Did you feel dramatic cantina battle shard drop rate decrease?



  • CronozNL
    2869 posts Member
    edited February 2016
    Yes let's discuss droprates again (cause we haven't done this enough already).
    439-259-888 I have a bad habit of editing my typo's after posting
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    badboy1702 wrote: »
    Thanks to people like you the casino gets richer and EA gets away with everything. "They make the game and say that's it's fair, so I should have absolutely no concer whatsoever because if i do bad, it's my bad luck and has nothing to do with the game".

    Well, considering I'm F2P and haven't invested a single penny (aside from the electricity required to recharge my phone) in this game, they're not really getting richer. However, assuming you're right, I'm wrong and the RNG really HAS been tampered with, please explain to me the constant 1:2-1:4 droprate I've had since I started playing this game around the end of December. Because if the RNG has been altered, it should be the same (i.e. bad) for everyone. The only thing that can explain the differences in the droprates is if they're truly random. Then, and only then, is it possible that some people are getting poor drops whils others don't.
  • Mo_liza
    786 posts Member
    edited February 2016
    Fortuny wrote: »
    Ring wrote: »
    badboy1702 wrote: »
    I'm not surprised when they buff the other hard nodes to let people off guard about Mace/GS terrible drop rate due to the comments in this post

    So the conspiracy theory is getting even more serious... now not only have EA manipulated the RNG, they have also manipulated it in a way that favors certain nodes while others remain low? I don't even know how to respond to something like that... Can't wait to see the suggestion that all those (like me) who get varied (but pretty stable) drops and disagree with the conspiracy theory are clone accounts of EA employees...

    Yes, its getting really ridiculous all the Ea conspiracy theories, people need to get a life. The drop rate has not really decreased, sometimes it's not optimal and sometimes i get more shards than usual.

    Its pretty ridiculous how people get attacked for having a different game experience with low shard drop rates. Its not outside the possibility for players to be targeted based on spending habits or characters being famed to have their drop rates lowered to increase their in app purchases.
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    Yesss big time I farmed Kylo and got him in about 2 1/2 weeks didn't use a lot of cantina refreshes though and then I went to get mace... Which actually I have gotten a lot of him after about 9 days I have gone from like 4 shards to 42/80 so still a ways to go but in farming JC now instead and I've only got like 6 shards for him in 3 days...
  • Ring
    559 posts Member
    Mo_liza wrote: »
    Its pretty ridiculous how people get attacked for having a different game experience with low shard drop rates.

    Sadly, this works both ways :( People who dare to say that they haven't experienced any noticeable decrease in their droprates are being ridiculed, accused of being fanboys or clone accounts of EA staff.

    I think the most important thing to remember here is that we all have different experiences with the game. For example: when I first unlocked GW, I considered myself lucky if I completed on or two in a week. And I could see all these posts here saying how ridiculously easy GW is. Now, over the last 2 or 3 weeks I've been experiencing an incredibly lucky streak of wins. If I do get a team more powerful than me, it's never by more than 2 or 3 levels, meaning I haven't had to use any characters other than my main team. And I keep seeing complaints about how people can't get past battle 4 or 5. So please tell me - if the odds really are stacked against the players, how come I've been getting all these breaks? Am I extremely lucky? Possibly. But if we assume that I'm lucky, why can't there be someone on the opposite end of the spectrum, who's been having a very bad streak over the last couple of days or weeks?
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    Seems normal to me.
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    Just this morning: 25 pulls on cantina for geo shards=8 shards
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    Just this morning: 25 pulls on cantina for geo shards=8 shards

    That is normal. Drop rate is around 36%.
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    Ztyle wrote: »
    Just got 17/24 barriss shards
    So absolutly not, best pull I ever got on her

    Come to think of it, it's the best pull I ever had

    Looking at poll statistics the majority has felt a decrease. For you to say you got your beat ever drop can be one of two things; luck or an increase drop rate for certain charactets. No one is getting barriss anymore except for the recent event which came post-patch. Could be safe to say they are giving away lesser characters while making it harder to get top tier meta characters perhaps
    [SøtFØ] Leader
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    DaysOfYore wrote: »
    Yesterday I went 10/12 on Kylo shards. Today I went 8/12. The key word in your poll is FEEL. When you don't do well with shards you FEEL like something has changed. People still don't understand what random means and the psychology of perception.

    Devs admitted to stealth nerfing. There's no telling what all they have changed and didn't release notes for at this point.

    We were playing a beta
    [SøtFØ] Leader
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    DaysOfYore wrote: »
    Yesterday I went 10/12 on Kylo shards. Today I went 8/12. The key word in your poll is FEEL. When you don't do well with shards you FEEL like something has changed. People still don't understand what random means and the psychology of perception.

    Devs admitted to stealth nerfing. There's no telling what all they have changed and didn't release notes for at this point.

    We were playing a beta

    Drop rates are the same.

  • Baldo
    2863 posts Member
    Yes even gear has been terrible!!
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