I love my guild but is it time to move on?

6 posts Member
edited July 2017
I am a level 85 end game player who reaches top 15 in arena consistently and can get into the top ten. I have a developed roster for the heroic tank raid, but my guild is a long way off. I love my guild and have been with them for a long time, but at this point I feel as if I am being held back due to the lack of tangible progression in the HAAT. Any suggestion?


  • Joeyv526
    37 posts Member
    edited July 2017
    yes time to leave, i made the same move recently and haven't been happier. add me on discord app, ill get you in my new guild. Vee #6694
  • NicWester
    8928 posts Member
    If I gave you a million real dollars, would you drop your real friends? Kenobi's not even worth $5 (try using your Kenobi to buy a burger sometime), let alone a million.

    Stay with your guild. People are more important than Geberal Kenobi.
    Ceterum censeo Patientia esse meliat.
  • Jfkdjj
    6 posts Member
    NicWester wrote: »
    If I gave you a million real dollars, would you drop your real friends? Kenobi's not even worth $5 (try using your Kenobi to buy a burger sometime), let alone a million.

    Stay with your guild. People are more important than Geberal Kenobi.

    Thanks for keeping me on the right path man. It is sometimes thought to judge the value of success in a mobile video game.
  • Jedi_Reach_
    1337 posts Member
    NicWester wrote: »
    If I gave you a million real dollars, would you drop your real friends? Kenobi's not even worth $5 (try using your Kenobi to buy a burger sometime), let alone a million.

    Stay with your guild. People are more important than Geberal Kenobi.
    It depends on the OP's mind, and both options are respectable. If he wishes to move ahead for personal progression, fine. If he wishes to stay because he finds what he wants here (here as in this game) which happens to be social connections, friends etc., he can also stay and that's fine.

    Now when you get both (guilds that can support both progression and friendships) then you're in a good place. My guild is here.
  • jackstraw
    220 posts Member
    leave, you'll be happier with kenobi and people more closely associated with your playing level, especially as new raids/guild modes are added.
  • ScottyLee
    221 posts Member
    OP wouldn't have raised the question if he/she wasn't already considering the move. If you aren't enjoying the game as much as you could, and the main reason for that is your guild's progression, then the decision is pretty clear... If the people in your current guild are true friends, they will remain so and even wish you luck in your new guild. Not to mention you'll make 50 new friends.
  • Blackbeardpepe
    1481 posts Member
    edited July 2017
    There is a new game mode made specifically for guilds, the tougher the guild the better rewards. I would suggest going to a new guild. I did the same and have a lot of fun and learned a lot. It helped that the new guild took me and my wife. Its up to you, but I would recommend it.
  • kalidor
    2125 posts Member
    I'd wait to see what the new game mode brings, personally. It might be a good way for the rest of your guild to buff up, or it might convince you that you've had enough.
    A lot of the longtime members in my guild I've become friends with, so I understand being torn between leaving and staying.
    xSWCr - Nov '15 shard - swgoh.gg kalidor-m
  • kello_511
    1648 posts Member
    kalidor wrote: »
    I'd wait to see what the new game mode brings, personally. It might be a good way for the rest of your guild to buff up, or it might convince you that you've had enough.
    A lot of the longtime members in my guild I've become friends with, so I understand being torn between leaving and staying.

    I wouldn't wait. As a recruiter for my guild, I can tell you that recruits are sparse and lots of grab any good players they can get. Soon though, that will shift as strong guilds who can master the new content will have their pick of recruits.

    If you're gonna go, do it now while you hold the power.
  • Curadan
    49 posts Member
    I had to make a similar decision a few months back. I enjoyed the guild I was in, but they just weren't making enough progress. I felt I needed GK to stay competitive. I don't regret the decision to move on. You'll make friends in your new guild and get GK.
  • AnnerDoon
    1353 posts Member
    WARNING: Cold Harsh Truth Below

    I don't have first hand knowledge of your particular situation. But I'd be seriously surprised if anybody in your guild would come bail you out of jail. They are typically anonymous acquaintances, not your best friends. If you want to progress in the game, move on and get familiar with the anonymous acquaintences in your new guild. They're probably pretty good folks, too. But if you want to continue to have friendly chat with people you've never met while you wait for them to catch up, that's fine too.

