Flowbafett-the one and only, Ellisar, Viktor Noland, Echo Base, Dayma, Lupo, Cyrick, Geka, Valdul


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    No problem Sean.
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    Thanks Snake! Had to spend 150 crystals so far today. Could beat anyone, and had to reconfigure my team.
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    Couldn't beat anyone. Lol
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    rough day today! Tried to beat #1 and SA is killing me, moved out of the way and going to stay at #2.
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    So, Lupo and Cerberus, what's up with you two hitting me before my payout? Please don't do it anymore.
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    Echo, i could be wrong, but I think it was JonSnowtrooper (who just jumped to no. 1).
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    Jon hit Echo because he dropped me to 4 when he took one
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    Ones wide open Echo, snipe him haha!
  • JonSnowtrooper
    22 posts Member
    edited April 2017
    Hey Fellas. Just introducing myself (JonSnowtrooper in game). Geka suggested I join this thread. I've only ever hit top 10 twice and I didn't ever think I'd actually make 1. I know there's an order up at the top so just let me know what the scene is. Based on Geka's payout at 8pm EST my payout would be at 6pm EST.
    Apologies to any mess I may have caused today... I really didn't expect to be up here.

    BTW, are all you guys on Line? I'd imagine it'd be easier to coordinate there than on this board
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    Hi Jon,

    This is our payout table. Just try do not drop who is closer payout. My own strategy is never drop who have payout before me.

    Utc times.

    09am RUNA
    10am SERAPH
    06pm DAMLORD
    07pm BEN_5C
    Payout at 08pm GMT/UTC
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    Hey Lupo
    Thanks for the info
    A Line group would be a big help
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    Welcome Jon! Since I've been here the rules have been pretty simple. Respect others payout slot, communicate in this thread and have fun. Coordination is simple, anyone thats moving up into top 5 for payout don't hit them. Lol
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    Jon, your payouts next, you moving up?
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    Hey Sean, Yeah I'm trying but it's pretty crowded up top. Trying to pick at people who's payout passed already. I don't think I have a way forward unless someone bumps down more people who collected already. I'm sitting at 12. If something doesn't open up I'll just try for top 10 close to my payout.
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    Jon, if u payout is next, is ok u drop who have payout next if is your only option. I don't care when Damlord, for example, drop me 2 hours to my payout because dam's payout is one hour sooner than mine.
    Payout at 08pm GMT/UTC
  • Echo_Base
    185 posts Member
    edited April 2017
    Hey Jon. Welcome. Yes, I agree with Lupo. If you don't have a choice you can drop someone after you. It's best if you can minimize the drop, say 2 or 3 spots instead of a full 4 or 5.
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    Ok cool thanks guys. Still not an easy climb. For instance, I can't beat Skinny at all. If I make it to top 3 today I'll pull the mods on my SA after payout
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    And you can ask someone to unmod, if we see the message in time we can do it
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    NIce... ok so my options at 10 are Cyrick (6) and Sean (7)... tried Cyrick a few times but he's hands down the better man. Sean I might try you next if that's cool
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    You can hit me Jon ign sean
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    Appreciate the jump man... if I can actually beat you
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    I pulled mods on DN and Zylo
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    You should be fine with those mods pulled. Let me know if I have to pull them all @JonSnowtrooper
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    Hey Sean I made it through. Gonna Try Dayma (5) next
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    LOL Skinny ur at #1 and you're the man I def can't beat.... well a few of you all well.
    Any chance I can get a pass? I have 4 tries left cause I just spent 100 crystals
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    Lupo if you're on and you're feeling generous, I'll take 2nd today and be happy. Gonna try you next
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    I will unmod speedy mods.
    Payout at 08pm GMT/UTC
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    Too late. Skinny got 1st place
    Payout at 08pm GMT/UTC
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    I got it thanks. Gonna try skinny for #1 just cause I have 2 more tries.
    In any event, thanks to all you guys for making my payout happen. Really appreciate all the help.
    I'll demod after payout
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    Don't need Jon... Or soon u will be 50th lol
    Payout at 08pm GMT/UTC
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