Return of the Jedi Luke Confirmed ?



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    Embo because he already has a design and kit in game
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    It'll be Thrawn is my guess. He's the only other person that's been asked for besides Luke, and I don't think they're gonna release Luke anytime soon.

    Padme and Jar Jar get requests weekly as well
  • MayAddy622
    298 posts Member
    Jango + boba.... the true duo to replace chaze.
  • Juex777
    968 posts Member
    edited May 2017
    Woodroward wrote: »
    It'll be Thrawn is my guess. He's the only other person that's been asked for besides Luke, and I don't think they're gonna release Luke anytime soon.
    Say what?

    There are lots and lots of characters that are being requested.
    Lots of people want Wicket
    Lots of people want C3P0
    Lots of people want Jedi Luke
    Lots of people want Saw Garrera

    I'd be flat out AMAZED if the 2nd fan favorite was ANYBODY that wasn't in a movie.

    The problem with those is that all of them are light side. I hope the devs get their **** together and release a dark side toon as the second fan favourite.

    Dark side is stronger right now and has been for a while. A halfway decent Luke needs to come soon. This is star wars. The game has been out for a while!
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    scuba wrote: »

    You're name in the game is "Scubastevesama"?
  • Broulan
    374 posts Member
    Pretty sure he's gonna be the next iconic character. The new splash screen has him in his black Jedi outfit and his green light saber.

    Didn't the original splash screen have "Bespin Luke"?
  • The0n3
    984 posts Member
    I think it will be Jango. It makes a lot more sense. OR Hoth Leia... Also a fan favorite...
  • dad2my3
    1561 posts Member
    Hoth Leia was featured on the splash screen AND actually appears in the game itself already, in an Omega challenge. Surely she will be added next.
  • Broulan
    374 posts Member
    The0n3 wrote: »
    I think it will be Jango. It makes a lot more sense. OR Hoth Leia... Also a fan favorite...

    Jabba's palace Leia might be more popular...
  • Taco
    446 posts Member
    Might be another Tusken Because everyone loves Tusken
  • APX_919
    2468 posts Member
    1) Thrawn
    2) Revan
    3) Jedi Luke
    4) Jango Fett

    Likelihood of each:
    1) 50%
    2) 25%
    3) 12.5%
    4) 12.5%

    Actual fan favorite will probably be wicket though given how long people have been demanding that fifth ewok.
    "Everything is proceeding as I have foreseen...mostly"
  • BrtStlnd
    1094 posts Member
    edited May 2017
    dangit images not uploading
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    Pretty sure he's gonna be the next iconic character. The new splash screen has him in his black Jedi outfit and his green light saber.

    The load screen and the main screen have two separate Luke's. This all but confirms, Luke is not coming.
  • Gungnir75
    718 posts Member
  • Seltgar
    217 posts Member
    Gonna be wicket
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    I didn't mean in my last post that no one else gets requested. I missed a word or two. From what I've seen, thrawn has and still does get more requests then anyone else besides Luke. If they keep the pattern, it'll be a darkside character that gets released next in the Yoda style event. And to say that just cause someone's not in a movie means they won't be the fan favorite, is just ignorance. Star Wars is and always has been more then just the movies.
  • ZephimyrAC
    191 posts Member
    It's going to be thrawn. We have a team of good guys from rebels, but no bad guys from the same show.
  • Woodroward
    3749 posts Member
    I didn't mean in my last post that no one else gets requested. I missed a word or two. From what I've seen, thrawn has and still does get more requests then anyone else besides Luke. If they keep the pattern, it'll be a darkside character that gets released next in the Yoda style event. And to say that just cause someone's not in a movie means they won't be the fan favorite, is just ignorance. Star Wars is and always has been more then just the movies.

    It's not at all ignorance. Star Wars has always been more than the movies. But no characters outside of the movies are well known enough by a large enough slice of Star Wars fans to be considered fan favorites.

    Like I said, they can have fan clubs, they can have a lot of fans. But they aren't known to a wide enough audience to be fan favorites.

  • eneko
    61 posts Member
    Bring on our Grand Admiral Thrawn. He wants in. It will show that rebel scum what's a great strategist and leader like. TM steal, ignores foresight and eats Rancor for dinner.
  • Stopper
    25 posts Member
    There will be a Jedi faction pass. The login character will be either a new Jedi or a reworked Jedi already in game.

    We wouldn't be so lucky to have a login character to be Jedi Luke. Jedi Luke will likely be another extremely rare event requiring sith to unlock.
    The other major faction, Jedi rebels empire, all have rare events for each of them. Makes sense it's time for sith rare event. Who better that Luke as reward.
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    If my sources are correct, Return of the Jedi Luke will have the following skill set based on his accomplishments in Episode VI:

    Hack and Slash: Deals physical damage. Every time this attack scores a critical hit during Luke's turn, he attacks again, dealing 50% less damage. If Luke attacked more than twice, he gains Expose and Speed Down for 1 turn.

    Back Flip: Luke gains Foresight and Advantage for two turns. If he is attacked before the start of his next turn, he loses all buffs and becomes stunned.

    I'm Endangering the Mission: At the start of each of his turns, Luke has a 50% of running away from the fight. If he does, he cannot return and his allies gain stealth for two turns.

    Writhe in Pain: Whenever Luke suffers damage from a Sith or Empire opponent, he writhes in agony and loses 100% Turn Meter.

    The Troll is Strong With This One: Luke gains 100% Speed, Offense, Max Health, Max Protection and Evade for every person who actually believes this. If his Offense is greater than 9000, he instantly wins any battle he enters.

    Cry for Daddy: Call Darth Vader to assist and kill Emperor Palpatine
  • dad2my3
    1561 posts Member
    ZephimyrAC wrote: »
    It's going to be thrawn. We have a team of good guys from rebels, but no bad guys from the same show.

    Gar Saxon?
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