    Before the flame-fest starts, I'll say this. Having played for the last year and a half, I really like the guys in my current guild... and my previous guild.... and the one before that... and the one before that. But I don't really chat with anybody from my previous guilds anymore. I've moved on, and so have they. It happens. The reality is, it's a game with a social component, not the focus of my social life.
  • Options
    I'm kinda in the same predicament as the OP.. our guild is very casual and open to all level players, yet we're very far off from doing heroics.. our raids can seem endless as people are one and done just to get a reward at the end with virtually 5-6 of us doing all the work. Heroic is out of the question right now, and I'd like to see what else is out there but still be in a casual FFA raid experience without all the rules that can come with a guild.
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    @AnnerDoon 100% agree. Its a game with social components first. If the old guild cant compete in game, I would consider moving on. Flame on!
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    Dont listen to @NicWester

    Kenobi is a beast of a toon and staying loyal to a weak guild isnt gonna get you Kenobi shards in the next 3 months.

    Join a strong guild. Youre looking at a 2.5-3 month farm just to unlock him at 5* (unless you get ranks 1,2,3 in HAAT damage..you may shave off a few weeks possibly. Add another 3 months just to get him 7*.

    Now that is 6 months of work...how long until your weak guild is ready to beat HAAT 3 times a week?

    1 month? 4 months? Now add that to the 6 months of HAAT farming and decide for yourself can you wait that long to get a toon that alot of people already have at 7*?

    Move on and get your kenobi shards. If you finish in the top 15 of arena everyday and have a roster capable of doing good in HAAT then you deserve to be in a guild that benefits "YOU"!

    Your weak guild is holding your progress back. You dont know these people other than guild chat.

    Whats gonna happen when the next raid is released and you still dont have kenobi?
  • Vertigo
    4497 posts Member
    kello_511 wrote: »
    kalidor wrote: »
    I'd wait to see what the new game mode brings, personally. It might be a good way for the rest of your guild to buff up, or it might convince you that you've had enough.
    A lot of the longtime members in my guild I've become friends with, so I understand being torn between leaving and staying.

    I wouldn't wait. As a recruiter for my guild, I can tell you that recruits are sparse and lots of grab any good players they can get. Soon though, that will shift as strong guilds who can master the new content will have their pick of recruits.

    If you're gonna go, do it now while you hold the power.

    This is very true, coming from another recruiter in a guild that's even doing HAAT it's still hard to get newer people to replace those that aren't contributing. Most people that ask to join guilds doing HAAT have like a third of HAAT team ready and can barely break 250k in the raid as a whole let alone a single phase.

    If you're really good at connecting with new people you could even convince your new guild to help out the old one after you've been recognized as a solid contributor and generally decent person.
  • Options
    Jfkdjj wrote: »
    I am a level 85 end game player who reaches top 15 in arena consistently and can get into the top ten. I have a developed roster for the heroic tank raid, but my guild is a long way off. I love my guild and have been with them for a long time, but at this point I feel as if I am being held back due to the lack of tangible progression in the HAAT. Any suggestion?

    Take a sabbatical.....get your GK and then come back....when u do have another friend who is high up take theirs. They will understand....or join them on a different game. Might be better to be with a stronger team with the new game mode coming. It's not like we play this game co-op together. Raids are that way but u still are just taking ur own turn.
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    What the two recruiters have said is true. Currently the power is in the corner of the recruits, because good players are so hard to find. If new content comes out that is very difficult then the power shifts to the strong guilds. They will be able to pick who they want and be very choosy.
    Empire Relic
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    To expand on my last post, if the new content is difficult, expect a giant shake-up in guilds again. Much like what happened after the tank raid was released.
    Empire Relic
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    Im a recruiter for my guild and a few monts ago we were in the same situation, move on (as a group) or shake up the guild, cut the dead weight and recruit aggressively. We chose the later and within 2 weeks we were farming HAAT and have a better social environment than before. Get on discord and have a chat with your guild mates, see where their heards are at. You might not be the only one thinking this way. We got lucky and got a great group to merge in. Hopefully you will find what your looking for.
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    TonyVisor wrote: »
    Im a recruiter for my guild and a few monts ago we were in the same situation, move on (as a group) or shake up the guild, cut the dead weight and recruit aggressively. We chose the later and within 2 weeks we were farming HAAT and have a better social environment than before. Get on discord and have a chat with your guild mates, see where their heards are at. You might not be the only one thinking this way. We got lucky and got a great group to merge in. Hopefully you will find what your looking for.

    Are we in the same guild, because that's exactly what I went through a few months ago too!
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    I like my guild and I'm decent I just don't want some group of people trying to tell me how to play so I'm content with my little guild
  • Bobby777
    614 posts Member
    edited July 2017
    AnnerDoon wrote: »
    WARNING: Cold Harsh Truth Below

    I don't have first hand knowledge of your particular situation. But I'd be seriously surprised if anybody in your guild would come bail you out of jail. They are typically anonymous acquaintances, not your best friends. If you want to progress in the game, move on and get familiar with the anonymous acquaintences in your new guild. They're probably pretty good folks, too. But if you want to continue to have friendly chat with people you've never met while you wait for them to catch up, that's fine too.

