Pretty Please can this be the last 24hr TB



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    Any chance of the devs telling us if 24 hours will stay or is 12 hour still going to happen.
    Don't care either way bit if it is going to change would be nice to know?
  • Pseudot
    102 posts Member
    edited September 2017
    going to 12 hours will be a total cluster-f for a vast majority of the guilds. The only ones hoping for this are the super whaley guilds who want to distance themselves further from us commoners
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    It should stay 24 hrs. You'll still only get the rewards once a week anyways. It would be nice if they gave the officers the option of starting new phases whenever they want, with 6 days overall to complete the TB.
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    We have not tried 12 hours, yet. Who knows how it works. Let us try 12 hour/ phase first. It may work for some. Personally, spending 6 days for TB is really boring. Just make solid guideline and stick to it. Other than that, let each members think what to do.
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    24h-phases is the best way for keeping a pleasant and not-stressing game
    Real life is already crazy and we are already in a hurry with eveything thas has to be done during the day.
    So please don't turn this game in a crazy thing by reducing the phases by 12 h.
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    AkyYoda wrote: »
    24h-phases is the best way for keeping a pleasant and not-stressing game
    Real life is already crazy and we are already in a hurry with eveything thas has to be done during the day.
    So please don't turn this game in a crazy thing by reducing the phases by 12 h.

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    hirojedi08 wrote: »
    We have not tried 12 hours, yet. Who knows how it works. Let us try 12 hour/ phase first. It may work for some. Personally, spending 6 days for TB is really boring. Just make solid guideline and stick to it. Other than that, let each members think what to do.

    Who knows you ask? Everyone who has a life. I can get my attacks in early, but nobody can deploy until we know what our final score is after combat missions. 10 hours after the phase opens a bunch of people in other time zones have been working, and sleeping. They haven't attacked yet, and it's my bed time. So I can't deploy until the next morning when the officers have done the math, and told me where. That's 20 hours in.

    If you like being horrible at TB, then let everyone throw their characters at it randomly, and eyeball it in there own. I can't "think what to do" until I know what everyone else is doing, which I don't until 20 hours in. Coordination takes time, especially international coordination. And the devs repeatedly said they wanted this to be a game mode that requires coordination.

    I'm sorry you don't have something to do in this game every second of the day. The best advice I've seen for you is...
    NicWester wrote: »
    If you're bored, go outside.

    The game shouldn't be your life.

    +1 to this.

    If we went to 12 hrs, that puts entire phases in the overnight hours when most people are asleep. I don't need this to be the last thing on my mind when I go to bed or get up in the morning.

    Also +1
    Bossk_Hogg wrote: »
    You don't get the rewards any faster, it's still once a week.And this game hardly needs an extra 10-15 minutes of activity per day. Some of us have jobs, kids, families, etc. Officers aint got time to coordinate this twice a day either.

    +1 again because math. Same number of battles. Same rewards per week. The only thing accomplished by forcing us to cram it into a shorter time span is destroying guilds who don't want to set alarms for 3am to play a phone game.
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    hirojedi08 wrote: »
    We have not tried 12 hours, yet. Who knows how it works. Let us try 12 hour/ phase first. It may work for some. Personally, spending 6 days for TB is really boring. Just make solid guideline and stick to it. Other than that, let each members think what to do.
    "It may work for some" isn't a ringing endorsement.

    Especially when you consider the only reason 24 hours doesn't work for you is because you don't have enough to do in the game. 12 hours doesn't work for us because we don't want to play a game all day--or, if not playing, then checking various aps to see who has made what plans and what time we need to log in so we can deploy and do combat and haggle over who doesn't get to use their Baze this time around because he's needed in a platoon.

    I get it. You're bored. Please understand, though--We aren't. We have busy lives. We have families. We do other things. I'm sure a lot of us CAN drop everything to log in for 10 minutes every twelve hours, but we don't WANT to. We don't WANT a game to have that level of control over our lives. We want to fit our play of it around our schedules, not fit our schedules around our play of it.

    So, sure, it MAY work for some. But it WON'T work for a helluva lot. If you're bored, take up whittling.
    Ceterum censeo Patientia esse meliat.
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    Stars 28 and 29 came with less than 2 hours left in phase 5 today, because we have a number of people who, due to schedules, timezones, lives, etc..., didn't get in their missions until this morning. If it was 12 hours phases, some of them I'm sure would have been able to get their missions in, but several would've missed out if our phases were cut in half.
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    jaybol wrote: »
    24 hr wayyyy to long, think most want it to be 12 hr now. Only take 10 to 15 to do everything

    10-15 minutes for the later phases? Maybe if you're in a scrub guild that doesn't plan to fill all platoons and you just auto each fight.
    SHATTERPOINT - One of the world's strongest guilds
    Recruiting solid 3mil+ GP players, pm for info
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    I can't believe this is even a discussion point any more. Why would anyone with a life outside of the game think 12 hrs a good idea?
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    Dundadarr wrote: »
    I can't believe this is even a discussion point any more. Why would anyone with a life outside of the game think 12 hrs a good idea?

    You may have answered your own question. :D
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    Ha ha. Yes, that's the entirety of it.
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    TB can't be 12 hours. Yes it takes only 10~15 min to do everything, but all 50 people need to do that, and they might not be able to in 12 hours. 24 hours is safer.
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    I work during the first 12 hrs wouldn't be able to do them during the week day.
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    I have a life and a family, I would seriously have to consider quitting this game if they went to 12 hours.
    Looking for 1 member with 3.5m+ GP roster to help in GEO TB; we are 185m guild who are 70-6 in TW.
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    NicWester wrote: »
    hirojedi08 wrote: »
    We have not tried 12 hours, yet. Who knows how it works. Let us try 12 hour/ phase first. It may work for some. Personally, spending 6 days for TB is really boring. Just make solid guideline and stick to it. Other than that, let each members think what to do.
    "It may work for some" isn't a ringing endorsement.

    Especially when you consider the only reason 24 hours doesn't work for you is because you don't have enough to do in the game. 12 hours doesn't work for us because we don't want to play a game all day--or, if not playing, then checking various aps to see who has made what plans and what time we need to log in so we can deploy and do combat and haggle over who doesn't get to use their Baze this time around because he's needed in a platoon.

    I get it. You're bored. Please understand, though--We aren't. We have busy lives. We have families. We do other things. I'm sure a lot of us CAN drop everything to log in for 10 minutes every twelve hours, but we don't WANT to. We don't WANT a game to have that level of control over our lives. We want to fit our play of it around our schedules, not fit our schedules around our play of it.

    So, sure, it MAY work for some. But it WON'T work for a helluva lot. If you're bored, take up whittling.

    Relax, please. What I meant is better to try first. Once would be enough. If there are problems, that would be a chance to justify 24 hour rule is better. Still, no one knows if it is good or bad.

    I know leaders and officers are trying to do the best. And, they do sacrifice their precious time for other members. Probably, what we really need is to control timing like when to start and when to finish. But, that would be too much.

    And, I was amazed that you know I am woodworker. Sometimes I have to do whittling. So, I will take up books and start reading when I get bored. Cheers!
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