I love my guild but is it time to move on?


  • Sev74907
    211 posts Member
    I would do it TC. I left my guild a long time ago cause of my guild doing some **** things and I joined the guild I'm in now and worked my way up to an officer. When I left my guild they were doing Tier 5 of the Pit raid. My old guild leader only has a 5* Han Solo. Meanwhile I've had a 7* Solo so long I don't actively participate in the Pit and I will have a 6* Kenobi tomorrow. I was the first one to unlock GK in our guild. So like you I was way ahead of my old guild. I've never looked back on leaving with regret. There's no way I'd leave my current one though. I've developed a commraderie with the men and women in my guild now
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    NicWester wrote: »
    If I gave you a million real dollars, would you drop your real friends?


    iN DarthJarJar | Team Instinct Δ
  • Khayman
    850 posts Member
    If you arent progressing I would move on. i have been in the same guild from the start, I think we have maybe 5-7 of the original members and we just completed our first HAAT. There were points where I considered moving on but being able to put HAAT on farm with the same group mattered to me. We have a good mix and i feel progressing together was more fun than just jumping to another guild that is already established. Do what feels right. If you are never going to get GK with this guild move on, if your on the cusp of being able to put it on farm then stay.
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    NicWester wrote: »
    If I gave you a million real dollars, would you drop your real friends? Kenobi's not even worth $5 (try using your Kenobi to buy a burger sometime), let alone a million.

    Stay with your guild. People are more important than Geberal Kenobi.

    HAHAHA I would leave my friends for a million dollars. I don't even have any friends jokes on you! Awww I made myself sad now
  • Yung_Hen
    139 posts Member
    If you have true friends I would stay. If you're not that close, make sure you have a couple allies with them and then head back to that guild once they can do the HAAT
  • TonyVisor
    211 posts Member
    @MemBrane my guild is Guild A New Hope.
  • Crazy_Old_Maurice1
    40 posts Member
    edited July 2017
    Jfkdjj wrote: »
    I am a level 85 end game player who reaches top 15 in arena consistently and can get into the top ten. I have a developed roster for the heroic tank raid, but my guild is a long way off. I love my guild and have been with them for a long time, but at this point I feel as if I am being held back due to the lack of tangible progression in the HAAT. Any suggestion?

    Our guild was once where yours is, but because the strongest members stayed and helped others just below them get strong, and those in turn helped others, we now storm through HAAT like it's nothing, and most of us now have GK at 6* or higher. Having said that, we as a whole have always been an active guild, so your decision to leave should take into consideration how much other members are at least active and making real progress. If they are, I'd stay and help them grow. If they aren't, then it might be time to find a different guild.
    Post edited by Crazy_Old_Maurice1 on
  • LordStyling
    1461 posts Member
    gk > current guild

    haat rewards > aat rewards

    you can always go back them once they developped their rosters and can go haat.

    You're just holding yourself back
  • LordStyling
    1461 posts Member
    NicWester wrote: »
    If I gave you a million real dollars, would you drop your real friends? Kenobi's not even worth $5 (try using your Kenobi to buy a burger sometime), let alone a million.

    Stay with your guild. People are more important than Geberal Kenobi.

    lol 5$... ok buddy!

    yet they use to sell a 4* jka and obi (I think) for 84.99$

    or those packs were you get a few shards for 5$

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    Jfkdjj wrote: »
    I love my guild and have been with them for a long time

    Then why leave them over a single character?

    I'll let you in on a secret: things like Kenobi are deigned to make you feel discontent. When you feel discontent and unfulfilled, you're more vulnerable to reckless, impulsive behavior. Which is exactly what a gambling game like this wants from you. You can never be fully satisfied in a game like this. They won't let you. The content is intentionally designed to do so. After Kenobi is over the hill it's going to be something else driving your discontent. Then you'll leave your latest guild to chase after it

