When cls event come? [MERGED]


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    And once you get Super Luke, just pray that Super Rey doesn't throw him in the trash as forcefully as Super Luke threw Vader & numerous other characters in the trash. :)
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    And once you get Super Luke, just pray that Super Rey doesn't throw him in the trash as forcefully as Super Luke threw Vader & numerous other characters in the trash. :)

    Well there isn't much she can do about the raids and TB. The only place you gotta worry about is arena and I think his kit will help him survive in some hybrid team.

    I am not ruling out the possibility that what you say may happen, however there will always be room for CLS in the game regardless.

    I sincerely hope Super Saiyan Rey won't be too overpowered, she really doesn't deserve it canon wise...
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    Huatimus wrote: »
    Hero's Journey is advertised as rarer and more epic than Legendary events. Expecting it to come back in 4 months is being a little too optimistic.
    That doesn't follow. No, I want it more, sir. Do you understand me?
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    Mattikin wrote: »
    Huatimus wrote: »
    Hero's Journey is advertised as rarer and more epic than Legendary events. Expecting it to come back in 4 months is being a little too optimistic.
    That doesn't follow. No, I want it more, sir. Do you understand me?

    Sorry sir, I understand you but there's nothing I can do.
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    Someone Thrawn one shot his Luke into Krennic DT hades please
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    B0untryHR7 wrote: »

    I sincerely hope Super Saiyan Rey won't be too overpowered, she really doesn't deserve it canon wise...

    Yet here we are with an over powered luke who doesn't deserve it canon wise....
  • Carn
    52 posts Member
    yes and be sure to add R2 before
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    Yep it isnt here
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    Only people who vote no are those who have him and want to keep that advantage
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    Yes and we don't give a baboon that you miscalculated and scheduled it before Rey's event. Hire some sentients in the marketing sector.
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    Seriously. It isnt a „super rare event“ and it punishes the guilds that do not have 50/50 CLS .... it is a huge disadvantage and if it doesnt come back before rey, the people who didnt get him and wont get her will probably leave, and if rey will be as important as CLS and giveguilds a HUGE advantage many other players will leave. I‘m not saying that the devs will bring him back soon, but if they dont‘ it‘s their own fault id many players leave.

    EA is like the most greedy company i know. They wont bring him back and so they will encourage people to pay for rey and not do the same mistake again...
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    So let me get this straight.. you are crying because your alt doesn't have cls? :/
  • TTudor
    20 posts Member
    edited December 2017
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    Try arena...
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    B0untryHR7 wrote: »

    I sincerely hope Super Saiyan Rey won't be too overpowered, she really doesn't deserve it canon wise...

    Yet here we are with an over powered luke who doesn't deserve it canon wise....

    Agreed. I can see ROTJ Luke being this powerful, not spent a days with Yoda Luke.
    Shaheen wrote: »
    So let me get this straight.. you are crying because your alt doesn't have cls? :/

    Basically, while the rest of us who have one main account suffer without
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    They can't release Luke again. Now you have some very little difference in the game due to the one that had Luke the first time and the one that didn't.

    If they release him again, every one will have him and everybody will see how much unbalanced he is. It will purely destroy the game, it will become Galaxy of Luke.

    And Rey will not hurt him because she can't do better than soloing raids. The only thing she will do will be to be added to the CLS team.

    Game is broke, you have to deal with it. If you don't have Luke you are screwed and forced to be sided.

    You see, in this world there's two kinds of people, my friend: those with loaded guns, and those who dig. You dig
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    No. December is Rey’s.
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    And once you get Super Luke, just pray that Super Rey doesn't throw him in the trash as forcefully as Super Luke threw Vader & numerous other characters in the trash. :)
    Even if that happens, other characters will become more useleas than cls so cls is still the meta
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    Mirkraag wrote: »
    They can't release Luke again. Now you have some very little difference in the game due to the one that had Luke the first time and the one that didn't.

    If they release him again, every one will have him and everybody will see how much unbalanced he is. It will purely destroy the game, it will become Galaxy of Luke.

    And Rey will not hurt him because she can't do better than soloing raids. The only thing she will do will be to be added to the CLS team.

    Game is broke, you have to deal with it. If you don't have Luke you are screwed and forced to be sided.

    You see, in this world there's two kinds of people, my friend: those with loaded guns, and those who dig. You dig

    What are you talking about, not release him again? Lol... you high or something bro?
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    I agree, that there is a chance, Devs are afraid of making him more access able, since the meta-game-report will move towards 90+% in using him in Arena, which will point out, that he is OP as hell...

    But those players, who did not have him, don´t deserve suffering due to their mistakes.

    He is kind of an legal cheating tool... plz make it free available for all to even the odds

    thank you
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    Yes we need cls. Go home rey you little girl.
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    This is exactly what I meant. Of course he will be released in the future but probably not before months as the Devs know how it will destroy their game even more.

    I am not high I am resigned and realistic :smiley:
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    The idea of ‘starving’ players of CLS is sound business practice by EA, although as player don’t like it. They did it with palp and are currently doing it with chimaeraane and bb8 right now.

    By enforcing long delays between these events for rare toons; players are more likely to panic buy when the next exclusive toon comes around, knowing that if they don’t it could be 4 months of being at a disadvantage if you don’t have one.

    I don’t think EA are punishing anyone for withholding CLS, but just indirectly encouraging sales for the next meta busting exclusive toon... Jedi Rey.
  • Th3Ch40t1C
    147 posts Member
    edited December 2017
    Ambassador wrote: »
    No. December is Rey’s.

    You have CLS. Of course you dont want it back. You want to keep your advantage
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    He's in a little chef having breakfast
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    Oh well.... I opened up SWGOH this morning, praying to the Whills that it was going to be there. Alas! Life goes on.

    Still I smile!

    I have my 7* Thrawn finally, and I'm hoping I can get BB8 this month. Doubt that I'll get LSR through. Only Finn and Rey are currently 7* and my only Kylo and Phasma are 7* for the FO, so I can't see me getting a 7* BB8 this month.

    And still I smile!
  • neogeohunter
    112 posts Member
    edited December 2017
    Mirkraag wrote: »
    If you don't have Luke you are screwed and forced to be sided.

    That's not true. I do have CLS, but I don't use him since a few weeks in the arena and I am still #1 ;) I currently use a Meta-Killer team which I created by myself and it eats all CLS teams easily even on defens!

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    I don't have CLS on my MAIN (don't have an alt) and it has cost me about 60 ranks in arena. I went from ranking sub-20 every day to 60-90. Not to mention the raid consequences. Luckily for me, focussing on Thrawn paid off because his chimaera helps me place top 10 in ships.
    The way things are going now looks like I won't get Super Rey either, despite having a FO team that's ready for BB-8 and 7 star Rey and Finn. My veterans are only 5*.
    The field of battle is like the mongoose. Slow to joviality, but thirsty for morning sunshine.
    -Sun Tzu
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    Dear @CG_Kozispoon

    If you read this message and if you know the answer: Please write CLS's coming date,
    If you still don't know, please write SOON. so we can stop disturb you :)


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