Is this how it's always going to be?

I just hit 40, and this is my first Galactic War. I've seen some of the complaining on here about it and hadn't paid it much attention because I thought it only happened to the people high on the food chain. I was dead wrong, and I sure hope it's not going to be like this for good, because if it is, I'm just going to cash in my chips and quit the game while I'm ahead. Impossibility isn't fun. Here is my team and what I faced.


The show-stopper at fight 7 that took out my entire line-up of heroes and ended the war for me. I'm no expert at this game yet, but it seems to me that putting a bunch of level 51 troops against a bunch of level 20+ is just horribly unbalanced and unfair.


And here's what health differences looked like in the fight.


I don't like coming to forums to complain, and I'm not really. I just want to know straight-up if you plan on keeping this business model, because if you do, I will be exiting stage left before I really get into the game.


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    I didn't start consistently winning GW until I was around lvl 50. Have not lost one since.
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    I just hit 40, and this is my first Galactic War. I've seen some of the complaining on here about it and hadn't paid it much attention because I thought it only happened to the people high on the food chain. I was dead wrong, and I sure hope it's not going to be like this for good, because if it is, I'm just going to cash in my chips and quit the game while I'm ahead. Impossibility isn't fun. Here is my team and what I faced.

    You're Lv40 and you have bunch of Lv20 characters, that is your problem.
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    It's really weird because I see people complain about this daily. I have not failed to complete a GW since they changed the retreat and I just hit 70. I make it through with my A team intact 99 percent of the time and I usually don't even use a suicide squad.
  • Telaan
    3454 posts Member
    I just hit 40, and this is my first Galactic War. I've seen some of the complaining on here about it and hadn't paid it much attention because I thought it only happened to the people high on the food chain. I was dead wrong, and I sure hope it's not going to be like this for good, because if it is, I'm just going to cash in my chips and quit the game while I'm ahead. Impossibility isn't fun. Here is my team and what I faced.

    You're Lv40 and you have bunch of Lv20 characters, that is your problem.

    This. I wouldn't expect to beat a team that averages 30 levels higher and several stars higher. Your roster is severely underdeveloped. You need to level your toons with droid/credits and then focus on leveling their stars. Your JC should be 4* by the time you reach level 40.
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    You're Lv40 and you have bunch of Lv20 characters, that is your problem.
    Seriously u should have at least 5 chars at or near your lvl, until then you'll never beat GW.
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    You need to keep your character levels a lot closer to your actual level. I only ever had an issue with this at level 69-70 due to credits. But yes you can expect this for a while.

    Ive noticed lately though the highest levels in gw against me have been 65, 5 levels below me
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    The GW difficulty is tremendously spikey. I had easy clears for awhile, then ran into brick wall 7* lvl 70 dps teams with no healer or only lumi (i'm level 58) that after 1-2 just ate through too much of my roster to finish, and now I'm getting teams that are still massively overleveled for me but they aren't running pure dps so it's clearable.

    The challenge level being so random is confusing, and I hope CG makes it more consistent. When I was 55 I fought teams that were 40 and 70. It doesnt have to be easier, I just want it to have a smoother difficulty curve than +- 30 levels day to day and even battle to battle.
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    I just hit 40, and this is my first Galactic War. I've seen some of the complaining on here about it and hadn't paid it much attention because I thought it only happened to the people high on the food chain. I was dead wrong, and I sure hope it's not going to be like this for good, because if it is, I'm just going to cash in my chips and quit the game while I'm ahead. Impossibility isn't fun. Here is my team and what I faced.

    You're Lv40 and you have bunch of Lv20 characters, that is your problem.

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    Honestly I am finding the galactic war unimaginably easy! I want it to be much harder to make it a challenge. It used to be so hard it was amazing and satisfying!! Make it harder again please!!
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    Look at your roster again. You want to win in any game without maxing your abilities? Lvl 24 toons for crying out loud and you're complaining GW is impossible! Maybe the game really is not for you...
  • Reyia
    1171 posts Member
    If u r level 40, u should have 5 level 40 heroes as your main squad. But yes at the beginning GW is very hard then it gets easier. Until the difficulty ramp up exponentially when u hit high ranks.
    Coimba96 wrote: »
    Honestly I am finding the galactic war unimaginably easy! I want it to be much harder to make it a challenge. It used to be so hard it was amazing and satisfying!! Make it harder again please!!

    Make it harder for u. I want mine to be made easier. I don't have enough credits to make enough teams and suicide squads. Do u ever face 5 lvl 70 gear 8 one hit KO teams with FOTP, Rey, Leia? And do u face those teams ten times in a row?
  • CharlesBronson
    4 posts Member
    edited February 2016
    Look at your roster again. You want to win in any game without maxing your abilities? Lvl 24 toons for crying out loud and you're complaining GW is impossible! Maybe the game really is not for you...

    I chose to go up in levels to stay commensurate with my skills, all of my character skills except 1 are max for that toon level, all of their gear is max for the toon level, I go up in level in order to make room for better gear so I don't artificially inflate my level or "rush levels" as I would call it. That's what anyone would always do in any game.

    And even at that, even if I had maxed myself at 40, an 11 level difference is still ludicrous.
  • Telaan
    3454 posts Member
    Look at your roster again. You want to win in any game without maxing your abilities? Lvl 24 toons for crying out loud and you're complaining GW is impossible! Maybe the game really is not for you...

