Holding rank without Kenobi



  • cobalt_dorowa
    17 posts Member
    edited June 2017
    Man you're awesome )))
    But hey, guys you can accept truth, and the truth is that many arenas have shardmates chats, or you can waste your crystals all the time and grab nothing. It's up to you to make a choice: find shardmates and make agreement or keep crying " it's unfair" while others had agreed )))

    The other side is there are several time zones which are really busy, others are not, so if one can take 1, go for it :) I see no point to hit everyone off the list all the time, all I need is 20-30 min before payout, but ok, this game is not Barby-Ken it is Star WARS ))) and believe me, chaos in arena is even worse than arena "alliances" :)

    And again, in November I couldn't even dream of taking rank1 staying at top 10, because of wales, who stayed there almost all the time because of superior mods, now I take rank1 and have no defeats on my way, there are squads which allow you to dominate in offense even with slower speeds, just make sure you understand mechanics and have right toons.

    Have a nice day and let the force be with you ;)

    PS. And we do "teach" players who snipes all the time, but really that was needed only once, since that lesson that player compete only in his payout time window :)

    PPS. Topic starter, QGJ squads a really great in offense, take your r2 both zetas and you'll be at top ))) remember Jedi Luke will appear in August
  • No_Try
    4051 posts Member
    Man you're awesome )))
    But hey, guys you can accept truth, and the truth is that many arenas have shardmates chats, or you can waste your crystals all the time and grab nothing. It's up to you to make a choice: find shardmates and make agreement or keep crying " it's unfair" while others had agreed )))

    The other side is there are several time zones which are really busy, others are not, so if one can take 1, go for it :) I see no point to hit everyone off the list all the time, all I need is 20-30 min before payout, but ok, this game is not Barby-Ken it is Star WARS ))) and believe me, chaos in arena is even worse than arena "alliances" :)

    And again, in November I couldn't even dream of taking rank1 staying at top 10, because of wales, who stayed there almost all the time because of superior mods, now I take rank1 and have no defeats on my way, there are squads which allow you to dominate in offense even with slower speeds, just make sure you understand mechanics and have right toons.

    Have a nice day and let the force be with you ;)

    PS. And we do "teach" players who snipes all the time, but really that was needed only once, since that lesson that player compete only in his payout time window :)

    PPS. Topic starter, QGJ squads a really great in offense, take your r2 both zetas and you'll be at top ))) remember Jedi Luke will appear in August

    If you were in HIT's shard they wouldn't allow you into the chat since you are not qualified and they would vehemently kick you out of 20.

  • Naw
    969 posts Member
    PPS. Topic starter, QGJ squads a really great in offense, take your r2 both zetas and you'll be at top ))) remember Jedi Luke will appear in August

    Has it occurred to you that Jedi Luke may be a leader, thus no use for zQGJ?

    The way this game now works Jedi Luke is probably the best with Chaze, GK and Thrawn :)
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    Naw, it's possible :) but one can gear and mod Jedis to be prepared :) and I don't like chaze, don't use them now :)
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    No_try, I have two accounts with one of them I had to "prove" that my place is in top10, I spent almost 200-400 of 500 cry every day to lock or refresh for week or two to show that I came there seriously :) but it was only in my payout time window mostly, as if you begin raising earlier it is just total resources waste, and now I'm in my shardmates chat and really have no competition at my payout time, so sometimes I need just 2 battles to take rank1 even 50-40 mins before with no risk being sniped, and still have 3 battles to help my shardmates to grab their payouts including locking, sniping other players.
    Yes, for sure I'm lucky to have those arenas, but you know it'd be interesting to create competing arena alliance if I had pure "dictatorship", this could be interesting )))
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    Lol at all this talk about "bullies" that own their shards. Who cares? Do it if you want to, or don't. There's nothing wrong with either way. One just is more beneficial than the other. It's PVP. And if some people chose to make alliances, good for them. Or maybe France should've tried to fight Germany off by themselves cause it's fair.

    So based on your logic: if Country A and Country B make an alliance and cut access to water for Country C in order for them to have more that'd be ok since "There's nothing wrong with either way. One just is more beneficial than the other. Who cares?". Acceptable?

