New Nightsister Zombie is imbalanced


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    Kyno wrote: »
    Dont worry. Jedi Rey will probably have aoe dispel and buff immunity in one attack :wink:

    Don't forget insta kill primary target and override any ability to revive.

    Bahaha! Burned by guys realize that we have been complaining about the Meta teams, and now that there are viable teams to shake up the don't like it? How is CG even supposed to cater to you whiny little babies??
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    Yeah I'm pretty sure this is exactly what the devs wanted out of nightsisters. Ability to shake up the current meta. I haven't seen anyone trying it on my shard, but I'm all about some more variety at this point, especially when it's easy to beat if you use even more variety. Shake up that arena meta.
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    Ploosh wrote: »
    Yeah I'm pretty sure this is exactly what the devs wanted out of nightsisters. Ability to shake up the current meta. I haven't seen anyone trying it on my shard, but I'm all about some more variety at this point, especially when it's easy to beat if you use even more variety. Shake up that arena meta.

    For real. I am tired of the same 3 toons, with half a dozen interchangeable ones, always at the top
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    This is EXACTLY the type of team we need MORE of. It adds variety to the meta because it adds multiple teams. You get the team running this strategy, and then you get new teams that can counter this strategy and make a joke out of it. It’s that Rock-Paper-Scissors thing we all want more of. These types of teams are so much better than a CLS meta team that you just plug in for any situation against any opponent.

    I agree. Teams should have strengths / weakness that other well constructed teams can exploit.
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    Chagoth wrote: »
    On one hand, it's annoying that Commander Luke dominates Arena. It's one toon! On the other hand, it's annoying that four or five easily obtainable toons can beat the anything-but-easy-to-obtain CLS. I can see both sides.

    Are you kidding me man, CLS was not hard to get you had a freaking "get CLS 7 star" on day 1. NS have a toon like but not as OP as CLS , but guess what we didn't unlock her at 7 stars we got her at 3, and zombie we got a guaranteed 2 *. Yet you got R2 free, CLS free, I spent over $200 to get my MT to 6 *.
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    Kyno wrote: »
    Dont worry. Jedi Rey will probably have aoe dispel and buff immunity in one attack :wink:

    Don't forget insta kill primary target and override any ability to revive.

    And add that we will get her for free 7 * if we have the right team.
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    I love the new nightsister combo running full nightsister and ranked #2 in arena
  • Billcarson66
    852 posts Member
    edited November 2017
    Lets not forget that you can gear a full team of 5 for less carbs than GK alone....Yes please. Now if only I had a few more droid callers.....
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    Lets not forget that you can gear a full team of 5 for less carbs than GK alone....Yes please. Now if only I had a few more droid callers.....

    No carbanti, but their gear isn’t exactly easy. They require a lot of the HAAT gear that is much harder to get. I’ve had to buy most of it with crystals I’ve earned.
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    Anton23 wrote: »
    Guys, I posted these not because I don't know how to beat them. The reason was to tell that this unstoppable reviving is completely imbalanced. This Nute + nightsisters squad shouldn't beat much stronger teams.

    It's Nute Gunray dude. He's one of the worst toons in the game. Probably worse than Pao. How can you be this upset about it?

    All the Zombie/Acolyte combo does is exploit the weakness of the CLS single-target meta. It doesn't beat General Zarriss teams and it loses to any AOE.

    +1. The original post demonstrates a disappointing lack of critical thinking. You're angry because a group of 5 unlikely toons can beat a team of 5 other popular toons? Give me a break. Watch some of the Youtubers - Warrior Presents, Ahnald, and Mobile Gamer, and you'll see that there are many competitive teams that one can acquire. This is one of many. Again, this is almost unbelievably silly.
  • Dok
    140 posts Member
    SwiftMooky wrote: »
    Anton23 wrote: »
    Guys, I posted these not because I don't know how to beat them. The reason was to tell that this unstoppable reviving is completely imbalanced. This Nute + nightsisters squad shouldn't beat much stronger teams.

    It's Nute Gunray dude. He's one of the worst toons in the game. Probably worse than Pao. How can you be this upset about it?

