Pretty Please can this be the last 24hr TB

24 hr wayyyy to long, think most want it to be 12 hr now. Only take 10 to 15 to do everything


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    I don't think a straight 12 hours is ideal {possibly should be a 24h limit but phase progresses if you 3* everything), but having to wait 24 hours for 10 minutes of content kind of sucks.
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    Yeah. Pretty boring.
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    very borin
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    Yeah, I don't want a straight 12 hours only either. I'd also prefer a 24 top limit with the guild leader able to progress the phase once we're finished. The first three phases will always be pretty straightforward and easy, the last three phases take a bit more management.
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    You don't get the rewards any faster, it's still once a week.And this game hardly needs an extra 10-15 minutes of activity per day. Some of us have jobs, kids, families, etc. Officers aint got time to coordinate this twice a day either.

    24 hours should be the norm, with the officers having the option of advancing the stage.
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    Day 1 is basically a tutorial day. Days 4-6 would be impossible on a 12 hours timeline. Esp for guilds with people in different time zones. Moving mods alone takes more than 15 minutes the final days.
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    Faroer wrote: »
    Day 1 is basically a tutorial day. Days 4-6 would be impossible on a 12 hours timeline. Esp for guilds with people in different time zones. Moving mods alone takes more than 15 minutes the final days.

    This. It would probably be doable to have Phases 1-4 be 12 hours. But 5 and most especially 6 (since completing the Air territory in 6 has an effect on Imperial Flank, 6b), really need to stay 24 hours - perhaps indefinitely. That would cut it down to 3 days but keep the phases that require much more coordination open longer, making them possible for international guilds.
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
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    24 hours is too long. We have our platoon missions, combat missions and deployments done before reset.
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    I bet all of you, who say 24h are too long cry when the shorten the time to 12h because half of the guild didn't even participated because they slept or were at work. Why do you want shorter phases, we can do only one TB per week anyway, the only difference is that we have less time to strategize which leads to more breaking ups of guilds and more stress in playing each phase. With a 12h period you have your 10-15 minutes action twice a day not once but only 3 days a week and not during the entire week. I am definitely a supporter of the 24h phases because it is better for the majority of the guilds and players. There are people who can't play the entire day, so they are happy with the 24h phases.
    Please think about all players as a community not only about you or your professional guild. We all want to have fun in this game. Thank you.

    PS.: Sorry for eventually bad English, I am not a native English speaker.
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    OvWan4 wrote: »
    24 hours is too long. We have our platoon missions, combat missions and deployments done before reset.

    Yes, and? Everyone should be able to do it in 24. The issue is coordinating in 12 hours, when 8+ are those when people are asleep, commuting, getting their kids ready for school, etc.

    Theres a ton of time already spent on this game. The best option is to let us do it at our own pace.
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    to me just like raid, if you coordinating with your guild you don't need 24 he , you can't wait all day for ppl to battle in mission,and platoon. it something that need to be done early ,if not your guild just wasted a lot of point
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    Bossk_Hogg wrote: »
    You don't get the rewards any faster, it's still once a week.And this game hardly needs an extra 10-15 minutes of activity per day. Some of us have jobs, kids, families, etc. Officers aint got time to coordinate this twice a day either.

    24 hours should be the norm, with the officers having the option of advancing the stage.

    THIS. This should be a non-issue. Let each guild advance as they wish, with the time auto-ing to the next phase after 24 hours, like it is now.

    I know, I know. How dare a suggestion give everyone what they want. But just bare with us here.... for once it doesn't need to be one or the other..
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    If you make it 12 hours, what happens to people who aren't in the same time zone, or in opposite sides of the world? It would be a royal pain to coordinate. 24 hours at least gives people ample time to coordinate across regions.

    Also, it's not a race. It's not like we get more or free stuff because we finished it quickly
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    So they do still intend on going to 12 hours right?
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    IMO, it would be better if they just gave guilds 3 days to complete the 6 phases, but let the officers launch the territory battles and close and open phases.

    So like a guild could decide to do phases 1 through 3 in one day, then phases 4 & 5 in day two and leave phase 6 for day 3.

    The later phases need more coordination and, thus, guilds would benefit from having more time to coordinate them.