  • Argarath
    197 posts Member
    edited July 2017
    Move on make new friends. Chances are that hAAT rdy guild you will join have peeps at your level, bring more to the table in term of sharing and general brain storming helping you as a player as well as getting shard to 1 of the best toon right now. Being in an active and focus guild is much better for any player imo. Be prepare to bring 600 daily raid tickets to your new guild as that is requirement for most hAAT guild. My 2c take it or leave it your choice.
  • Vohbo
    332 posts Member
    If you really don't want to move, a guild merger is a possible solution, where you then put alts and casual players in a second guild.
  • danrussoa
    964 posts Member
    The real point. Raiding and chatting are not dependent on each other. When playing in game, you have absolutely ZERO interaction with guildies. The personal part of guilds is all discord, line, etc. So, from a guy whose been in a dozen or more guilds, leave right now and who says you can't keep chatting with em? Guilds to raid heroic are dime a dozen.
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    NicWester wrote: »
    If I gave you a million real dollars, would you drop your real friends? Kenobi's not even worth $5 (try using your Kenobi to buy a burger sometime), let alone a million.

    Stay with your guild. People are more important than Geberal Kenobi.

    Don't use your Jedi mind tricks on him, with general kenobi you can get new friends.. jk.. sorta
  • American
    394 posts Member
    Depending on your roster and how much you contribute to HAAT, if you are dealing considerable damage and carrying the heavy burden for the guild it may be time to seek a new guild.

    If you're hitting average damage as rest of your guild mates, it could be tough to leave without improving your rosterl
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    It's all personal preference brotha, I left my old guild to advance further in the game and connect with other players who are into the game as much as me because my old guild was laid back and didn't care much to progress, mind you they were also all good peoples and like any good person they understood and encouraged me to pursue what I wanted. And since then my roster and knowledge of the game has grown exponentially.
  • NahWillis
    195 posts Member
    Leave your guild and take any friends you have with you.
  • NicWester
    8928 posts Member
    lol I'm just sitting here in my casual guild I've been in for over a year and we just now did our first heroic rancor a few days ago(and we failed too)
    We failed our first Heroic Rancor a couple months ago, too. Two Vaders got their zetas and then the next time around we ROLLED it. You guys are, potentially, two zetas away! Good luck!
    Ceterum censeo Patientia esse meliat.
  • Aldaron
    175 posts Member
    Jfkdjj wrote: »
    NicWester wrote: »
    If I gave you a million real dollars, would you drop your real friends? Kenobi's not even worth $5 (try using your Kenobi to buy a burger sometime), let alone a million.

    Stay with your guild. People are more important than Geberal Kenobi.

    Thanks for keeping me on the right path man. It is sometimes thought to judge the value of success in a mobile video game.

    The same thing happened in my guild but we stucked together and we are now finally able to do the haat. And it's worth it, it has a better sense of success than simply go off to another guild that already did it.
  • kello_511
    1648 posts Member
    Here is another "little secret"...
    Any player who is in an active guild, "loves" their guild. You're in a guild now that you like; that's great, but the truth is that there is nothing special about it. You probably joined it through luck of the draw.
    Whatever haat guild you join will be just as active, just as friendly and just as fun. And if it's not, see what I said above - NOW is the time to find that out, because as the player you hold the power right now so you can afford to be picky and choose the guild that best suits you.
    In a month or two, recruits will be begging to get in and you will have far less choice.
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    Your best bet is to move now before this new content comes into play and you're further behind. I'm sorry, if your guild isn't doing HAAT and you have the roster you do, it's time to move on.
  • Big_Boss
    2326 posts Member
    Your really want other people to tell you what to do?? This your own decision and if your planning on moving on then most likely you should anyways. And moral means crap in a game....
  • KyloRey
    871 posts Member
    danrussoa wrote: »
    The real point. Raiding and chatting are not dependent on each other. When playing in game, you have absolutely ZERO interaction with guildies. The personal part of guilds is all discord, line, etc. So, from a guy whose been in a dozen or more guilds, leave right now and who says you can't keep chatting with em? Guilds to raid heroic are dime a dozen.

    Yeah, its very easy to keep in touch with former guild mates through Discord or Line.

    I changed guilds a while back and still keep in touch with old guild mates. Even had a former guild mate join my current guild.