    I chose to go up in levels to stay commensurate with my skills, all of my character skills except 1 are max for that toon level, all of their gear is max for the toon level, I go up in level in order to make room for better gear so I don't artificially inflate my level or "rush levels" as I would call it. That's what anyone would always do in any game.

    You're doing it wrong. Like I said above, you're severely underdeveloped. You won't win any GW with toons that underdeveloped and you'll quickly find yourself unable to compete at all in arena. You need to find 5-7 toons, max, that you want to focus on and pour all your resources into keeping them leveled at every point (abilities, gear, actual level). Everything else not in that A-Team needs to be ignored (there should be as much overlap of toons being used in both arena and GW as possible to maximize efficiency of resources).
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    Troll much... Lol
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    Look at your roster again. You want to win in any game without maxing your abilities? Lvl 24 toons for crying out loud and you're complaining GW is impossible! Maybe the game really is not for you...

    I chose to go up in levels to stay commensurate with my skills, all of my character skills except 1 are max for that toon level, all of their gear is max for the toon level, I go up in level in order to make room for better gear so I don't artificially inflate my level or "rush levels" as I would call it. That's what anyone would always do in any game.

    And even at that, even if I had maxed myself at 40, an 11 level difference is still ludicrous.

    How are you doing in Arena? In your LS/DS missions? GW is really bad, I know. I'm guessing the rest of the picture's not much different.

    Any FPS has a dozen weapons/characters. Some are inherently better than others. Same with this game. Concentrate on the better toons and everything will be possible, if not easy. It'll be a long grind of you're not spending cash but it can be done.

    And, yes, GW is tough at your levels. Some days will be worse than others but it'll get better. But the team you have, it'll be impossible. Forever and ever.
  • Naugrin
    686 posts Member
    edited February 2016
    Look at your roster again. You want to win in any game without maxing your abilities? Lvl 24 toons for crying out loud and you're complaining GW is impossible! Maybe the game really is not for you...

    I chose to go up in levels to stay commensurate with my skills, all of my character skills except 1 are max for that toon level, all of their gear is max for the toon level, I go up in level in order to make room for better gear so I don't artificially inflate my level or "rush levels" as I would call it. That's what anyone would always do in any game.

    And even at that, even if I had maxed myself at 40, an 11 level difference is still ludicrous.
    An 11 level difference is surmountable, especially with maxed gear and a suicide squad to soften them up. Also make sure to read some of the posts around here discussing gw techniques.

    Everyone told you what the single biggest problem you have is. What you do with that information is up to you.
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    Look at your roster again. You want to win in any game without maxing your abilities? Lvl 24 toons for crying out loud and you're complaining GW is impossible! Maybe the game really is not for you...

    I chose to go up in levels to stay commensurate with my skills, all of my character skills except 1 are max for that toon level, all of their gear is max for the toon level, I go up in level in order to make room for better gear so I don't artificially inflate my level or "rush levels" as I would call it. That's what anyone would always do in any game.

    And even at that, even if I had maxed myself at 40, an 11 level difference is still ludicrous.

    How are you doing in Arena? In your LS/DS missions? GW is really bad, I know. I'm guessing the rest of the picture's not much different.

    Any FPS has a dozen weapons/characters. Some are inherently better than others. Same with this game. Concentrate on the better toons and everything will be possible, if not easy. It'll be a long grind of you're not spending cash but it can be done.

    And, yes, GW is tough at your levels. Some days will be worse than others but it'll get better. But the team you have, it'll be impossible. Forever and ever.

    The thing is, I was enjoying it for the first few matches, it was tough but not impossible, I was placed against a couple teams ~18-28 and it was tough but fair. I don't like rushing the game, then all of the sudden bam I get hit with f'n 51's. Ludicrous
  • Options
    Look at your roster again. You want to win in any game without maxing your abilities? Lvl 24 toons for crying out loud and you're complaining GW is impossible! Maybe the game really is not for you...

    I chose to go up in levels to stay commensurate with my skills, all of my character skills except 1 are max for that toon level, all of their gear is max for the toon level, I go up in level in order to make room for better gear so I don't artificially inflate my level or "rush levels" as I would call it. That's what anyone would always do in any game.

    And even at that, even if I had maxed myself at 40, an 11 level difference is still ludicrous.

    With a properly geared starred and level 40 squad you would have crushed that opponent. There is no damage on that squad and the gear levels are really low.

    Best to follow the advice given here in this thread. Level up 5-10 heroes to match your current level and focus on them. Don't spread your resources too thin.
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    Also I would focus on qgj, gs, and consular the heaviest and change out guardian for chewy for the taunt and self heal....alternately, ig-86 does good damage.
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    Thanks for the information everyone, I will give it a shot. The thing is, I just didn't want to rush up to 70 so fast. I don't pay very much at all, $5 here and there, so I'm obviously not going to have a fully geared AAA rated team all the way up the ladder. I was trying to take my time and enjoy the game, but it doesn't look like it's a "take your time" type of game. I will try it though.
  • Telaan
    3454 posts Member
    Thanks for the information everyone, I will give it a shot. The thing is, I just didn't want to rush up to 70 so fast. I don't pay very much at all, $5 here and there, so I'm obviously not going to have a fully geared AAA rated team all the way up the ladder. I was trying to take my time and enjoy the game, but it doesn't look like it's a "take your time" type of game. I will try it though.

    This game absolutely is a "take your time" kind of game for f2p. Reaching level 70 is nothing compared to the rest of the grind.
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    Your player level is gonna go up regardless so its important to keep 5 or 6 toons at it and a few key subs at maybe 10 or 15 levels below at worst.
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