    All the Zombie/Acolyte combo does is exploit the weakness of the CLS single-target meta. It doesn't beat General Zarriss teams and it loses to any AOE.

    +1. The original post demonstrates a disappointing lack of critical thinking. You're angry because a group of 5 unlikely toons can beat a team of 5 other popular toons? Give me a break. Watch some of the Youtubers - Warrior Presents, Ahnald, and Mobile Gamer, and you'll see that there are many competitive teams that one can acquire. This is one of many. Again, this is almost unbelievably silly.

    Much like Luke and the Death Star, the CLS meta is near impossible to defeat, but the Nightsisters found their weakness and have exploited it to bring down the evil Empi... oops. CLS. The evil CLS. CLS is to this game what Anakin was to the Force.
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    Zombie does not need a nerfing. At all. MAYBE if Zombie countered and triggered taunt more? MAYBE if Zombie revived with taunt. But no. I'm running this team and love it. I've beaten teams I didn't think I could and I have also had my rear end handed to me, badly.

    There's nothing unfair about it and after all the Zaul/GK Barris/CLS Han Solo Jerkface I've had to deal with up to now.... No way.

    Nute as a lead, been done before NS.

    You know what you should do, look up Mike Hunt on Youtube. Does a lot of SWGoH videos using all kinds of crazy teams. Sigh, the one thing I hate about the pace of the game is I sincerely WISH it moved along fast enough players could do things like experiment more and try new things without getting set back months or more.
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    Please never post here again.
  • HeavilyModerated
    20 posts Member
    edited November 2017
    If anyone on here thinks anything NS do is a gimmick, I have a question for you.

    How many gimmicks does the GK team use? I count 3 gimmicks in the video below on the GK lead team. How many do you think there are?
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    they will release an new debuff
    DasMurich wrote: »
    Zombie does not need a nerfing. At all. MAYBE if Zombie countered and triggered taunt more? MAYBE if Zombie revived with taunt. But no. I'm running this team and love it. I've beaten teams I didn't think I could and I have also had my rear end handed to me, badly.

    There's nothing unfair about it and after all the Zaul/GK Barris/CLS Han Solo Jerkface I've had to deal with up to now.... No way.

    Nute as a lead, been done before NS.

    You know what you should do, look up Mike Hunt on Youtube. Does a lot of SWGoH videos using all kinds of crazy teams. Sigh, the one thing I hate about the pace of the game is I sincerely WISH it moved along fast enough players could do things like experiment more and try new things without getting set back months or more.

    nothing unfair ? u call this fair a team with 20k power beat on auto mode a cls team g12 with 7zeta 108k power yes barris is good but will be bad at 20k power
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    Yup, it's not unfair.
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    tomates302 wrote: »
    they will release an new debuff
    DasMurich wrote: »
    Zombie does not need a nerfing. At all. MAYBE if Zombie countered and triggered taunt more? MAYBE if Zombie revived with taunt. But no. I'm running this team and love it. I've beaten teams I didn't think I could and I have also had my rear end handed to me, badly.

    There's nothing unfair about it and after all the Zaul/GK Barris/CLS Han Solo Jerkface I've had to deal with up to now.... No way.

    Nute as a lead, been done before NS.

    You know what you should do, look up Mike Hunt on Youtube. Does a lot of SWGoH videos using all kinds of crazy teams. Sigh, the one thing I hate about the pace of the game is I sincerely WISH it moved along fast enough players could do things like experiment more and try new things without getting set back months or more.

    nothing unfair ? u call this fair a team with 20k power beat on auto mode a cls team g12 with 7zeta 108k power yes barris is good but will be bad at 20k power

    Yes, it's fair. It's called a 'counter'. And guess what? The thing that counters your team... also has a counter!
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    Dok wrote: »
    Chagoth wrote: »
    Personally, I think it's immoral to pay nothing for a game you enjoy (or even a game you don't enjoy for that matter). You're just riding on the back of all the whales (I'm not a whale--more like a baby dolphin--but at least I contribute). It makes me wonder how many players have truly spent nothing on the game.

    Firstly, nobody mentioned money. Bringing it up just to talk bad about ftp is unnecessary.