    Nice logic. And don't say "it's just a game". Your logic starts with a game, goes in politics and in the end guides you in life.
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    Level_padawan, you step a wrong way, young padawan :) it is always a subject for negotiations. There must be always win-win strategy, but how can you begin negotiations while ur rank is 100+, first you must show that u're the person to start negotiate with :) or knee and ask for mercy, but I don't think that those crystals worth it :)
  • No_Try
    4051 posts Member
    No_try, I have two accounts with one of them I had to "prove" that my place is in top10, I spent almost 200-400 of 500 cry every day to lock or refresh for week or two to show that I came there seriously :) but it was only in my payout time window mostly, as if you begin raising earlier it is just total resources waste, and now I'm in my shardmates chat and really have no competition at my payout time, so sometimes I need just 2 battles to take rank1 even 50-40 mins before with no risk being sniped, and still have 3 battles to help my shardmates to grab their payouts including locking, sniping other players.
    Yes, for sure I'm lucky to have those arenas, but you know it'd be interesting to create competing arena alliance if I had pure "dictatorship", this could be interesting )))

    Can I see your master card receipt? What do you mean you don't pay ea $100 a month, you are not worthy! (and if you do pay that, why do you need arena rewards anyway)

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    Level_padawan, you step a wrong way, young padawan :) it is always a subject for negotiations. There must be always win-win strategy, but how can you begin negotiations while ur rank is 100+, first you must show that u're the person to start negotiate with :) or knee and ask for mercy, but I don't think that those crystals worth it :)

    Mate i'm in a December 2015 shard, I got #1 first time around March, April 2016. Since then I was regular top 10 for a while. I run Jedi (switched to rex for a while then returned to Jedi) so I wasn't always there. At a time I could barely enter top 20. When Zaul was king I was finishing between 20 and 50 and I was happy. Other people got there, who were in the 100s before. They made good teams! After R2 I'm getting #1 again easily, sometimes #2 if the guy we're sharing the same payout gets there first.

    Yes we have a couple of d-bags but there is no "alliance" to forbid new people enter top 20. There is a discord or line chat, I'm not sure because I'm not a part of it. But that doesn't mean I won't get my chance, as any other who builds a good team will! As @Tralk said, man up and go free. New entries are coming all the time to our top 20.

    There's always another- better- way.
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    No_try, I don't pay, just on discounts sometimes :) this change nothing :) I can reach rank 1 and I proved it, if i had dictatorship in arena I'd create another alliance and look for ally's or join one if there'd be one
  • No_Try
    4051 posts Member
    No_try, I don't pay, just on discounts sometimes :) this change nothing :) I can reach rank 1 and I proved it, if i had dictatorship in arena I'd create another alliance and look for ally's or join one if there'd be one

    You proved it your arena, if there were 20 dolphin/whales working against you, you wouldn't get that. Here's the truth illustrated noone's able to break into their top 20 since they constantly kick everyone who enters back and their pay up or get out rule. Anyway this is not our problem it seems. We are both faring well in friendlier arenas.

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    Level_padawan, man, I didn't mean you personally saying 100+, it was an example. I have almost the same story, was in between 50-20 while gearing haat squads. But you have to admit, if you have 5+ active players, who have the same payout time you'd have a problem getting to top5, I insist that you have two options: to negotiate and share you payout time or others will and you will see rank 6+ the best. It's not the only possibility matter, most of the players don't have too much free time, to battle every hour or even oftener, so it's better to have schedule for the payouts and periodically your mates will snipe outsiders to stay in appropriate distance from rank1 to keep their resources too. Nothing personal really, only game experience :)
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    Man, I want to join heresthetruth's gang so much! I hope there's a treehouse with a secret password.

    Funniest thread in ages! :smiley:

    Imagine being like that though, just imagine being someone who thinks they've earned the right to win through money and tenure. Hahahahaha. Oh man.
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    You dont have to imagine, just look at academia, journalism, or any other occupation that lives by the pen. Thats how they operate
    "and i will show you ... where the iron crosses grow..."
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    So far this European and American shard chat Alliance has proved rather successful on my shard. Everyone is able to get rank 1 that works together in the top 20. My only wish is that others would follow in our footsteps in creating a more competitive and funner arena based system. To those who have said kind words to me i thank you. To others who disagree with our list of requirements and our competitive pvp nature...feel free to continue playing the game as it suits your needs.
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    Man, I want to join heresthetruth's gang so much! I hope there's a treehouse with a secret password.