    Before the flame-fest starts, I'll say this. Having played for the last year and a half, I really like the guys in my current guild... and my previous guild.... and the one before that... and the one before that. But I don't really chat with anybody from my previous guilds anymore. I've moved on, and so have they. It happens. The reality is, it's a game with a social component, not the focus of my social life.

    Yes, I myself made the move a few months back and have made new acquaintances in the new Guild and now in my arena shard :smirk:
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    @Jfkdjj u could always talk to ur guild about it. As i run my own guild and we r finally getting close to haat (our botttom half weighing us down) and if one of our top members said he wanted to leave and get heroic aat guild and wanted to come back when we started them i wouldnt blame them and i understand and would welcome them back. I would also appreciate the honesty. I could have joined an haat guild long long ago but i created a guild to play w my kids (the have given up and i play their acccount lol) i have created a lot of friends and built this guild from the bottom up.
    Thats just my 2 cents.
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    General Carbanti probably is not worth leaving your guild. I've got him at 7*, don't use him. On the other hand, joining a HAAT guild will pair you up with other players more likely to inspire you, which will allow you progress further in the game.

    And with this new game mode coming online, a stronger guild is likely your only option to participate in it. If your current guild cannot do HAAT, it is highly unlikely that they can do the upcoming Territory Battles.
  • IlkhanHo
    88 posts Member
    edited July 2017
    Talk with your guild. leave them, get Kenobi, come back as a hero. B)
  • Options
    General Carbanti probably is not worth leaving your guild. I've got him at 7*, don't use him. On the other hand, joining a HAAT guild will pair you up with other players more likely to inspire you, which will allow you progress further in the game.

    And with this new game mode coming online, a stronger guild is likely your only option to participate in it. If your current guild cannot do HAAT, it is highly unlikely that they can do the upcoming Territory Battles.

    I agree, but today's HAAT guilds are yesterday's beginner guilds. The more guilds that fall apart, the less players for said territory battles. The cream will always rise to the top, but I can't help but feel he should try to convince his guild to step up.

    Most guilds say up front if they are casual or not. If you join a casual guild, HAAT may never come. If you join a competitive guild and are not gearing yourself for HAAT, then maybe you should join casual instead.

    I guess I'm asking the OP if his guild was casual when he joined and if he knew that.

    My guild is probably 3 months off trying our first HAAT. We are a 4 month old guild. I'm in the top 5 of us, but my squad isn't HAAT ready. I would benefit greatly jumping to a heroic guild. If I lose out on better territory rewards because we aren't top tier, I'm fine with that. We will get there eventually and it will feel all the better because we did it together.
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    lol I'm just sitting here in my casual guild I've been in for over a year and we just now did our first heroic rancor a few days ago(and we failed too)
    "Because I'm Batman"-me
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    Even more important than Kenobi, you need to start collecting HAAT gear. G12 will happen eventually and you need to be prepared.
  • TofuMao
    630 posts Member
    To OP, well a ton of people are saying their opinions and that what you say happened to me back in September-October this PST year, I was in a casual guild that they were doing bad daily activities, bad daily contribution, only rancor VI and about a million years apart of HAAT, but I was putting my dailies to the top, contributing with my 600 and no one was caring they just do their thing, I thought I wasn't getting the most of my commitment to the game.
    This, believe it or not it's like having friends that like to have friends since a long time but they like to meet to sit on the sofa to watch some sport and drink beer or do anything silly, but you, like to go out and enjoy the most of the days, so just because they are your old friends you need to stick with them and make something of you that you don't like? Big NO my recommendation is that you find yourself a guild where you think you will fit.
    Not all haat guilds are like the army, some will meet your level of commitment and you will even have fun with them.
    So bottom line for me is that if you already think they are holding you back, leave it, go to a better guild and from there, try to make your friends join the good guild.
    From my previous guild 4 peeps followed me even though I was only a normal player, 2 stopped playing, one we kicked out because he was argueing with everyone and the other one is still here.
    I love the guild I'm in and I don't regret at all leaving as now I am hanging out with people that like the same as me, we even give tips to each other and get better overall.
  • TofuMao
    630 posts Member
    Ohh forgot to mention, to be in a good guild will reward you, more guild coins, gear(most of it useless), credits( more and better raids) and of course, kenobi shards.
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