    Secondly, ftp don't "ride on the back of all the whales". Without ftp - a vast majority of the playerbase - there wouldn't be anyone to whale against, and no game. I've spent a fair amount of money on the game myself, and I think it's immoral that you think people have to spend money on a free game. If this was an independently developed/published game, I'd be more inclined to agree with you. But this is EA. They don't need to bleed everyone dry to make their mountains of cash.

    You do realize that the casual spenders are being outpriced (ie crystal booster going away) solely because of the whales' willingness to drop loads of cash, right? There were a lot of people that only bought the booster and don't spend at all now. The whales have nobody to blame but themselves. Well, EA gets some blame too.

    Of course it's immoral to use a service for free. This is like "duh" 101. Good lord.
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    Chagoth wrote: »
    Dok wrote: »
    Chagoth wrote: »
    Personally, I think it's immoral to pay nothing for a game you enjoy (or even a game you don't enjoy for that matter). You're just riding on the back of all the whales (I'm not a whale--more like a baby dolphin--but at least I contribute). It makes me wonder how many players have truly spent nothing on the game.

    Firstly, nobody mentioned money. Bringing it up just to talk bad about ftp is unnecessary.

    Secondly, ftp don't "ride on the back of all the whales". Without ftp - a vast majority of the playerbase - there wouldn't be anyone to whale against, and no game. I've spent a fair amount of money on the game myself, and I think it's immoral that you think people have to spend money on a free game. If this was an independently developed/published game, I'd be more inclined to agree with you. But this is EA. They don't need to bleed everyone dry to make their mountains of cash.

    You do realize that the casual spenders are being outpriced (ie crystal booster going away) solely because of the whales' willingness to drop loads of cash, right? There were a lot of people that only bought the booster and don't spend at all now. The whales have nobody to blame but themselves. Well, EA gets some blame too.

    Of course it's immoral to use a service for free. This is like "duh" 101. Good lord.
    Chagoth wrote: »
    Dok wrote: »
    Chagoth wrote: »
    Personally, I think it's immoral to pay nothing for a game you enjoy (or even a game you don't enjoy for that matter). You're just riding on the back of all the whales (I'm not a whale--more like a baby dolphin--but at least I contribute). It makes me wonder how many players have truly spent nothing on the game.

    Firstly, nobody mentioned money. Bringing it up just to talk bad about ftp is unnecessary.

    Secondly, ftp don't "ride on the back of all the whales". Without ftp - a vast majority of the playerbase - there wouldn't be anyone to whale against, and no game. I've spent a fair amount of money on the game myself, and I think it's immoral that you think people have to spend money on a free game. If this was an independently developed/published game, I'd be more inclined to agree with you. But this is EA. They don't need to bleed everyone dry to make their mountains of cash.

    You do realize that the casual spenders are being outpriced (ie crystal booster going away) solely because of the whales' willingness to drop loads of cash, right? There were a lot of people that only bought the booster and don't spend at all now. The whales have nobody to blame but themselves. Well, EA gets some blame too.

    Of course it's immoral to use a service for free. This is like "duh" 101. Good lord.

    What's immoral about it they offer it for free knowing people will play for free. If they didn't want ftp to play they would make a pay wall/level cap for f2p. The fact is they know this is the most profitable for them. There using f2p to give p2p someone to advance past.
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    Dont worry. Jedi Rey will probably have aoe dispel and buff immunity in one attack :wink:

    B2 already does that. (Albeit at not a 100% buff immunity land rate)
  • Woodroward
    3749 posts Member
    edited November 2017
    How has no one commented on the fact that EVERY toon in that comp was g12 7*?

    Easy to acquire f2p my seat cushion. NO ONE has a g12 7* zetad Nightsister zombie that they acquire f2p.

    He says no zetas required, but I disagree, zombie pretaunt zeta is required. Otherwise Acolyte can just be blown up right away with opening zerg. And guess what happens if you have a low gear zombie? It dies right away and acolyte gets blown up before stealthing anyway.

    If someone takes the time to put g11-12 and zetas on this team (Ahnald had at least 2, Zombie and Leia) then they deserve to be able to play with them and win just like anyone else who invests their resources to build up a nice countermeta team.