    Funniest thread in ages! :smiley:

    Imagine being like that though, just imagine being someone who thinks they've earned the right to win through money and tenure. Hahahahaha. Oh man.

    LOL, they might do "funny business" to each other in that tree house. I'm not getting anywhere near those guys. LOL
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    While I think the tone is unnecessary, your point is valid. Players working together to attain top ranks is strategy. New players entering this bracket shouldn't expect the those (who have formed strategy; be it reaching out to each other etc.) to simply give their positions. Competition comes in many forms and there are different strategies in achieving it.

    Many R1 players on WoW did similar -- avoiding certain teams, sniping certain teams, collaborating with counters to fight counters and, or, holding R1 together. This is strategy and it's viable and respectable.

    Being a lone wolf is a choice.
  • Syrath
    129 posts Member
    edited June 2017
    So far this European and American shard chat Alliance has proved rather successful on my shard. Everyone is able to get rank 1 that works together in the top 20. My only wish is that others would follow in our footsteps in creating a more competitive and funner arena based system. To those who have said kind words to me i thank you. To others who disagree with our list of requirements and our competitive pvp nature...feel free to continue playing the game as it suits your needs.

    You are a funny dude, you say competitive but you arent apart of any competition. No one challenges you getting your rank daily and you ensure by getting 20 people together to fight off any single new players that advance ensuring they have no shot. That is the opposite of PvP and being competitive. This is the path of least resistance you've created ensuring no one challenges you.
  • leef
    13458 posts Member
    Poxx wrote: »
    To break it down into it's simplest form...arena = crystals. The more u earn, the less real $ out-of-pocket. The game is set up this way, the players didn't make it that way.

    When it comes to $, human nature takes over. Greed becomes evident quickly. Every penny I save by not buying crystals which I can earn in-game regardless of how : collusion, teamwork, d-baggery, whatever, is a penny i have for something else.

    U wouldn't let the guy behind u in line at the store reach out and take your change. I am uninclined to let someone I am unfamiliar with, that has made no attempt to reach out thru the forums, Line or Discord lower my crystal earnings.

    On my Nov. 2015 shard, we communicate, work out payout arrangements and relentlessly attack newcomers that refuse to communicate and join the framework we have in place.

    this is probably the best post from the collusion point of view. Don't care much for the taking your change analogy though, but lets not get into that.
    my crystals > everything else
    Some people however think that's a lame way to play a competative game (an opinion wich they are entitled to have, and i believe most would agree if it wasn't for the free crystals but just for lets say bragging rights or something), unfortunately for them if they are on a leaderboard that colludes it ussualy means they are going to have a much tougher time than players who feel the same way but aren't on a leaderboard that colludes. That is a bit unfair, but then again, being a whale heavy leaderboard is also super unfair.
    Another small critique, when an individual player is messing with other players their pay-outs he is considered a d-bag, but when the entire top20 is missing up every potential top20 player their pay-out it's somehow considered acceptable teamwork. O_o
    End of the day it's a strategy and it works, doesn't mean it isn't lame though. It's basically taking the competative aspect out of (what i guess is supposed to be) a competative game to ensure you're getting the most crystals. Personally i'm not that bothered by it, it just bothers me a little when people start boasting about their arena prowess when in fact they simply eliminated the competations by befriending them, not by actually eliminating them. Nowadays when i see a swgoh.gg profile with a straight line at #1 i just assume he's got alot of friends on his leaderboard. Good for them, not so much for the players on that leaderboard who aren't in the loop.
    Save water, drink champagne!
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    VanKings22 wrote: »
    My awesome arena shardmates in Thunderdome are great for helping each other so we dont knock each other back but also keeping "outsiders" trying to sneak in top 10 and knocking one of us out too, knowing each others payout is a huge help.

    "Keeping outsiders trying to sneak in top 10?"

    Is top 10 yours to hold?Or your guild's?

    You sound like a bully in an elementary school..You guys (and many others in many shards) are the worst kind of thing in this game and games in general..

