay characters becoming good characters together to the one instance folks want to claim is every instance.

    Even then, that's not what synergy is. Synergy is things working together. That's all it means. Clones have synergy. First Order has a helluva lot of synergy. Hell, even Ewoks and Phoenix Squad have synergy. There's so many more ways to create viable characters than "If You Have This Character And That Character, Do Something Cool." That's lazy design. And, to be clear, I'm not saying the developers are lazy: there are only 6 pairings like this and there are over 110 characters, that's a good ratio--but leave it up to players and you're going to have so much goddamn synergy you're going to think you're at a corporate management teambuilding retreat......

    Finally--yes. Rebels get synergy bonuses and dark side don't. Because the other thing players don't understand is that each faction has a mechanical theme that tries to represent some fundamental aspect of that faction's flavor in Star Wars lore. The dark side isn't known for its teamwork. At the heart of the sith philosophy is that might makes right and you should go for pure individual strength. What part of that indicates that they should work together and get bonuses in the game?
    Ceterum censeo Patientia esse meliat.
  • T4ct1c4l_J0k3r
    153 posts Member
    edited June 2017
    RG taunts whenever any ally hits 50% health or whenever Palp looses health. RG also counters whenever Palp takes any damage.

    dont forget unblockable, removes all buffs and guarantees a stun when countering in defense of palp

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    Ztyle wrote: »
    Talking about RG when do we get his ship

  • Boo
    4134 posts Member
    Because Palpatine is an Emperor, not a monarch. So if they were called Imperial Guards - you might expect some synergy with Palpatine.
  • Gank_Killer
    1817 posts Member
    because only Rebels get good synergies
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    Boo wrote: »
    Because Palpatine is an Emperor, not a monarch.
  • Boo
    4134 posts Member
    Boo wrote: »
    Because Palpatine is an Emperor, not a monarch.

    Just a joke - because Royal Guards are actually incorrectly named "Royal" Guards - Royalty refers to a Monarchy - being a King or Queen ruler.

    As Palpatine is an Emperor, a ruler of an Empire, his guards should correctly be named as Imperial Guards.
  • MasterSeedy
    5173 posts Member
    I thought it was a good joke. Can't have synergy w/ Palp because they're too busy protecting the Queen/King to worry about the Emperor.

    But then again, I tend to be a word-nerd.
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