    The problem with Lugo's idea was that you could beat end game content with g8 characters. This doesn't even begin to compare.

    @op, I am sorry, but your perspective is hopelessly skewed on this. Leia, Nute, and Acolyte have all had reworks within the last 2 quarters, and one of these characters is brand new. CLS s also a F2P character, so even that argument of yours falls flat. There is literally no sound reason to be upset that this team works against CLS, at least not any that you've brought up.

    I hope I may have clarified a few things for you.

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    My bad, for some reason I thought Zombie's pretaunt was a zeta but it seems to only be an omega.

    I stand by the rest of my post though.
  • ElleMadara
    1017 posts Member
    edited November 2017
    Anton23 wrote: »
    Take Nightsister Acolyte with Nightsister Zombie and you can defeat almost everyone. Acolyte will always be in stealth and only AOE can reach her while Zombie will be constantly dying. But what if we go further and take squad: Nute (leader), Acolyte, Leia, Geonosian Spy and Zombie. Leia, Spy and Acolyte will always be in stealth and can destroy any meta team while Zombie is reviving. Is it fair? I think no. Devs should do something with this Zombie with it's overpowered revive skill. Devs please make something because their are ruining the game.

    Video from AhnaldT101 demonstrate this problem:

    Tell that to CLS, the bully of SWGoH, he IS really unbalanced
    Post edited by ElleMadara on
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    This post is is hardly thought through. If your actually climbing you know that those meta teams are just placeholders to make it take as long as possible to beat your team. The longer it looks like it takes the less likely people are going to choose to take your spot and not the other guys. Yes zombie invis teams can beat any team without AOE on defense, which is pretty much every defense team. The problem is you have to get yourself to a spot where you can snipe a good position. Since every person in valuable ranks has many great aoe toons sitting on the bench. If you try to do anything but snipe in the last seconds with an invis zombie team it will quickly be picked off by everyone.
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    Chagoth wrote: »
    Dok wrote: »
    Chagoth wrote: »
    Personally, I think it's immoral to pay nothing for a game you enjoy (or even a game you don't enjoy for that matter). You're just riding on the back of all the whales (I'm not a whale--more like a baby dolphin--but at least I contribute). It makes me wonder how many players have truly spent nothing on the game.

    Firstly, nobody mentioned money. Bringing it up just to talk bad about ftp is unnecessary.

    Secondly, ftp don't "ride on the back of all the whales". Without ftp - a vast majority of the playerbase - there wouldn't be anyone to whale against, and no game. I've spent a fair amount of money on the game myself, and I think it's immoral that you think people have to spend money on a free game. If this was an independently developed/published game, I'd be more inclined to agree with you. But this is EA. They don't need to bleed everyone dry to make their mountains of cash.

    You do realize that the casual spenders are being outpriced (ie crystal booster going away) solely because of the whales' willingness to drop loads of cash, right? There were a lot of people that only bought the booster and don't spend at all now. The whales have nobody to blame but themselves. Well, EA gets some blame too.

    Of course it's immoral to use a service for free. This is like "duh" 101. Good lord.

    That's gotta be up there with the dumbest things I've seen all year. Using free things is immoral? When the people who made the thing, made it free?

    That doesn't make even a tiny amount of sense.
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    Chagoth wrote: »
    Dok wrote: »
    Chagoth wrote: »
    Personally, I think it's immoral to pay nothing for a game you enjoy (or even a game you don't enjoy for that matter). You're just riding on the back of all the whales (I'm not a whale--more like a baby dolphin--but at least I contribute). It makes me wonder how many players have truly spent nothing on the game.

    Firstly, nobody mentioned money. Bringing it up just to talk bad about ftp is unnecessary.

    Secondly, ftp don't "ride on the back of all the whales". Without ftp - a vast majority of the playerbase - there wouldn't be anyone to whale against, and no game. I've spent a fair amount of money on the game myself, and I think it's immoral that you think people have to spend money on a free game. If this was an independently developed/published game, I'd be more inclined to agree with you. But this is EA. They don't need to bleed everyone dry to make their mountains of cash.