    I disagree. Me and the people on my shard always target newbies that enter the top 10 and 20. Why you might ask? Because we have held the ranks for a very long time now..and for newbies to enter..thinking they are even worthy to place at the top ranks..sorry but you ARE NOT worthy. Unless you can prove yourself that you belong there..you get dropped, soon as you enter. This is our territory! We live here and you all are just a visiting, strolling through the neighborhood. You can enjoy the veiw, but thats all you gonna enjoy. The top ranks are the most competitive and thats why the OP keeps getting knocked back. He is freshmeat..and his shard mates are gonna continue to devour him.

    You say people like us are the worst kind of things with this game and games in general...but me and my people payed money, spent time and labored day after day to progress our rosters and to remain at the top of the food chain.

    In our eyes you all are the worst things about this game and games in general. You all complain when you cant beat something. You all cry nerf when you cant beat something. And you all feel yourselves entitled because you finally reach the top 10 then cry about how you get dropped back because somehow you all think you are all worthy and entitled to even belong there.

    Have a nice day.

    What are you talking about? Is the top yours by right? Why do you think you're entitled to it? And before you say anything, I chat with my shard mates, we don't bother each other during our payouts so we don't waste attacks. But we do NOT target "new" people or people we don't know. If someone new comes and fights with me during my payout, it will be a fair fight, I won't be asking people to drop him away.

    To the OP, sorry your thread took this weird turn

    Yes...i am entitled to it! More entitled to it than any new scrub!

    Yeah the top is mine by right!! I own that spot. As do others from my shard that have been playing religously everyday. We been fighting months and months taking what's ours. New blood doesnt belong and they get beat down real quick. New blood wants to get rank 21...fine...cause thats as low as they gonna get. The top 20 belongs to us and only us. There isnt any room to let scrubs in. Wanna go to war? Go find 19 others on the shard and come get some! The top 20 on my shard has been tagged and claimed and we aint letting nobody come in and get comfortable. We live their..everyone else is just visiting. The other 19 people on my server are just like me..pure savage and ruthless.

    This is almost comical. This guy.... calls someone a "scrub" all over a mobile game. You may want to take a hard look in the mirror and do some thinking. You are on a forum for a mobile game proclaiming your "rights". Lol. Keep telling yourself you are "pure savage and ruthless". I bet you are just as savage and ruthless in person as you are in your mobile gaming life.

    To the OP and all others who have a smidge of common sense...im truly sorry there are **** like this in this community.

    Agree, best answer possible
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    I think that this was the lunatic boy that had proposed to smash new people on top 20 months ago...
  • ShaolinPunk
    3486 posts Moderator
    edited June 2017
    I'm gonna break my own rule and tell you my secret team bro, although if you have nice mods, you can make a lot of teams work well for climbing back up. Personally, my wonderful shard full of the Wedge-Chaze, Zaul, and Jedi f2p teams also takes me down to around 20th but I can beat all of them with this team: GK lead, Zarriss, zDN, Rex-Quan-Do, and B2-Bomber. It's nice because sometimes I'm just lazy and need to climb quick for payouts. Again though, mods can seriously forgive a lot of bad team comps and make them viable on offense....which, as has been stated, is more important than defense; nothing defends anymore.

    EDIT: Oh you said WITHOUT Kenobi. Sorry. I guess my point then becomes, dude, if you want to lead with GK (like I do) go for it, it can work if you have the mods (which is true of most these teams anyways).
    **Please tag me (@ShaolinPunk) if you need assistance.** My Collection. . My Poll.. Ally Code: 332-622-913 Discord: shaolin_punk#2107
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    EDIT: Oh you said WITHOUT Kenobi. Sorry. I guess my point then becomes, dude, if you want to lead with GK (like I do) go for it, it can work if you have the mods (which is true of most these teams anyways).

    No I mean I don't have access to Kenobi because my guild isn't close to beating heroic aat. Some will say join a new guild but I love my guild so that isn't an option. I was just wondering how people were performing in arena without kenobi. General consensus seams to be you will drop and you have to climb your way up. Oh well the grind continues.....

  • Jedi_Reach_
    1337 posts Member
    edited June 2017
    which, as has been stated, is more important than defense; nothing defends anymore.
    This is exaggerated. There are comps that hold better on defense than others, otherwise we'd see quite the diverse pool (IE: Resistance and FO) sitting comfortably in the top 20. There are some teams that hold better than others, period. Mods play a large influence in that role and so does team composition.