    Leaving a guild doesn't mean you are a **** to your guild. You need to do what you need to do in order to progress in the game. If you are happy with your current progress, then stay, but it sounds like you may not be happy considering you are seriously considering making a move.
  • Weltall
    98 posts Member
    AnnerDoon wrote: »
    WARNING: Cold Harsh Truth Below

    I don't have first hand knowledge of your particular situation. But I'd be seriously surprised if anybody in your guild would come bail you out of jail. They are typically anonymous acquaintances, not your best friends. If you want to progress in the game, move on and get familiar with the anonymous acquaintences in your new guild. They're probably pretty good folks, too. But if you want to continue to have friendly chat with people you've never met while you wait for them to catch up, that's fine too.

    Before the flame-fest starts, I'll say this. Having played for the last year and a half, I really like the guys in my current guild... and my previous guild.... and the one before that... and the one before that. But I don't really chat with anybody from my previous guilds anymore. I've moved on, and so have they. It happens. The reality is, it's a game with a social component, not the focus of my social life.

    Spoken with wisdom and accurately hit the nail on the head.

    First off, when one remembers back the first day they installed SWGOH, most players probably had the motive in the lines of "okay, lets play star wars" and not "okay, lets try this app and see if we can chat with someone" - the gameplay of a game should be the core activity, if someone is experiencing a shifting focus from gaming to chatting to keep up some social contacts with people half or more a continent away, then either the game itself or the player's social life might need a push in the correct direction again.

    Furthermore, one word: "facebook friends".
    Virtual friends (or guildmates for that purpose here) from any online game, whom many onliners have most probably not even met IRL will not bail you outta jail, take care of your sick parents, watch over your kids, or substantonally be there as a helping hand in life's situations where one needs a real friend at his/her side. With guildmates, it's the same: you can have fun with them but for the most part, most players have fun in their guilds anyway.
    However, keeping up virtual friendships is not the same as progressing in a game. Some are slower, than others (reasons don't matter, it's a fact) and more so often it's time to try out other environments where one can flourish better.
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    Leave. Getting General Kenobi is more important than anything in the world.
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    Jfkdjj wrote: »
    I am a level 85 end game player who reaches top 15 in arena consistently and can get into the top ten. I have a developed roster for the heroic tank raid, but my guild is a long way off. I love my guild and have been with them for a long time, but at this point I feel as if I am being held back due to the lack of tangible progression in the HAAT. Any suggestion?
    There are some guilds that will take others involved with your guild along with yourself. I am a part of a group of 12 guilds that is constantly bringing in new players and groups of guilds to create a strong network. With over 600 players in our community we are able to help a lot of players become stronger, and we understand the idea that we are only as strong as our weakest link. The difference is, we do what we can to make that weak link stronger. There are some rules to make raiding fun for everyone and the standard get your 600 daily tickets, but I made the move 6 months ago to this guild, and about 3 months later I was able to bring the rest of my guild into the fold and now they are all about to get GK for themselves. You can have both, and will make lots of new friends by joining new guilds, particularly one that is a part of a network. Hope you find yourself a home.

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    I got my kenobi 7* 2 weeks ago. We do HAAT 3 times a week and can easily finish it within 2 hours. But it it takes us 6 hours to make sure everyone gets some damage in.

    Kenobi is worth jumping into a stronger guild that accomadates your roster, spending habits and progress.

    Tip: while farming kenobi shards start working on his gear then. He is by far the most costly toon to max G11.
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    Question...I have thought about making a similar move but I don't know if I'm necessarily recruitable for T7 Rancor/HAAT guilds yet. Any of you recruiters wanna look at my squad and let me know?

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    Whindanser wrote: »
    Question...I have thought about making a similar move but I don't know if I'm necessarily recruitable for T7 Rancor/HAAT guilds yet. Any of you recruiters wanna look at my squad and let me know?



    Your characters are weak for heroic but trust me when I say from someone who recruits for 2 heroic guilds who easily beat Heroic AAT if you find a guild who is easily completing it they will pick you up to help you develop as long as you are playing everyday and spending at least 600 energy daily.

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