Best non Chaze, antiChaze option



  • Juex777
    968 posts Member
    edited May 2017
    I have a hodge podge arena team at the moment...
    Rex lead, DN, EP, Zylo, shore. Just a little strategy and it's pretty easy. Was doing it before I got Zylo. EP really helps with the shock. Usually I have killed a toon or two and save Annihilate for either Chaze or chirrut. Was using Boba before DN. Once baze is shocked, you can also inflict healing immunity on chirrut or stun him. He's really squishy as long as you interrupt his HOT. There's a lot of options.... Yes you have to try a couple times because of cleanses. It is messy. Most Chaze teams aren't high dps. When they have wiggs, those guys are pretty squishy too. You also want to shock Biggs. R2 makes it messier. Can beat it, but still working out the strategy.....
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    I use all sith, Nihilius (L) EP, Savage, Sith Trooper, Dooku does pretty well from my experience. Though, Wiggs is a problem for my team.
  • Drazz127
    770 posts Member
    DN and Sun Fac rip through Chaze teams. Also if you're running zaul lead... PLEASE get crit damage triangles on everyone. Take advantage of the automatic crits you get. Also work on starring up your assassin.
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    I love posts suggesting GSpy or Asajj as counters for Chaze. I know I do it to but I am sarcastic.

    Having to bring toons that have no utillity whatsoever towards the team just for a chance to kill later in battle one of Chirrut or Baze, that have the utility of several toons between them?

    Bassically fighting a 4 vs 7 or 8 fight in terms of abilities and roles performed. This is what being balanced means?

    And somehow it was decided that they actually need more help in R2 and Ahsoka. Gspy and Asajj are really great, I supose. Them and "I don't kill nobody" B2.

    yeah right... boba TOTALLY has zero use. Nihilus too. Oh, and Sith Assassin sucks so bad in this game /sarcasm

    I get it that the Empire users feel shunned, but this is not an excuse to hate on rebels. Sith got a good faction pass too and are viable in arena. It's just the empire pass that was weak.

    FO/Resistance/rebel/Sith/Jedi all have their contenders in R2/GK/rex/Chaze/Zavage/Zylo etc. and as a squad, they are all viable.

    A Chaze team still is not automatically winning against an empire classical. If Chirrut can't beat TFP speed you can be in serious trouble cause dispell buff immunity makes you weak against Palpatine stun and shock + Vader awful debuffs.

    Unless you're playing with additional cleansers or R2 of course. But Chaze only doesn't mean you can't loose a fight. The real annoying part of any meta these days seems to be GK more than Chaze especially since Baze Malbus taunt is quite awful if you don't kill a thing per turn.
  • Metsuga
    34 posts Member
    Gk and Rex either one as lead. Nihl, zBarris, r2 zeta'd. This team will beat any team out there.
  • Vice_torn
    599 posts Member

    I am using DN EP Dooku GK Yoda

    GK and DN are 5 star, All are G11... Yoda is fast enough to move first, give all Tenacity and Foresight... Enemy Baze gets full tm and uses up AOE debuff to removes foresight... Enemy Baze also stops taunting because he moved...

    After that I typically ignore the Chaze pair... And target Rex or some other glass cannon...

    If I can get Baze Shocked I will try to take out Chirrut...

    Dooku is useful vs Chaze as his primary cannot be countered. And under DN will not crit and give HOT...
  • Botcher
    49 posts Member
    Those are good comps, I have no yoda or bariss. I may use DT instead
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