  • ShaolinPunk
    3486 posts Moderator
    which, as has been stated, is more important than defense; nothing defends anymore.
    This is exaggerated. There are comps that hold better on defense than others, otherwise we'd see quite the diverse pool (IE: Resistance and FO) sitting comfortably in the top 20. There are some teams that hold better than others, period. Mods play a large influence in that role and so does team composition.
    You're right, 'nothing' was the wrong word there. Some things defend better than others, but it's not like it was before where you had to have one of two team comps to 'stay' on defense. Now there are are at least 4+ different leaders that 'work' well in climbing your Arena....but still true that most teams now fall when not played; defense in arena is less of a thing than it was previously.

    **Please tag me (@ShaolinPunk) if you need assistance.** My Collection. . My Poll.. Ally Code: 332-622-913 Discord: shaolin_punk#2107
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    While I think the tone is unnecessary, your point is valid. Players working together to attain top ranks is strategy. New players entering this bracket shouldn't expect the those (who have formed strategy; be it reaching out to each other etc.) to simply give their positions. Competition comes in many forms and there are different strategies in achieving it.

    Many R1 players on WoW did similar -- avoiding certain teams, sniping certain teams, collaborating with counters to fight counters and, or, holding R1 together. This is strategy and it's viable and respectable.

    Being a lone wolf is a choice.

    Thank you. I know we have had our differences in the past concerning Chaze..and its ok to agree to disagree. Thank you also for acknowledging my point as being valid. Good luck to you in game and in real life bro.

    Syrath wrote: »
    So far this European and American shard chat Alliance has proved rather successful on my shard. Everyone is able to get rank 1 that works together in the top 20. My only wish is that others would follow in our footsteps in creating a more competitive and funner arena based system. To those who have said kind words to me i thank you. To others who disagree with our list of requirements and our competitive pvp nature...feel free to continue playing the game as it suits your needs.

    You are a funny dude, you say competitive but you arent apart of any competition. No one challenges you getting your rank daily and you ensure by getting 20 people together to fight off any single new players that advance ensuring they have no shot. That is the opposite of PvP and being competitive. This is the path of least resistance you've created ensuring no one challenges you.

    I'd beg to differ. Ive payed my dues for a long time now. Everyone that i am allied with in the top twenty i was also eneimies with not long ago. After battling it out for months we decided to team up and attack new blood first before attacking each other. Like i said the European people attack new people and get their payouts while the American people are sleeping. In the morning when the American people wake up we attack new blood first while we get our rank one payouts. Its a win/win for our alliances. We do this to make sure just because some new people have a zMaul or Chaze team doesnt neccessarliy mean they deserve rank 1.
    I think that this was the lunatic boy that had proposed to smash new people on top 20 months ago...

    Yes i am. I proposed everyone on every server attack new people first. With so many new people entering the top 20 its too much for only one person to take on bythemselves...now this new way is much better. It makes pvp even funner, we all get our rank one payout and we cornerd our shard to the point to where only the best rosters get the better ranks, and also it gives us all more reasons to long in throughout the day.
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    I have my payout during my work time, so I'm not there to try hold, snipe or try anything, In fact my last attack happens like 8h before my payout. I try get the low I can, just to get back to under 50s, some days I stay at 20s, 30s, 40s. Doesn't matter to me, it's a game not a job, and I try to keep it being a game. I'm f2p and the greatest joy is be able to defeat those P2P teams, the more expensive the merrier, couldn't care less if they can beat me back, just knowing that I didn't spend a cent and can annoy payers is a victory. (Krennic + DT on release, laughter)
  • Xetal
    218 posts Member
    Collusion is a powerful tool.

    If you can work together to help your "tribe" get the good payouts and they help you to get the good payouts... then shouldn't You?

    The current system rewards collusion in the top 10/20. Collude to gain an advantage, or don't collude and you have a disadvantage. It isn't a matter of how it -should- be, just a matter of how it is.
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    Thank you. I know we have had our differences in the past concerning Chaze..and its ok to agree to disagree. Thank you also for acknowledging my point as being valid. Good luck to you in game and in real life bro.
    Thanks, same to you.

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