Crazy guild rules



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    I must be really lucky with our guild. We have a great group of players and as we can easily take down the HAAT we have no need for complicated rules. 24 hour registration for both raids then complete free for all until finish. Rancor is down in less than 15 minutes and tank in less than an hour. Everybody has a chance to use the full power of the rosters they have worked hard to build up and rather than try to limit damage we celebrate those who excel. Let's not forget that the way rewards are structured in raids you are just as likely to get fully crafted gear (or gear that you really need) in last place as you are in first place and anyone outside of the top 3 gets the same amount of GK shards. Our only rules are the registration period and that everyone contributes their 600 tickets a day - we are understanding of holidays or exceptions as long as members let us know.

    Having said that if your guild is on the brink of just cracking HAAT or are barely scraping through then it can be very important to have restrictions, ie. one team per phase, Jedi for phase 1, droids for phase 2, etc, so if your guild is in that position then you should be understanding of their rules.

    Point is if you feel you are being held back by your guild then you should look elsewhere, there are lots of guilds who have the HAAT on farm and are happy to take players who contribute their daily 600 as it doesn't matter how great your guild is, if you don't get enough raid tickets in you don't get to raid to your full potential and that is the real problem for those who have it on farm.
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    my guild has a 0/24 0dmg for rancor, then ffa. P1 goes after 1 minute, and those capable of solo always get 1st rewards (with 7 mil I usually get 2nd place)

    hAAT is ffa, nor estrictions. It goes down in 12h.
  • Eclipso
    199 posts Member
    I understand, I left a guild after they banned certain teams from running in the Rancor. Unfortunate because I really enjoyed those people but its my game, I'm good with some rules but that was too much.
  • Xlor1
    107 posts Member
    @ObiWanSteel @UltimateSeaDog. I'm after a guild like yours. Any space? I'm UK so UK raid times preferred but I'll take anything as long as it's not 3am etc.
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    sent you a PM
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    I guess if you're dropping money into this game, then you probably take it seriously enough to impose rules like this. Each to their own, but it's not for me.
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    @Xlor1 We're full at the moment I'm afraid but I'll make a note of your name and if a space becomes free I'll drop you a line. We are UK based too so raid times should be favourable.
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    sying wrote: »
    sying wrote: »
    sying wrote: »
    With all due respect to guild leaders, I've never been a big fan of rules, but not for why you would think.

    Think of it this way: guild leaders put restrictions on how many teams you can use, when you can use them, who you can use, etc. The next thing you know, all 50 people have to same teams because of these limits. It happened to some guilds when we just had the rancor raid. People had one, maybe two teams for rancor and an arena team. Then, when aat came out, people weren't prepared. Why? Because they had no incentive to grow their team. That's my take on limits being imposed to serve the greater good.

    At the same time, I like simplicity. There is absolutely no need whatsoever to require screen shots of 600. Not when you can reset everyone to zero and track it through lifetime raid tickets. If a guild leader doesn't know what I'm talking about please pm and I'll explain it.

    Like I said, I like simplicity. Get your 600 in. Raid if you want/can make it, otherwise post zero. I do think there should be a time period to post zero so nobody is left out. I'm not a big fan of spreading raids out so everyone can get a hit in because it allows for mistakes to happen. I've seen way too many mistakes for it to be worth it myself so if you guild leaders get it to work, you're working miracles.

    Anyway, those are my reasons for not having too many rules, or really limits on players. What works for me doesn't work for the next player or guild. To each their own. These are just some things for people to think about.

    Yes. Also stretch out phases for haat. Preload with buffer. No ****'s of anything. I don't understand the certain team thing? What does this entail?
    We also try to to help as many guildies as we can. As of now we re trying to help everyone get top 100 in arena as long as they aren't playing with a certain squad purely cause they enjoy it. The reset everyone at 0 and track guild tix that way helps so much. Easy efficient fun and competitive.

    I wasn't saying everyone has to have certain teams. In my guild, when it was discovered teebo could solo a phase, everyone rushed to build a teebo team. We were limited to one run so everyone can get a turn and then a full zerg to finish it off. Sound familiar to some of the rules you've seen or heard of in the past? Since we only had one turn, teebo was the way to go since that accounted for the most damage. Hence, how a lot of people wound up with limited teams. A lot of guilds weren't equipped for aat because they never bothered building other teams until information for the new raid came out.

    Out of curiosity, why are you only shooting for top 100 when top 10 should be the goal? Shoot for the stars!

    You seem to have forgotten most of when the AAT raid was first released. Gear Level XI is absolutely imperative to reach top scores with the 'new' teams and it was an unsurmountable task to reach just that without... right, the HAAT rewards. And let's not even talk about the difference Zeta abilities make.

    Long story short: if you weren't a whale at the time, you couldn't possibly be fully prepared for the AAT raid with the measly Rancor rewards only.

    That last part is simply not true. I've never been a whale, never will be a whale, and was able to contribute to haat. At that time, you could have a full 50 people able to contribute to each phase and do it. I will give you that. But you can't say that you had to be a whale to do it. You can say you had to play almost since the start and have a roster with some depth even, but being a whale was not necessary. That's just something people tell themselves.

    The guild I referenced above, with the stipulation of only one team at the go, could not complete haat right away. They were not a bunch of whales. In fact, I could count on one hand how many whales they had and still have fingers left over. Guess what, within weeks they were completing it. All it took was a goal and a plan to get there. Not money.

    I said fully prepared. Of course there were plenty of teams that could contribute fairly at the start, but if you weren't running full-blown Rebels or Droids at the time you weren't going to make a huge impact without a maxed out roster.

    Second, that timeframe wasn't clear to me before. Still quite vague, actually. Our guild took "some weeks" as well to move from normal to heroic. Being able to complete it right away, or at least within 3-4 tries, was the whole point really.
    Proud and Belgian officer of [DTA] BIER DTA | official Lando Calrissian fanboy KappaPride
  • Zaraos
    771 posts Member
    Xlor1 wrote: »
    I've recently left a guild I shouldn't of ( **** me) and on my travels I'm struggling to find anywhere where I can actually just play the game. So far I've had damage limits, phase limits, cool off periods after scoring a certain amount, X teams per phase only, no Jedi can be used if you've zylo, guilds split into team A and B, no raiding allowed if you finished top 10 in the previous, must join 5/6/7 line app groups, must send screenshots of 600 energy, must send screenshots of raid damage, must be on I could go on and on but you get the picture. Does anyone else think this is a stretch too far? I've grinded toons and gear for 18 long months and everywhere I go I can't use them. It's bonkers.

    I really dont understand additional rules apart from 0 damage which is to ensure everyone has a chance to register, Phase assignments for HAAT and not to register preloaded damage until everyone else has caught up (Heroic rancor) Anything else is just overkill and in my opinion people should not be restricted to how many teams they can use etc, people may say its not fair on others, but those others then have no encouragement to improve. If you want a place on the top 10 it should be earned not given away. This is from a guild leader.

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