    You do realize that the casual spenders are being outpriced (ie crystal booster going away) solely because of the whales' willingness to drop loads of cash, right? There were a lot of people that only bought the booster and don't spend at all now. The whales have nobody to blame but themselves. Well, EA gets some blame too.

    Of course it's immoral to use a service for free. This is like "duh" 101. Good lord.

    That's gotta be up there with the dumbest things I've seen all year. Using free things is immoral? When the people who made the thing, made it free?

    That doesn't make even a tiny amount of sense.

    It's not dumb at all (but you had to go there, didn't you? Any opinion different than your own is "dumb" . . . I see how it is.), it's just common sense: if you enjoy a service, the right thing to do is reward those providing that service. It's really not a difficult concept to grasp.

    I had played the game for months without purchasing anything. It bothered me because I like the game so much. So every so often I buy a few crystals as a thank you to EA. But I guess that's dumb.
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    Chagoth wrote: »
    Chagoth wrote: »
    Dok wrote: »
    Chagoth wrote: »
    Personally, I think it's immoral to pay nothing for a game you enjoy (or even a game you don't enjoy for that matter). You're just riding on the back of all the whales (I'm not a whale--more like a baby dolphin--but at least I contribute). It makes me wonder how many players have truly spent nothing on the game.

    Firstly, nobody mentioned money. Bringing it up just to talk bad about ftp is unnecessary.

    Secondly, ftp don't "ride on the back of all the whales". Without ftp - a vast majority of the playerbase - there wouldn't be anyone to whale against, and no game. I've spent a fair amount of money on the game myself, and I think it's immoral that you think people have to spend money on a free game. If this was an independently developed/published game, I'd be more inclined to agree with you. But this is EA. They don't need to bleed everyone dry to make their mountains of cash.

    You do realize that the casual spenders are being outpriced (ie crystal booster going away) solely because of the whales' willingness to drop loads of cash, right? There were a lot of people that only bought the booster and don't spend at all now. The whales have nobody to blame but themselves. Well, EA gets some blame too.

    Of course it's immoral to use a service for free. This is like "duh" 101. Good lord.

    That's gotta be up there with the dumbest things I've seen all year. Using free things is immoral? When the people who made the thing, made it free?

    That doesn't make even a tiny amount of sense.

    It's not dumb at all (but you had to go there, didn't you? Any opinion different than your own is "dumb" . . . I see how it is.), it's just common sense: if you enjoy a service, the right thing to do is reward those providing that service. It's really not a difficult concept to grasp.

    I had played the game for months without purchasing anything. It bothered me because I like the game so much. So every so often I buy a few crystals as a thank you to EA. But I guess that's dumb.

    Yeah, most opinions other than mine I consider to be dumb, because I don't take dumb positions in arguments (in my own opinion). So if it's a two-sided argument, the other side is always going to be dumb.

    And also, just because you enjoy something, doesn't mean you owe the creator of that thing anything. I occasionally enjoy this game, but the business practices it uses are so disgusting that I absolutely refuse to give them any money. Add that on top of the fact that I'm just not giving EA any money for anything they do right now, because they are a terrible company who don't deserve to get my money.

    On the other hand, another free game that I play often (League of Legends) has taken plenty of my money, because Riot Games have overall good business practices and are a very good developer.
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    Aoe/aoe dispell (Baze, b2, deathtrooper, asajj)
    Not to hard figuring every team has a counter; this is this teams counter..
    Couldn’t figure it out by yourself?
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    Anton23 wrote: »
    Guys, I posted these not because I don't know how to beat them. The reason was to tell that this unstoppable reviving is completely imbalanced. This Nute + nightsisters squad shouldn't beat much stronger teams.

    It's not unbalanced if there are literally dozens of characters in the game who can defeat/disrupt it. Baze and Deathtrooper aren't exactly wimpy toons. This synergy disrupts the current anti-AOE meta. That's why Zombie is a great addition. Anyway, the team spelled out by Ahnald may do well on offense, but on defense it's trivial to beat.
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    If you can be beaten by Plo Koon's leader ability, you're not overpowered.
    Ceterum censeo Patientia esse meliat.
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