Is the new keycard system fair?



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    No, not at all
  • Doga
    808 posts Member
    The challenges were as worthless as this thread. J/K but they were always worthless challenges anyway.
  • papnwors
    749 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    I clicked the wrong option, wish I could change it.

    Fair to the devs perhaps, but that's about it.
    We were promised an improvement we would be happy with. I have absolutely no idea how on earth they thought nerfing them down to 1/6th the value would make people happy. It's a sad joke and honestly it shows that perhaps the development team is completely out of touch with what makes spenders happy.
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    No, not at all
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    No, not at all
    Yeah, no. The credit shortage is real. The events suck.

    Everything credit related sucks.
    | John Salera is my favorite Sith Lord |
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    No, not at all
    But it is what it is
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    No, not at all
    EA Sports... it's in the shame....
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    No, not at all
  • MLGebra
    343 posts Member
    No, not at all
    An embarrassing loot/energy ratio. You'd be better off farming a bunch of hard nodes for credit cause at least then you get credits, gear, training droids, AND shards-- all for less energy. I can't imagine much thought was put into the payout "adjustments".

    (and by adjustments I mean brutal slaughter)

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    No, not at all
    Dashboard wrote: »
    This is for the most part fair.
    Remember? - We can get an additional 135 energy for FREE, per day. If you want to spend it on the new Events, then by all means do so.

    *Hate storm imminent*

    Honestly though, I can see it from both perspectives. I just like to bring forth arguments on the other side of the spectrum.

    Is this frank?
  • Drake23
    866 posts Member
    No, not at all
    It would be fair if you don't need so much energy for shard farming and purple gear farming. But nobody has energy to give away for some credits.
    Drake23, Its a trap
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    No, not at all
    When you need millions of credits 18k is just not even close.... I'd be better using it on gear/shards then refill my cantina atleast i get 10k plus droids plus shards.
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    No, not at all
  • Qeltar
    4326 posts Member
    papnwors wrote: »
    It's a sad joke and honestly it shows that perhaps the development team is completely out of touch with what makes spenders happy.

    Oh, they are very in touch with keeping happy those whom they desire to be happy.
    Quit 7/14/16. Best of luck to all of you.
  • CPMP
    974 posts Member
    No, not at all
    There was so much hype about events and it proved to be a huge disappointment. I prefer to do hard missions with a chance to get money + droids + shards + gear, rather than the nerfed keycard battles. Also the yoda event was more an excuse to promote their jedi pack, than actual content. 1 time battle vs barely full team? And yoda only be able to be unlocked at 5* and not lower? Why make him the only char to be unlockable at 5*? It's not like he would be viable in arena at 4* anyway.
  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    No, not at all
    Qeltar wrote: »
    papnwors wrote: »
    It's a sad joke and honestly it shows that perhaps the development team is completely out of touch with what makes spenders happy.

    Oh, they are very in touch with keeping happy those whom they desire to be happy.

    Yes, see GG (who I am sure will be getting a buff or four very soon), the shard shop, the Yoda event, Audorium packs, etc. for details and as examples.

    F2P? Since 1/14, you farm QGJ on 5 shards every two days, unless you want to hack up crystals for refreshes. Have fun!

    Sorry - not fair. You also get Magmatrooper shards!!!!!
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
  • Schnolhamot
    106 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    No, not at all
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    Qeltar wrote: »
    papnwors wrote: »
    It's a sad joke and honestly it shows that perhaps the development team is completely out of touch with what makes spenders happy.

    Oh, they are very in touch with keeping happy those whom they desire to be happy.

    Yes, see GG (who I am sure will be getting a buff or four very soon), the shard shop, the Yoda event, Audorium packs, etc. for details and as examples.

    F2P? Since 1/14, you farm QGJ on 5 shards every two days, unless you want to hack up crystals for refreshes. Have fun!

    Sorry - not fair. You also get Magmatrooper shards!!!!!

    What do you think about people who say "This is a iap game things are supposed to be hard, you're supposed to farm and grind!" ??

    My response is "Sure, the game started with a certain amount of farmable credits per day which people farmed. And now it has been lowered drastically, how is that fair to newer players who are now at disadvantage? And how can you expect older players not to be chaffed when their progress has been slowed two-fold?"

    "Once due to the large increase in credit and xp droid needed to level up and once more when instead of increasing credit availability with a new event; they lower it greatly making the old event a better option"

    Essentially, we would've been better off If they didn't change keycard battles. A big middle-finger to their own consumers. Essentially they're saying "We have you by the balls, we can screw you overand you'll stay pay to play."

    Irks me to see all these people paying fir Rey, Rex and GG after less than a month. No wonder the Devs don't listen.

    What do you think?
  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    No, not at all
    I agree.

    Changing things like the credit events/key cards while, at the same time raising prices on crystal subscription packs is two-fold slap in the face:

    1) To new players, it makes it even harder for them to catch up with those players who may have benefited from the old system.

    2) To veteran players it feels like a reverse loyalty reward (a loyalty punishment, if you will) - "Thanks for sticking with we'll make it harder and more expensive for you."

    All this while bugs that have been in place for months still remain (DoTs still can't kill, several leadership abilities break at level 7, thermal detonator is still a mess, etc.)
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
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    No, not at all
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    I agree.

    Changing things like the credit events/key cards while, at the same time raising prices on crystal subscription packs is two-fold slap in the face:

    1) To new players, it makes it even harder for them to catch up with those players who may have benefited from the old system.

    2) To veteran players it feels like a reverse loyalty reward (a loyalty punishment, if you will) - "Thanks for sticking with we'll make it harder and more expensive for you."

    All this while bugs that have been in place for months still remain (DoTs still can't kill, several leadership abilities break at level 7, thermal detonator is still a mess, etc.)

    Exactly. It feels like a slap to the face. We should boycott buying crystals. But peope give up too quickly. And not enough players frequent the forums to be goaded into taking part.
  • GizOne
    150 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    No, not at all
    It's the only game I know which is walking backwards in relation to available content. I think the credit event nerf is related to the 135 free energies by day but it still feels unfair. And we still need an official explanation.

    And yes they said they would make a change that would make the players happy and that, in my opinion, was a lie.
  • Achilles
    1380 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    No, not at all
    20 Energy for 6k Credits ("Event")
    20 Energy for 6k Credits + 2x1 1*-Trainingsdroid + 2x2-4 2*-Trainingsdroids + 2x the chance for an Ability Mat I + 2x the chance for an Ability Mat II + 2x the chance for an Ability Mat III + 2x the chance for a Mace Windu-Shard (Cantina Node 4-A - just as example)

    i know, Cantina energy is not the same as regular energy, but anyway, there is something wrong in their thinking ...

    CAD-Bane-Challenge, 3 times a week, 3 tries each ... = 9x 83,3k per week! ;) How many (or much, since its almost not countable anymore :tongue:) energy would you have to spend, to get the same amount of credits out of the credit-event?
    Left by design.
    The fixed payout times are the worst part of this game and makes it absolutely family-unfriendly.
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    No, not at all
    Bumped and bumped and bumped once again.
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    No, not at all
    I spend enough money on refreshes and a pack here and there. I'm not going to spend money on credits, too.
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    No, not at all
  • Mofojokers1992
    1975 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    No, not at all

    Keep it up @Schnolhamot like with my tank thread some issues need to stay top side.

    This is one of them

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    I hope they have read and are making a plan with this next patch, it's not rocket science to see these events are bogus and I'm sure they are played much less than the keycard battles and those were supposedly removed because they were not used enough. I also hope the patch still arrives this month.
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    No, not at all
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