    Our guild could easily complete phases 1 thru 3 in 24 hours.
  • Antares
    686 posts Member
    edited September 2017
    Please, please, please never go to 12h. It’s already impossible to have everyone participate, because, guess what, people have lives. They have family and responsibilities. Please never go to 12h. Or as the poster before me said, let the guild leaders/officers launch the phases. But don’t ever switch to 12h please!
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    Maybe if it was 15 hours long, that would make it start at different times, but it wouldn't be all that bad.
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    I vote give leader option to advance keep it 24 hr max per phase u have 6days before rewards are tallied
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    18hrs. honor international guilds, but do not drag this along more than necessary. 15-25 mins per phase? I dont think so. Check platoons, 5 combat missions, check what territory are we chasing, etc.. more like 45 mins to one hour. It is fun, but long.
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    Two 18 hour with 1.5x rewards then 12 hour if that works out. But 24 hours phases with weak sauce rewards. I rather have to rush and get the rewards in faster increments. And if we stick with 24 hr phases, just double the rewards and it won't seem like such a drag.
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    12h won't work. At the moment, the phases start at 1am and some people just don't log in the game at all between 1am and 1pm because, you know, sleep and things.
    ☮ Consular ☮ -
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    24 hours is necessary for international guilds.
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    Antares wrote: »
    Please, please, please never go to 12h. It’s already impossible to have everyone participate, because, guess what, people have lives. They have family and responsibilities. Please never go to 12h. Or as the poster before me said, let the guild leaders/officers launch the phases. But don’t ever switch to 12h please!

    I find it hilarious how some folks seem to think that if the phases were shortened to twelve hours, very bad idea btw, that they would get more rewards, apparently somewhere along the way people have forgotten that TB are billed as ONCE per week, which means that regardless how fast you push thru you only get rewards ONCE per week.

    Now @Antares has made a very valid, and very succinct point. This current format of 24 hour phases , accommodates every player, in every guild equally, of course, maybe that's the problem some folks have with the phase length? However in order to keep the game from becoming increasingly exclusive to all new to medium time length players, 24 hours phases is ideal. And before silly assumptions are made here, I have been playing this game since launch myself and see no benefit in any way shape or form to compressing TB into a smaller time segment and increasing the work required thereby draining the fun out of this new game mode.
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    I prepare and coordinate TB for my guild and it takes far too much time. I even had to care for TB while I was at work. The game itself provides nothing to help coordinate TB (its a shame). Ingame chat is useless. It would help a lot if we could see the platoons in advance and plan the whole TB in one session.
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    I couldn't imagine trying to coordinate TB in 12 hours with people all over the world and real life being taken into account. we can only do 1 TB a week anyway so please DO NOT make TB phase 12 hrs long. guilds would break up all over the place if they did. and I know I wouldn't have the time to co-ordinate for my guild if this happened.
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    If you're bored, go outside.

    The game shouldn't be your life.
    Ceterum censeo Patientia esse meliat.
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    OvWan4 wrote: »
    24 hours is too long. We have our platoon missions, combat missions and deployments done before reset.
    That may be the case, but how many people are in your guild? How long have they been playing? Wow many of them are p2p? How much time per day (and when) do they play? What's your guilds GP? What time zone are your members in?
    Our guild is only has 36/50 due to Purging a bunch of people who haven't been on in weeks. We only have 35.5 million GP. We barely managed to 2* one of the territories in phase 2 with half an hour left. Yeah, some guilds can crank through these phases in barely any time at all, but I'd say most aren't so fortunate.
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    Bossk_Hogg wrote: »
    You don't get the rewards any faster, it's still once a week.And this game hardly needs an extra 10-15 minutes of activity per day. Some of us have jobs, kids, families, etc. Officers aint got time to coordinate this twice a day either.

    24 hours should be the norm, with the officers having the option of advancing the stage.

    I agree with the above statement :)

  • Mzee
    1777 posts Member
    Bossk_Hogg wrote: »
    You don't get the rewards any faster, it's still once a week.And this game hardly needs an extra 10-15 minutes of activity per day. Some of us have jobs, kids, families, etc. Officers aint got time to coordinate this twice a day either.

    24 hours should be the norm, with the officers having the option of advancing the stage.

    I agree with this suggestion. Not sure if it would be easy enough to code in allowing officers to progress the phases sooner than the 24hours limit though. My guild does have some people I think that join in after the 12 hour mark because they don't find the time to do it earlier. In the first 2 days we 3* everything fairly quickly, but yesterday we needed some more time, and didn't 3* one of the territorys.
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    If we went to 12 hrs, that puts entire phases in the overnight hours when most people are asleep. I don't need this to be the last thing on my mind when I go to bed or get up in the morning.
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